MCOM 316 Tolerance Inventory

MCOM 316 Tolerance Inventory
Rank order the following list of situations from 1 to 10 in terms of which is the most acceptable (1) to
the least acceptable (10) for yourself. Next, in your group, discuss the situations and determine by
consensus a group ranking of most acceptable to least acceptable.
1 = most acceptable
10 = least acceptable
Being involved in a homosexual/lesbian relationship.
Marrying someone of a different race.
Cohabitation (living together in a sexual relationship when not legally
Living in a sexually open relationship (partners consent to sex
with others).
Using hard drugs.
Belonging to a religious cult.
Being involved sexually with a married person (an extramarital affair).
Member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Being quadriplegic.
Discussion points:
What situations on the list did you find the most acceptable for yourself?
What situations on the list did you find the least acceptable for yourself?
On what basis, if any, did you compromise your values/beliefs in the group?
How do you think your rankings differ from the way your parents would rank the situations?
What points did you consider when ranking the situations?
How much of role did your exposure and/or knowledge of certain situations determine how you
ranked them?
What insight, if any, did you gain from this exercise?