KEY FOR QUIZ 2: ANIMAL ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY Topic # 3021 By: Lori Chamberlain 1. 1. Relate one way in which knowledge of animal anatomy or physiology can help you: Part-time job, Career Development Event, future classes 2. 2. Name one occupation where knowing physiological terms would be useful: Vet, farm manager, teacher, vet technician 3. 3. Briefly explain the difference between anatomy and physiology Anatomy has to do with physical parts and physiology has to do with body functions 4. 4. F 5. T Cranial is a term used to describe the tail of the animal. Superior is one of the terms meaning towards the animal’s head. 6. T Most traditional farm animals are classified as vertebrates (having a spinal column). 7. T Anatomy and physiology terms described in class can be used when describing all types of vertebrates. 8. F Dorsal and vertical explain the same part of the body. 9. T Physiology is a branch of biology. 10. 10. Name any 3 animals with bilateral symmetry Cow, pig, sheep, chicken