Rusty Crayfish Spiny Water Flea Michigan Fish Habitats Ms. D 2005 Flowering Rush Purple Loosestrife Zebra Mussel Eurasian Milfoil Ruffe Why are freshwater habitats Important? • • • • • All living things need water Very diverse in species Declining rapidly Recreation More species rely on coast lines than deep water Invasive Species • What are they? any species, including its seeds, eggs, spores, or other biological material capable of propagating that species, that is not native to that ecosystem; and whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. Invasive Species • Round Goby – from Eurasia in Ballast H2O, they take over prime spawning sites & change habitat • Sea Lamprey - predaceous, eel-like fish native to Atlantic Ocean. Came through the Welland Canal. Cause decline of whitefish and lake trout. • White Perch – from Atlantic coast came through, Erie and Welland canals. Prolific competitors cause declines of walleye populations. • Common Carp - from Caspian Sea region and east Asia. degrade shallow (by turbidity) leading to declines in waterfowl and native fish Invasive Activity • You will need: – A invasive species card • Answer the following questions: – – – – Who is it? Describe your species and their environment How & and when did they get here? What damage does it inflict? Salmon in Michigan • Coho or Silver and King or Chinook • Continuous planting for fisherman • Found in all five lakes, pressuring the “Alewives” population • Return to their release site when 3-5 yrs old to spawn and die • Are they invasive? Spawning • Alevin – when egg hatches, comes out of gravel when entire yolk sac is used up • Fry – hides on edge of stream • Fingerling – length of finger • Smolt – loses spots, begins downstream journey • Adult – head to ocean (lake) where more food • Spawner – returns to river it was born, does not eat, uses all energy to battle way upstream Native Michigan Fish • • • • • • • Longnose Gar Burbot Yellow Perch Brook Trout Lake Herring Northern Pike Lake Whitefish • Lake Sturgeon 146 types of Fish in Michigan waterways • HABITAT; The area or environment where an organism or ecological community normally lives or occurs •Cold water dwellers (35-65) •Fresh Water •Clean Water (pollution indicators) •Other indicators include insects and larva Pollution Indicator Activity • • • • • • Ice cube tray Spoon Bucket Vials Alcohol Worksheet Koi Spawning • Should be two males to one female • Males sandwich female to release eggs • Males simultaneously release milt which fertilizes most eggs as they are released • The eggs are very sticky and remain wherever they land • If parents are left in spawning environment they will eat all the eggs Egg Removal • • • • Parents must be removed Water drained Eggs removed gently with a paint brush tool Eggs must then be placed into a small tank with a bubbler and thermometer Koi • Eggs hatch in 24hrs • Should be around 75 degrees • In the first day they need to be fed “boiled egg yolk” and then crushed koi food • To reduce a vitamin C deficiency give pieces of DARK green lettuce • Ph of 7 is preferred, ph difference correlates to fry color