Reading Log Notice and Note Reading Project Due: Fri. February, 26th 2016 This is worth 60%. Name __________________________________________ Book Title _____________________________________ Author_________________________________________ Genre__________________________________________ Academic Honesty Contract: “I have read all of the pages documented below. I understand that if it is discovered that I have not read the book, and have signed my signature below, I will receive a failing grade of 60%.” Student Signature_________________________________________________________________ Date Pages read from ___ to ___ 6/7/11 Pgs. 1-25 Summary/reflection of your reading: Talk about characters, the problem, interesting events, setting, predictions, questions you have, connections to your life, etc. The story started out with a description of the main character Chloe. It was interesting to see how they made her seem so real. She reminds me of my friend Claire. They also talked about a boy in her class. Will she like him by the end of the book? Use your own paper for additional reading log entries, or download and print a copy from my website.