ACTIVITY: 3189D-F FECAL EXAMINATION WITH SUGAR Adapted by: Tracey Hoffman FECAL EXAMINATION: A more complete fecal egg count exam can be performed if the horse owner receives a little training from the local veterinarian. The sugar flotation test is easy to use. Weigh a piece of feces (about a quarter of a fecal ball) and place it in a 20 cc solution of equal parts sugar and water. Stir the solution until the feces is in suspension. Strain the mixture through a piece of gauze or a tea strainer. Let the fluid portion sit for 15 minutes, and then put a few drops on a microscope slide for 15 minutes. Count eggs with a microscope using a 100 or 200 X lens with a 10 X objective lens. Counts over 1,000 per gram of feces indicate that large numbers of eggs are being passed.