Passport to Research Futures Programme Guide A development programme for research staff

Passport to Research Futures
A development programme for research staff
Programme Guide
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Table of Contents
Target group ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Programme outline...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Programme objectives/outcomes: .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Programme unit/subunit profile sheets .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Unit 1: Programme orientation ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Unit 2: Career futures for research staff ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Subunit 2.1 Career paths for research staff ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Subunit 2.2 Psychometric masterclass: thinking styles and team roles .................................................................................................................................. 8
Subunit 2.3 Career planning and self-development ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Unit 3: Raising your research profile ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Subunit 3.1: Getting published .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Subunit 3.2: Presenting research/Media Awareness ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Subunit 3.3: It’s who you know – networking effectively ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Unit 4: Public engagement ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Public engagement: your questions answered .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Unit 5: Entrepreneurship and enterprise .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Subunit 5.1: Let’s Make a Business ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Subunit 5.2: Business basics and budgeting .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Unit 6: Funding research ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Subunit 6.1 Research funding: An Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Subunit 6.2 Winning research funding .................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Subunit 6.3 Research Finance................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Unit 7: Leading the team ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Subunit 7.1: Managing People in Research Teams ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
Subunit 7.2: Recruiting the team (CAPOD course ‘Recruitment and Selection’) .................................................................................................................. 20
Subunit 7.3: Leading a research group .................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Unit 8: Get the job ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Subunit 8.1 CVs and job applications (academic and non-academic) ................................................................................................................................... 22
Subunit 8.2 Interviewee Skills: Academic and Competency based interviews ..................................................................................................................... 23
Status: Optional ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Early Career Academics’ Mentoring Scheme ............................................................................................................................................................................ 24
All participants on the programme will have access to the existing Early Career Academics’ Mentoring Scheme ............................................................. 24
Background ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
What is mentoring? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Aim and objectives ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Social Learning Group ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Networking events .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Event dates and booking ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Signing Up to Passport to Research Futures ............................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Passport to Research Futures
This programme is intended to provide a structured but flexible development package for contract Research Staff. The purpose of the
programme is to help participants to focus on their career futures by exploring potential career paths, planning career objectives and by
developing key skills and experience that will help them to work towards their career goals.
The programme is designed with an emphasis on career development and employability, whether within or outside of higher education. The
programme brings together in a coordinated way a number of elements which have successfully supported Research Staff in the past as well as
some interesting and novel approaches.
Target group
This programme is aimed at early career research staff in all disciplines
Programme outline
Research staff signing up to the programme are required to complete a minimum of 9 subunits (units with only one element count as a
subunit), including the three core units.
However, participants wishing to obtain the ILM Research Staff Development Award are required to complete the three core units plus at
least seven of the units shaded in green in the programme overview (pages 3-4).
The programme leader is able to accredit prior learning towards the programme, where participants have attended the relevant workshop
within the last two years.
Participants joining the programme have a maximum of two years to achieve the minimum programme and/or Development Award
In addition to the ‘content’-based units all participants are offered the opportunity to:
Be matched with a mentor through the Early Career Academics’ Mentoring Scheme
Participate in learning support groups and regular networking events
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Programme objectives/outcomes:
By the end of the programme participants will:
Have greater clarity about possible career paths and their own career goals
Have reflected on their medium and longer terms career goals and expressed these in a career development plan
Have assessed their own level of professional development against their career goals, identified gaps and produced a personal
development plan to address the identified gaps
Undertaken a range of development activities based on the identified needs in the personal development plan
Be more confident about their chosen career path/s
Have developed self-awareness about their preferences and approaches to managing their own work, working with others in contexts
such as teams and leadership strengths and explored areas for personal development arising
Participants are also encouraged to explore the Vitae Researcher Development Framework. For more information visit the Vitae
website -
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Programme orientation
Career futures for research staff
Programme Overview and Schedule 15/16
Hours Status
Individual Briefing as
(links to online booking)
As required
Semester 1: 09:00-12:00 - Fri 16th October 2015
Semester 2: 09:00-12:00 - Fri 22nd April 2016
Semester 1: 09:00-12:00 - Fri 9th October 2015
Semester 2: 09:00-12:00 - Fri 8th April 2016
Semester 1: 09:00-12:00 - Fri 13th November 2015
Semester 2: 09:00-12:00 - Fri 29th April 2016
Career paths for research staff
What happens to PhD’s?
The employers’ perspective
Psychometrics masterclass: thinking styles and
team roles
Introduction to psychometrics
Belbin team roles
Career planning and self-development
Planning a career path
Skills self-assessment and Personal
Development Plans (using RDF Planner)
Raising your research profile
Getting published
Panel Discussion
Media Awareness - Presenting Research
It’s who you know – networking effectively
Networking face-to-face
‘social media’ and online networking
Public engagement
Public engagement: your questions answered
What is it and why do it?
Innovative PE projects - showcase
Support for PE
Let’s Make a Business
Ideas generation
Developing business plans using ‘Blank
Canvas’ technique
Pathways to venture creation
Business basics and budgeting
28th January 2016 (Sciences
24th February 2016 (Arts & Humanities)
Semester 1: 13:30-16:30 - Wed 14th October 2015
(Limited spaces available. Booking opens 11/09/15)
Semester 2: 10:00-13:00 - Wed 3rd February 2016
Semester 1: 13:30-17:00 - Thurs 8th October 2015
Semester 2: 13:30-17:00 - Thurs 5th May 2016
(external presenter
experienced in this field)
C3, D3
Semester 1: 09:30-12:30 - Mon 9th November 2015
(external presenter
experienced in this field)
Semester 1: 10:00-12:00 - Mon 12th October 2015
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Short, sharp look at the basics of business
budgeting and the risk management of
What does it mean to start a business and
secure funding
Funding & Financing research
Research Funding: An Introduction
Delivered by RBDC provides a basic intro to
funding available to researchers.
Great way to understand the process for
funding and support available
Winning research funding
What are funders looking for
What makes a winning bid
Critique of bid examples
Research Finance
Full Economic Costing & Research Grant
An understanding of the basic principles of Full
Economic Costing (FEC) and how FEC applies to
RCUK funding applications
Leading the team
Managing People in Research Teams
Recruitment and Selection
Leading a research group
Get the job
CVs and job applications (academic and nonacademic)
Interviewee Skills:
Academic & Competence-based interviews (nonacademic)
Principles and practical session
Panel Discussion
Networking events for research staff
Semester 1: 14:00-16:30 - Thurs 22nd October 2015
Semester 2: 14:00-16:30 - Tues 9th February 2016
Arts - 09:15-16:45 - Thurs 5th November 2015
Sciences - 09:15-16:45 - Thurs 10th December 2015
Semester 1: 14:00-16:30 - Tues 27th October 2015
Semester 2: 14:00-16:30 - Tues 29th March 2016
Semester 1: 14:30-17:30 - Wed 11 November 2015
Semester 2: 13:30-17:00 - Wed 6 April 2016
Semester 1: 09:30-13:00 - Fri 2 October 2015
Semester 1: 09:30-13:00 - Thurs 19 November 2015
Semester 2: 09:30-13:00 - Fri 26 February 2016
Semester 2: 09:30-13:00 - Fri 6 May 2016
28th March 2016
Semester 1: 09:00-12:00 - Fri 27 November 2015
Semester 2: 09:00-12:00 - Fri 27 May 2016
Semester 1: 09:00-12:00 - Fri 04 December 2015
Semester 2: 09:00-12:00 - Fri 17 June 2016
Events available throughout the academic year. Keep an eye on PDMS
and the Research Staff newsletter ‘Developing News’.
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Programme unit/subunit profile sheets
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 1: Programme orientation
Status: Core
Format: Workshop (One to one/small group)
This introductory workshop is intended to familiarize the participants with the overall purpose of the programme and the individual
programme elements. At this point participants will also learn more about the optional elements of the programme and about how the
programme as a whole addresses elements of the Researcher Development Framework.
By the end of this event participants will:
Understand the overall purpose of the development programme
Be aware of the mandatory and optional elements within the programme
Have given some initial consideration to their choice of optional units
Have met with other participants and members of the presenting/coordinating team for the programme
RDF domain: N/A
Presenter/s: CAPOD
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 2: Career futures for research staff
Subunit 2.1 Career paths for research staff
Status: Core
Format: Workshop
During this event participants will explore the range of potential career paths that exist for research staff. The workshop will draw on research
data such as CROS and the VITAE’s ‘What do Researchers do?’ and ‘What do researchers want to do?’
By the end of the event participants will:
Be familiar with the range of potential career paths open to researchers
Be aware of the statistics around researcher career outcomes
Have an appreciation of the employer’s perspective on employing researchers.
RDF domain: B3
Presenter/s: CAPOD, Careers Centre, external speakers
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 2: Career futures for research staff
Subunit 2.2 Psychometric masterclass: thinking styles and team roles
Status: Optional
Format: Online questionnaires/Workshop
This workshop enables participants to undertake two of the most well-known and widely used psychometric/profiling questionnaires – the
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Belbin Team Roles Self Perception Inventory. MBTI is a profiling tool that helps you to understand
why you think the way you do, how this can affect career choice, problem solving, relationships and communicating with others, and to
appreciate why others think and behave differently. Belbin allows you to understand how you behave in teams, the roles you feel most
comfortable in, and therefore may assume, and how you interact with others within a team. Participants will be able to complete the
questionnaires online and will then receive their feedback reports during a structured group feedback session.
By the end of the event participants will:
Understand the background and assumptions behind MBTI and Belbin Team Roles, as well as the difference between type- and trait-based
personality profiling
Have completed an MBTI self-type process, reflected on their own reported type and considered their personal ‘best fit’
Be familiar with the 9 Belbin Team Roles and be aware of their own most and least preferred team roles, based on the SPI report..
RDF domain: B1
Presenter/s: CAPOD, Careers Centre,
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 2: Career futures for research staff
Subunit 2.3 Career planning and self-development
Status: Core
Format: Workshop and online
This event asks participants to build on Unit 2.1 and to consider their own career futures. Participants will reflect on their own career
aspirations and develop medium and long terms career goals and begin to identify actions to address these goals.
Participants will also use the Researcher Development Framework Personally Development Planner (RDF-PDP) online tool to help them to
identify where they need to focus their self-development in order to achieve their career goals.
By the end of the event participants will:
Have developed their ideas about their own career futures
Based on exercises completed during the event, will be able to draw up meaningful medium and long term career goals
Be able to use the RDF-PDP to identify personal development requirements and to build a personal development plan linked to their
career plan.
RDF domain: B3
Presenter/s: Careers Centre, CAPOD
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 3: Raising your research profile
Subunit 3.1: Getting published
Status: Optional
Format: Panel discussion (Lunchtime Legend)
This event will be based around a short talk from each of a number of panel members, each of whom will be a well-published and senior
research-active academic and who will represent different disciplines. An introductory presentation from each panellist will cover their ideas
and advice about how researchers can improve their research profile via publication. This will include guidance on key considerations in getting
published, planning a publication strategy, and differences between disciplines. The introductory presentations will be followed by informal
discussion and Q&A session.
By the end of this event, participants will:
Have developed their understanding of the processes and considerations involved in raising their research profile through publication
Be aware of different strategies that could be adopted and how these might differ between disciplines
Have considered their own publication strategies for the future
RDF domain: D2
Presenter/s: Internal, facilitated by CAPOD
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 3: Raising your research profile
Subunit 3.2: Presenting research/Media Awareness
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop
During this workshop participants focus on effectively communicating their research to specialists and the research /academic community,
through the eye of a camera, to journalists and via the medium of video (for social media platforms etc).
The workshop will cover the basics of effective presentation and media awareness including structure and will look at confidence and stage
presence. It will also look at how to explain complex research projects and present data clearly and effectively. The session will focus on the
individual needs of the participants and will explore the tricks, tips and techniques of great presenters in front of camera.
By the end of the workshop, participants will
Be able to deliver effectively, in front of camera, based on an awareness of the aims and the audience
Be aware of basic principles for structuring effective delivery to journalists and the camera
Have an understanding of how to communicate research simply and with impact to an audience
Be familiar with issues around body language, handling nerves and dealing effectively with questions from the media
RDF domain: D2
Presenter/s: External
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 3: Raising your research profile
Subunit 3.3: It’s who you know – networking effectively
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop/Panel Discussion
During this practical workshop participants will explore issues around networking and how to follow up networking opportunities in order to
make the right connections for their future.
This workshop includes discussion around where to network and how to make the most of opportunities, networking strategically, using
different methods (such as social media).
By the end of the workshop participants will:
Be aware of approaches to building their own network, using a range of methods such as social media
Have considered how to approach potential contacts
Understand the importance of having an ‘elevator speech’ and of asking the right questions
Be familiar with issues around following up contacts to start building relationships
RDF domain: B3
Presenter/s: External/Internal
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 4: Public engagement
Public engagement: your questions answered
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop and discussion panel
During this event, participants will explore the definition and purpose of public engagement and will consider this in the context of public policy
and research funding. Participants will look at different approaches to effectively engaging the non-academic community in their research and
will hear from a panel of researchers who will present case studies on public engagement activities in different disciplines.
By the end of the workshop, participants will:
Understand the context for public engagement in research including government policy, research councils’ priorities and the ‘pathways to
Have explored the meaning and purpose of public engagement
Be aware of a wide range of approaches and activities for public engagement which can be adopted for different disciplines
Have considered possible public engagement approaches for their own research
RDF domain: D3
Presenter/s: External
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 5: Entrepreneurship and enterprise
Subunit 5.1: Let’s Make a Business
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop
This workshop explores issues around generating a great business idea and then turning this into a commercial reality. Participants will get an
opportunity to think about where good business ideas come from and will learn some techniques to help then come up with ideas of their own
by using a ‘Blank Canvas’ technique.
The workshop will enable participants to explore what it means to become your own boss and to launch a new business venture – and guide
the venture to commercial success.
By the end of the workshop, participants will:
Be familiar with techniques to aid the creative process of ideas generation
Understand the range of issues faced by entrepreneurs in taking a business idea and turning it into a viable business enterprise
Be aware of some of the possible pitfalls, good practice guidelines and sources of advice and support relating to setting up a business
RDF domain: C3, D3 Presenter/s: Internal & External
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 5: Entrepreneurship and enterprise
Subunit 5.2: Business basics and budgeting
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop
Every venture – large or small, needs to be able to work out what it is going to do and how it’s going to do it. But just how do they formulate
financial strategy to inform business plans that can ultimately support the venture when taking decisions?
This short 2 hour workshop will focus on the basic principles of finance and budgeting for a small start-up company. It will be particularly
relevant to those with limited business experience or would love to know more about what is involved in creating a ‘start up’ company and
the financial requirements and associated risk with such a venture.
By the end of the workshop, participants will:
Be aware of a range of tools and approaches to developing solid business plans based on good financial management
Be able to construct a basic budget plan and use financial management information to monitor and control a budget
Understand the importance of building the budgets into the Business Plan to secure investment
Appreciate the financial risks involved with a start-up company and how these are managed on a day to day, month by month, year to date
· Explore case studies based on real practical examples from a start-up company
RDF domain: C3
Presenter/s: External
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 6: Funding research
Subunit 6.1 Research funding: An Introduction
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop
This workshop explores sources of research funding, how to access them, the research funding process and support available within the
This workshop, delivered by the Research Business Development and Contracts team, provides a basic introduction to the streams of funding
available to researchers and the main ways in which these can be accessed. The course also provides an overview of the research funding
process within the University, highlighting the process flow and the different departments involved at each stage. Also included on the
programme is information about the support available within the University for researchers wishing to find sources of research funding, or
needing advice, guidance or assistance at any point during the grant application/funding process.
By the end of the workshop, participants will:
Be aware of the principal courses of funding available for research in Higher education
Understand some of the key requirements and priorities of funding organisations (research councils and other bodies)
Be aware of the importance of each aspect of the funding bid submission, including pathways to impact
Be familiar with ‘Research professional’ as a source of information about funding calls
Be aware of the support for applying for research funding available from within the University
RDF domain: C3
Presenter/s: Internal (Research Business Development and Contracts)
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 6: Funding research
Subunit 6.2 Winning research funding
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop (separate workshops for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, and Sciences)
This course is designed to equip participants inexperienced in the business of writing grants with the skills and knowledge to write effective and
readable applications. The course will look at the requirements of Research Council funding applications and examine each part of the
application, focusing on what the evaluation panel will be looking for.
By the end of the course participants will:
• be familiar with key techniques for writing effective grant submission
• Understand the funding applications system for Research Council funding
• Understand the key criteria for preparing a structured Application
• be aware of some of the factors that differentiate successful from unsuccessful applications, based on analysis of case studies
• be familiar with guidelines on managing rejection
RDF domain: C3
Presenter/s: External & Internal (Research Business Development and Contracts)
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 6: Funding research
Subunit 6.3 Research Finance
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop
This course provides participants with an overview of the basics of Full Economic Costing and Research Grant Management.
By the end of the course participants will:
 Have an understanding of the basic principles of Full Economic Costing (FEC) and how this applies to RCUK funding applications
 Be aware of standard RCUK terms and conditions and be familiar with ‘starting procedures’ for research grants
 Be aware of who deals with different aspects of staff recruitment and expense claims relating to research funds
 Understand the principles and processes relating to ‘virement’ of funds between budget headings
 Understand the various ‘Housekeeping’ issues surrounding grant management
 Be familiar with the financial process for closing a grant-funded project
 Be aware of some of the major differences between different awarding bodies
 Understand how Qlikview can be used as a tool for monitoring project specific budgets or academic applications and awards
RDF domain: C3
Presenter/s: Internal (Research Business Development and Contracts)
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 7: Leading the team
Subunit 7.1: Managing People in Research Teams
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop/Online (Epigeum Professional Skills for Research Leaders: Managing a Research Team)
Managing a research project team can be an exciting, if somewhat daunting opportunity. This workshop aims to provide Principal
Investigators (& those with a ‘supervisory’ role) with an introduction to some key management theories and tools, which can be practically
used to manage your research project team more effectively. The session focuses on the management of people in your project team, and
includes an introduction to:
Management Styles
Theories on motivation
Team life cycle
Belbin team roles
By the end of the event participants will:
Be able to define supervision, management and leadership
Be aware of your own management style and of other styles you could adopt
Have an awareness of motivation as a factor in personal, individual and team performance
Be aware of team life cycles and Belbin team roles, and how these impact on team performance
RDF domain: D1
Presenter/s: Online/CAPOD
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 7: Leading the team
Subunit 7.2: Recruiting the team (CAPOD course ‘Recruitment and Selection’)
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop
The format of this event will be a combination of interactive elements, discussion and quizzes. Participants will take part in shortlisting,
interview design and asking questions at interview. All participants must complete the HR online training module in Recruitment and
Selection prior to attending. Available at: (Please note: This course is specifically targeted at staff in all
academic schools and service units who participate in recruitment and selection activities, and is mandatory for interviewers and panel conveners.)
By the end of the event participants will:
Understand the broad legal framework and be aware of key legal issues relating to recruitment
Be familiar with the key stages in the University recruitment and selection process
Be able to write further particulars, including job descriptions and person specifications, based on a range of good-practice principles
Be able to shortlist applications using selection criteria identified in the person specification
Be able to design the selection process using a combination of activities to assess candidates against selection criteria
Be able to prepare, structure and participate in recruitment interview panels with an awareness of practical considerations, University
procedure and questioning techniques
Be aware of the University resources and support available to recruiters from Human Resources and on the University website
RDF domain: D1
Presenter/s: CAPOD
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 7: Leading the team
Subunit 7.3: Leading a research group
Status: Optional
Format: Panel discussion (Lunchtime Legend)
Participants will hear from a panel of independent researchers (Principal Investigators) who have successfully managed research teams in
different disciplines. This will include an initial overview from each panellist, followed by group discussion and panel Q&A.
By the end of the event participants will:
Be aware of the key priorities and pressures on Principal Investigators
Have a clear picture of what it means to lead a research team and the demands on the research group leader
Be familiar with the potential problems faced by leaders of research groups and strategies adopted by successful research group leaders
RDF domain: D1
Presenter/s: CAPOD/Internal
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 8: Get the job
Subunit 8.1 CVs and job applications (academic and non-academic)
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop
This event provides participants with a clear understanding of the recruitment processes used in academia and in other employment sectors.
The event will provide practical advice on how to improve chances of being shortlisted for academic and non-academic posts by tailoring the CV
and application forms to meet the expectations and requirements of recruiters from different sectors.
By the end of the event participants will:
Be familiar with standard recruitment processes typically used by Higher Education Institutions to recruit academic and research staff
Be aware of the differences between recruitment processes for academic posts and those in other employment sectors
Be able to create CVs and complete application forms tailored to the employment sector
RDF domain: B3
Presenter/s: Careers Centre/CAPOD
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Unit 8: Get the job
Subunit 8.2 Interviewee Skills: Academic and Competency based interviews
Status: Optional
Format: Workshop
This event provides participants with a clear understanding of the selection processes used within industry and for academic based interviews
in Higher Education establishments. The event will provide practical advice on how to prepare for an interview and to improve chances of being
selected. It will also provide practical advice and the opportunity to participate in a practice interview and receive structured feedback.
By the end of the event participants will:
Be familiar with selection processes typically used for academic posts in Higher Education and used by employers in industry
Be familiar with a range of approaches that will help improve performance during recruitment interviews for academic and
competence based interviews.
RDF domain: B3
Presenter/s: Careers Centre/CAPOD
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Early Career Academics’ Mentoring Scheme
All participants on the programme will have access to the existing Early Career Academics’ Mentoring Scheme
This is a cross institutional scheme supported by OPD (Organisational and Professional Development) at the University of Dundee and CAPOD
(Centre for Academic, Professional and Organisational Development) at the University of St Andrews.
The scheme has been running since a successful pilot which started in November 2007, itself based on the successful pilot of a similar scheme
for female academics.
Due to positive feedback from both mentees and mentors, the scheme continues to be offered as a joint initiative between Dundee and St
What is mentoring?
Mentoring is a term used to describe a developmental relationship between colleagues, one of whom will (normally) be a more experienced
Mentoring relationships facilitate personal and professional development through support, challenge and review. The role of mentors can
listening to concerns
identifying problems
modelling appropriate behaviour
confronting negativity
challenging views and actions reviewing current practice
helping to consolidate learning
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Aim and objectives
The aim of the scheme is to support early-career researchers in managing their careers. Scheme objectives are:
Share knowledge and expertise.
Increase cross-institutional mentoring.
Support mentees with goal setting and career management.
Support mentees in taking responsibility for their own skills and career development.
Social Learning Group
The programme participants will be divided into small sub-groups of 5-6 people. These groups will continue to meet together on a regular
basis during the programme, to discuss their progress and to support each other.
The groups are set up at an initial meeting, facilitated by the course tutors, using a range of techniques to get them to learn about each other,
to communicate more effectively with each other and to bond together as a support group for each other during the process of developing
and implementing their career and personal development plans.
Once set up the groups manage themselves and continue to meet on a regular basis, normally every 6-8 weeks, until they feel that the group
has achieved its goals.
Networking events
Networking events for research staff are held each semester and participants on this program, in particular, will be encouraged to attend
these events, to share their own experiences on the programme with each other and with other research staff. These will also be an
opportunity to reflect on and even to implement some of the learning acquired during the programme.
Event dates and booking
Event dates are listed in the Programme Outline on the Passport to Research Futures web page.
All events can be booked via PDMS, the University’s online course booking system. Links to the online listings are included in the Programme
Outline or go to and choose ‘research staff’ from the ‘audience’ drop down menu.
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide
Signing Up to Passport to Research Futures
Complete the on-line application form via the web page below and send to Michelle Paterson (Staff Developer)
Passport to Research Futures: Programme Guide