Higher Education Research Development Programme Higher Education Research Paper Development Programme Workshop 1 (27 April 2016): Identifying possibilities and project idea generation. The workshop provides: a. A presentation and discussion on the types of contribution (theoretical and practical) that might be developed, along with the stakeholders that might be the target beneficiaries of pedagogic research (such as students, fellow educators and policy/practice audiences). b. A broad, high-level presentation on the kinds of methods and data that can be usefully employed in pedagogic research. c. An interactive and facilitated process in which participants will work, largely in small groups, to identify possible research project ideas that they might investigate in more depth. Everyone will leave the workshop with at least one idea to progress. Workshop 2: Refining and developing ideas, and project planning. 14 June 2016, 10am – 12pm, Gateway Boardroom The second part of the programme will commence with a two-hour workshop that provides: a. A discussion of the barriers and enablers associated with putting research plans into practice. b. Small-group peer review work on each participant’s draft review and plan. The sharing of materials ahead of the workshop might facilitate this. c. Brief presentations from invited journal editors of some journals publishing pedagogic work, as well as a Q&A on targeting outputs for journal publication. At the close of the workshop, participants will be encouraged to continue their writing groups or to (re)form new groups for this phase of the programme. Workshop 3: Mini-conference. 1 March 2017, 10am – 5 pm, Gateway Boardroom The third part of the programme will be comprised of a full-day mini-conference at which participants will present their draft papers and receive critical input before taking them on to journal submission. In addition to the standard conference sessions: a. Peer review will be arranged for each paper ahead of the conference, following an end of January submission of papers. b. There will be a session on handling the revise and resubmit process for journal papers. Building Pedagogic Engagement and Profile: Working with Journals and Learned Societies Workshop Information 14 September 2016, 2:00pm – 4:00pm, Hebdomadar’s Room This workshop is aimed at academic staff members who would like to increase their pedagogic engagement, in relation to their discipline or more widely, through service to the field. Involvement with academic journals (in referee and editorial roles) and learned societies can be an effective way to hone your own research and writing skills, raise your profile within your field, build valuable relationships with colleagues at other institutions, and improve your CV. Attendees will learn how to seek to initiate and increase their involvement with professional organizations and journals, the benefits of this type of activity, and how to manage and the time commitments normally required. Using Research Evidence to Enhance Teaching and Learning Workshop Information 14 July 2016, 10:30am – 12:30pm, Hebdomadar’s Room St Andrews is pleased to welcome Dr April Wright, a leading researcher from the University of Queensland. Dr Wright’s pedagogic research investigates new pedagogies for management education in the areas of threshold concepts and evidence-based management. In this workshop, Dr Wright will discuss building and maintaining crossinstitutional research partnerships, encouraging a culture of pedagogic engagement, and strategies for using your research to enhance teaching and learning.