“There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy, and the tired” (79). How do you classify yourself in relation to this quote? Are you the pursued, the pursuing, the busy, or the tired? Write an essay in which you explain how you fit into the quote and compare yourself to one of the other characters in The Great Gatsby. You will need to include: A thesis statement At least 4 complete paragraphs An explanation of how you fit into the quote A comparison between you and another character (how do they fit into the quote?) -How do I start my paper? Introduction should include an attention grabbing sentence or two o Show us who-state an interesting fact about your subject. o Take us there-briefly describe the place that serves as the primary setting of o o your essay Let us hear-recount an incident that dramatizes your subject. Use the narrative strategy of delay: put off identifying your subject just long enough to pique your readers' interest without frustrating them. a little background on the book your thesis