ACTIVITY: 3189D-E FECAL EXAMINATION WITH JAR Adapted by: Tracey Hoffman FECAL EGG EXAMINATION: Fecal examinations can easily be performed and horses treated when the average egg count indicates the need. Checking for strongyle larvae concentration is easy and can be done on the farm. The procedure is to put a fresh fecal ball in a quart jar. Place the jar, with a loose lid on top, in a dark room at room temperature for a week. Drops of condensed moisture will form on the walls of the jar. If, on daily inspection, no moisture is forming on the walls of the jar, add 10 to 20 drops of water to the jar. At the end of a week, strongyle larvae will be visible in the moisture drops on the walls of the jar with a hand lens, if the horse has the parasite. A heavy strongyle infestation will be evident if the walls of the jar have a frosted appearance.