Portfolio Product Objective: create a professional format of information reported on or research, to showcase your professional product in an organized, creative and professional representation. Students will learn: professional presentation importance, creativity, organizational skills Teacher Prep time: 30 minutes to present examples Grouping: Individual presentation Materials: Binder Page protectors Student workincluding research info, charts, pictures, handouts, applications Optional: Color paper Markers pictures Purpose: The purpose of a portfolio is to showcase your project in an organized, creative and professional manner. To share information pertaining to a specific topic, Big idea, questions asked using E.O.C. To demonstrate your knowledge regarding your Big Idea Activity: Your portfolio is a representation of your research and/or information through your personality. Be original as long as it goes with your Big Idea. Organize your portfolio like a book. Flow and fluency are very important. Each text page should have a specific purpose. EX: one page might be a paragraph on the introduction to your topic. The next page might be the first descriptor of your topic. Use graphs, charts or graphics to enhance your topic. Place each page in a page protector. They can be double sided pages. Things to remember: When someone is reading your portfolio, will they understand your information? When someone is reading your portfolio, will they be engaged in your topic? Your portfolio is like a book. For other examples look at the ppt on the website.