Michigan Fish Habitats Ms. D 2005 Rusty Crayfish

Rusty Crayfish
Spiny Water Flea
Michigan Fish Habitats
Ms. D
Flowering Rush
Zebra Mussel
Why are freshwater
habitats Important?
All living things need water
Very diverse in species
Declining rapidly
More species rely on coast lines
than deep water
Invasive Species
• What are they?
any species, including its seeds, eggs, spores,
or other biological material capable of
propagating that species, that is not native to
that ecosystem; and whose introduction does
or is likely to cause economic or
environmental harm or harm to human
Invasive Species
• Round Goby – from Eurasia in
Ballast H2O, they take over prime
spawning sites & change habitat
• Sea Lamprey - predaceous, eel-like
fish native to Atlantic Ocean. Came
through the Welland Canal. Cause
decline of whitefish and lake trout.
• White Perch – from Atlantic coast
came through, Erie and Welland
canals. Prolific competitors cause
declines of walleye populations.
• Common Carp - from Caspian Sea
region and east Asia. degrade shallow
(by turbidity) leading to declines in
waterfowl and native fish
Invasive Activity
• You will need:
– A invasive species card
• Answer the following questions:
Who is it?
Describe your species and their environment
How & and when did they get here?
What damage does it inflict?
Salmon in
• Coho or Silver and King or Chinook
• Continuous planting for fisherman
• Found in all five lakes, pressuring the
“Alewives” population
• Return to their release site when 3-5 yrs old to
spawn and die
• Are they invasive?
• Alevin – when egg hatches, comes out of gravel
when entire yolk sac is used up
• Fry – hides on edge of stream
• Fingerling – length of finger
• Smolt – loses spots, begins downstream
• Adult – head to ocean (lake) where more food
• Spawner – returns to river it was born, does not
eat, uses all energy to battle way upstream
Native Michigan Fish
Longnose Gar
Yellow Perch
Brook Trout
Lake Herring
Northern Pike
Lake Whitefish
• Lake Sturgeon
146 types of Fish in Michigan
HABITAT; The area or environment
where an organism or ecological
community normally lives or occurs
•Cold water dwellers (35-65)
•Fresh Water
•Clean Water (pollution indicators)
•Other indicators include insects and larva
Pollution Indicator Activity
Ice cube tray
Koi Spawning
• Should be two males to one female
• Males sandwich female to release eggs
• Males simultaneously release milt which
fertilizes most eggs as they are released
• The eggs are very sticky and remain wherever
they land
• If parents are left in spawning environment
they will eat all the eggs
Egg Removal
Parents must be removed
Water drained
Eggs removed gently with a paint brush tool
Eggs must then be placed into a small tank
with a bubbler and thermometer
• Eggs hatch in 24hrs
• Should be around 75
• In the first day they
need to be fed “boiled
egg yolk” and then crushed koi food
• To reduce a vitamin C deficiency give pieces of
DARK green lettuce
• Ph of 7 is preferred, ph difference correlates to fry