U.S. Economics 2013-2014 Coach Ullrich E-mail: jullrich@dentonisd.org Phone: 940-369-2263 Conference Periods: 3B Tutorials: Mon., Wed. through Friday 8:00 - 8:40 a.m. COURSE DESCRIPTION United States Economics is a one-semester course which helps the students’ understand events and conditions in the economy. The study of economics deals with how society addresses the allocation of scarce resources. The course addresses that economic decisions involve making trade-offs that will include both costs and benefits. The theoretical content will cover all the basic economic principles such as supply and demand, inflation, employment, resource management, government spending, economic stability-instability. The course provides opportunities to use analytical skills based on knowledge gained within the course. The course also provides a practical approach to address the “personal finance” requirements recently required by the Texas Education Agency. The goal of the personal finance component is to prepare students to make informed decisions about spending, saving, investments, credit, and other matters concerning financial success. TEXTBOOK Economics Principles and Practices, (Glencoe) EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENT LEARNING Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/ssc/teks_and_taas/teks/teksecon.htm It is my goal to provide a classroom culture that invites analytical thinking, encourages creativity, and demands academic success. Students should be punctual, prepared, and an active participant in order to receive the maximum benefit of this educational learning experience. MATERIALS Composition notebook for journaling Binder or notebook, whichever way you prefer to organize your notes (separate from journal) Blue and/or black ink pens (bright colors are hard to read) #2 pencils (for Scantrons) At least one box of tissues (2 points per box, for up to five points on first major grade) COURSE TOPIC OUTLINE: FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC CONCEPTS WHAT IS ECONOMICS? ECONOMIC SYSTEMS AND DECISION MAKING BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS MICROECONOMICS DEMAND SUPPLY PRICES AND DECISION MAKING MARKET STRUCTURES MACROECONOMICS: INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYMENT, LABOR, WAGES SOURCES OF GOVERNMENT REVENUE GOVERNMENT SPENDING MONEY AND BANKING FINANCIAL MARKETS MACROECONOMICS: POLICIES ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE ECONOMIC INSTABILITY THE FED AND MONETARY POLICY ACHIEVING ECONOMIC STABILITY INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL ECONOMICS INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS DEVELOPING COUNTRIES GLOBAL ECONOMIC CHALLENGES PERSONAL FINANCE UNDERSTANDING INTEREST, AVOIDING AND ELIMINATING CREDIT CARD DEBT UNDERSTANDING THE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF RENTING OR BUYING A HOME MANAGING MONEY TO MAKE THE TRANSITION FROM RENTING A HOME TO OWNERSSTARTING 1 BEING A PRUDENT INVESTOR IN THE STOCK MARKET AND USING OTHER INVESTMENT OPTIONS BEGINNING A BANKRUPTCY THE TYPES OF BANK ACCOUNTS AVAILABLE TO CONSUMERS AND THE BENEFITS OF MAINTAINING A BANK ACCOUNT BALANCING A CHECK BOOK THE TYPES OF LOANS AVAILABLE TO CONSUMERS AND BECOMING A LOW RISK BORROWER UNDERSTANDING INSURANCE CHARITABLE GIVING A SMALL BUSINESS SAVINGS PROGRAM AND PLANNING FOR RETIREMENT GRADING POLICY a. Daily Quizzes (40%) , Projects and Tests (60%): Retakes are only an option CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Platinum Rule: treat others as they wish to be treated (within the student code of conduct) All school rules and policies will be observed throughout this course. Also, the students will be responsible for arriving on time, being prepared, participating in class, and maintaining their work area. DHS policy requires ID badges to be worn and students to dress within the dress code. Food, drink, and gum are not permitted in the classroom- water only. Minor infractions will be handled through verbal conference, parent contact, or teacher detention. Frequent or major infractions will be referred to the office. THREE-WEEK PROGRESS REPORTS Three-week progress reports on the Wednesday and Thursday of the 4th week of each six weeks for students who are earning 75 and below. These progress reports include every assignment and the scores on each assignment, as well as an average to date. Gradespeed is updated regularly as I strive to enter grades within a week of collecting them so that students and parents can regularly monitor progress. E-Alerts and Gradespeed In order to sign up for e-alerts, go to the Denton High School home page: http://www.dentonisd.org/dentonhs/site/default.asp. Under the Parent tab to the top, there is a drop down selection: E-Alerts. Follow the instructions to sign up for the e-alerts. You can sign up for every class your child is in. Having access to Parent Connection and Gradespeed will allow you to not only monitor your child’s grades, but his/her attendance. In order to sign up for Gradespeed, go to the Denton High School home page: http://www.dentonisd.org/dentonhs/site/default.asp. Under the Parent tab at the top, there is a link: Parent Connection. Follow the instructions to sign up for Gradespeed. All of your child’s classes should be available for you to view. 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