ACTIVITY 3113B: GOATS: BREEDING Lora Sommers Have the students get into small groups. Assign each group one of the following factors for determining breeding systems: climatic conditions, markets, knowledge of genetics, size of operation, personal preference, available resources and goals of the breeder. Have each group find out the basics about each from the class notes and also look through the textbook to find out more specific information. Also come up with an example of this. After adequate time, each group should then report to the entire class by giving a minipresentation. Repeat the above directions with the next sets of topics: 1. Grading up, crossbreeding, inbreeding and linebreeding 2. Factors to consider in selecting a breeding season: climatic conditions, available labor, time animals are to be marketed, equipment and housing available, availability of grazing, livestock show dates, and purpose for which livestock is produced.