Texas History Course Outline 2015-2016

Texas History Course Outline 2015-2016
Teacher: Ms. Dedijer
Email: mailto:pdedijer@dentonisd.org
Phone: 369-4759
Dear Students and Families,
Welcome to Texas History! I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and I’m looking forward to a great
school year. This syllabus includes information about what we will study this year and my classroom guidelines. Please
read carefully through the Course Outline and Classroom Expectations packet, then sign and date the last page.
Remove the back page and return to me by Friday, August 28th. This syllabus should be stored in your journal for
future reference.
Course Description
In seventh grade TX History, students study the history of Texas from early times to present. Students examine the full
scope of Texas history, including the cultures of Native Americans living in Texas prior to European exploration and the
eras of mission building, colonization, revolution, republic, statehood and the emergence from an agricultural to
industrial society.
Course instruction is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, 7th Grade Texas History Scope and Sequence
and auxiliary materials. Social studies skills taught include critical reading and thinking, research, and analyzing maps
and primary sources. We will examine issues and topics related to the following themes: citizenship, culture,
economics, government, geography, and science/technology.
Grading Policy and Assessment
Please see the district’s secondary grading framework at www.dentonisd.org
Major Summative
Minor Summative
Major Summative Examples
Minor Summative Example
Unit Tests
Graphic Organizers
Research Papers
Oral questions in class
Exit Tickets
Performance Tasks
Journal Entries
All students will be given the opportunity for reassessment of all major summative assessments, excluding semester
exams. If a student does not meet the minimum passing score of 70% parents will be notified by email. The 10 day
reassessment window will open to allow remediation first then reassessment. All students are required to remediate in
order to reassessment.
Academic Honesty
I believe that everyone should practice honesty and live their life with integrity. Students gain nothing from cheating.
Attendance and Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be in class every day. It is important that students attend regularly so they can have full
exposure to our lessons, discussions and activities. Excessive absences can lead to failure. It is expected that students
arrive to class on time with materials needed for the class.
Textbook and Materials
A textbook may be checked out by student if they wish, we will not be issuing a textbook to every student. Students
will have access to all textbook and materials online.
7th Grade: McGraw-Hill Education: Texas History
7th Grade students will need:
Pens, pencils, composition notebook (will be set up during class on 8/27), scotch tape or glue sticks, highlighter
(optional), colored pencils and markers (optional), handheld pencil sharpener. I will provide scrapbook paper and
stickers for students to personalize their journals. If your student has personal pictures or their own paper they are
free to bring it to use.
I am happy to help students outside of class. If you have a question or need to make up an assignment, please come in
for tutorials. Team 7-1 will issue passes for students to take and put in the back of their plastic id holder. My schedule
is posted on my website, team website and outside my classroom.
Classroom Rules, Expectations & Procedures
To create a classroom that is conducive for a safe learning environment CHAMPS will be utilized. Students in Denton
I.S.D. schools are familiar with this system. We will review these guidelines daily in all classrooms. Respect and
observance of the rules and procedures will enhance everyone’s learning and enjoyment. If each of us demonstrates
consideration and respect for one another our time together becomes meaningful.
The “Fair” Policy:
Fair does not mean doing the same thing for all students…it means striving to meet the individual needs of each
student. All students are expected to follow all school rules and teacher directives. This includes substitute
teachers. (See student Handbook).
Thank you for taking the time to read over and discuss the syllabus with your parents. If you have any questions, feel
free to contact me. I am looking forward to a great year and please remember: HISTORY ROCKS!
I have read and understood the syllabus including the rules and expectations and class structure.
Student Print name: __________________________________________
Student Signature:
Parent/Guardian name: ______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Contact Information: ____________________________________________________________________