Ms. Hunt Chemistry I Room 260

Ms. Hunt
Chemistry I
Room 260
Phone: 940-369-3045
Conference Period: A3 (11:34 am – 12:58 pm); 5th (3:10 – 4:10 pm)
Tutorials: By appointment
Tutorial schedule will be posted weekly.
Welcome to Chemistry 1! I am so glad you are in my class! Chemistry is a laboratory-oriented course dealing
with the physical and chemical properties of matter. Topics to be covered include: Lab Safety and Equipment,
Classification of Matter, Measurement/Dimensional Analysis, Atomic Structure, Nuclear Chemistry, Periodic
Table, Electron Configuration, Periodic Trends, Nomenclature, Molecular Geometry/Metallic Bonding, Chemical
Reactions/Law of Conservation of Mass, Stoichiometry, Solutions/Nature of Water, Acids and Bases,
Thermochemistry, Gases, and Redox Reactions.
Materials needed each day:
 Pen/Pencil
 Spiral Notebook
 3-ring ONE inch Binder
 Pack of 5 dividers
Grading Scale:
Minor Summative (quizzes, etc.)
Major Summative (exams, projects, lab practicals, etc.)
Notebook paper
Scientific Calculator (optional)
Kleenex OR paper towels (Viva brand preferred)
**Cheating on any assignment will be voided and the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. The student
will have an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of the assignment to make up this grade. Academic
dishonesty is strictly prohibited. Grades will be updated weekly, and can be viewed by parents and students
using the Home Access Center (please see the district website for further details).
Please refer to for the RHS Grading Policy.
Class Attendance & Participation:
Regular attendance in class contributes largely to your academic success. Attending a class involves more than
merely filling a desk; it requires your active involvement during the learning process. However, I ask that
you do not raise your hand to answer questions asked during class (unless instructed to do so) as I will call on
students randomly to ensure each student is successful in acquiring new knowledge. You may however raise
your hand to ask questions for clarification or during question sessions.
You are required to keep a well-organized binder for this class. The purpose of the binder is to help you develop
study and organizational skills, as well as to keep you informed of your progress at all times. Place all of your
handouts, assignments, and daily work neatly in your binder. All class notes should be written in your spiral.
Your dividers should be labeled as follows:
 Warm ups
 Reference Handouts
 Daily Work
 Periodic Tables
 Snostrebla!
You should have a WELL-ORGANIZED system, and I will check it frequently! We will be setting these up in class
on Wednesday, September 16, for A day and Thursday, September 17, for B day. You must have your
binder and dividers set up by then in order to participate in labs!
Textbook: We will be using the textbooks as an additional reference. There is an online version of our book
that you can use at home. Once we get the login information, I will pass it on to you!
The warm-up will be posted at the beginning of each class period which consists of the learning objectives,
agenda, homework reminder, and warm-up questions. Please read over the information, and then begin your
warm-up. You are only required to write the date, the question(s) marked with a , and the answer(s)
to the starred-question(s) in the warm-up section of binder. If you are absent, YOU are still responsible
for completing your warm-up as part of your make-up work!
Labs are a VERY important part of this course and vital to learning the information we cover during lectures.
You will not be allowed to participate in labs UNTIL you and your parent/legal guardian have read and signed
the safety contract. You will be assigned to a lab group, but you are responsible for completing your own
work. Breaking lab safety rules will result in removal from the lab and a detention. Your grade will be
determined based on your work during the lab as well as your post-lab data/analysis. Closed-toed shoes and
goggles are necessary in the lab!
“Winding Down”:
The quote/cartoon slide will be posted towards the end of class to signal that it is time to “wrap-it up.” At this
time, you will turn in any posted daily assignment(s), put binders away, collect handout(s) for homework and
record your homework assignment(s) in your student planner (when homework is assigned). Only after you
have completed the tasks may you put away your materials. DO NOT PACK UP UNTIL YOU SEE THE
Academic Reflection:
The academic reflection will be posted at the end of class. Sometimes I will ask you to write a written response
to the reflection, and sometimes we will simply reflect together as a class, use marker boards, discuss with a
partner, etc. The purpose of the academic reflection is to help solidify what we’ve learned in class in order to
apply the knowledge to future lessons.
Detentions will be assigned when necessary as a consequence of behavioral/academic concerns and will be
served before or after school in my classroom. Office referrals will be written when necessary. Please refer to
your Student Code of Conduct handbook.
Make-up Work:
When you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get your make-up work before or after class. You have
the number of days you were absent plus one to make up the work you missed. If you missed a test, quiz, or
lab, it is YOUR responsibility to make arrangements with me to make it up during tutorials. For labs and tests
that are not made up, you will be given a “missing” until it is completed. Make-ups will NOT be given during
class. It is also your responsibility to come in for tutoring if you do not understand a concept covered during
If a test was announced before your absence, you will be expected to take the test with the class when you
return. Make-up tests will not be the same as the original. Make-up labs need to be scheduled within 3 school
days of absence.
Restroom/Locker Privileges:
You will be given two privilege coupons each grading cycle. This may be exchanged for teacher permission to
leave the room in an emergency situation only. You may not use another student’s coupons for any reason. A
coupon does not guarantee permission will be granted, but your request will be taken seriously. Your signed
privilege coupon grants you permission to leave the classroom, but you must take the official hall pass! As a
reward for consistently being prepared for class, your unused coupons may be turned in at the end of the
grading cycle for P.A.R.P.E. points. DO NOT LOSE YOUR COUPONS – they will NOT be replaced!
 Ms. Hunt’s All-Star Team!
 Class competition…each one of my classes will be given points for participation, very good behavior,
and perfect attendance, etc. I will never take away points, but you may fail to receive points. The first
class to get to 30 points will schedule and plan a Participation and Academic Rewards Program Event
(P.A.R.P.E.)! To be discussed later…
Classroom Rules:
1. Be prepared. Bring ALL supplies to class each day. You will not be allowed to go to your locker!
2. Be prompt. Be IN your seat and working on the warm-up by the end of the tardy bell.
3. Be respectful, courteous, and polite at all times. I’ll extend the same courtesy to you!
4. Be responsible. Complete and turn in all assignments on time.
5. Stay in your seat at the end of class until I dismiss you.
6. Follow all lab safety rules and procedures at all times.
1. Teacher conference with the student.
2. Teacher/parent conference. Detention.
3. Counselor referral. Detention.
4. Referral to assistant principal.
Misuse of the equipment/facilities may result in you being unable to use that equipment/ those facilities for the
remainder of the class. Not following lab rules may result in losing the privilege of performing the experiment(s).
**The teacher reserves the right to skip a consequence and issue the punishment she deems appropriate.
Please contact me by email or phone (940-369-3045) and leave a message if you have any questions regarding
your child’s progress in this course. The best way to reach me is through email since I have access to it when I
am not in the room. I will not answer the phone unless it is during my conference period. I will respond as soon
as possible. You will also be receiving a progress report for each quarter to communicate your child’s progress
(this is required to be returned and signed by the parent).
Thank you for supporting your child’s effort in this class. Success in this course depends on your child completing
all assigned homework, good class attendance, and attention to class instruction. Please sign the lab safety
contract to acknowledge your acceptance of these policies and lab safety rules and also please provide your email
address to help us communicate during the school year.
I look forward to teaching your child! Thank you!
Jayme Hunt