Book Trailer Rubric Points Possible 15 10 5 Images Images were carefully chosen relate and help tell the story. Appeals to the audience and enhances the trailer. 1-2 images were not carefully chosen/appropriate. Somewhat appeals to the audience and enhances the trailer. More than two images do not relate to other elements of trailer. Does not appeal to the audience or enhance the trailer. 15 10 5 Audio Tempo and style have relevance to story or supports tone of story. Complements text/images. Tempo and style have some relevance to story or somewhat supports tone of story. Somewhat complements text/images. Tempo and style have little to no relevance to story or support tone of story. Does not complement text/images. 25 17 9 Information presented in a logical interesting sequence. Ideas are connected with smooth, effective transitions. Font is easy to read. Information presented in a logical sequence. Ideas are connected with transitions. Font is somewhat easy to read. Difficult to follow. Little to no sequence of information or ideas. Little or no evidence of transitions. Font is difficult to read. Production Quality (Transitions, Fonts, etc.) Length Book Information/Text Citations Total 10 7 4 Trailer is between 10 -12 slides long. Images/text remains on screen long enough to pique/keep interest. Trailer is between 7-9 slides long. Images/text somewhat remains on screen long enough to pique/keep interest. Trailer is less than 7 slides long. Images/text does not remain on screen long enough to pique/keep interest. 25 17 9 Provides enough information about the Provides enough information about the book to pique interest without giving away story line. Text somewhat complements images/audio without overwhelming. Few punctuation, grammar or spelling mistakes. Tells too much of the story and/or includes details that are unimportant and/or misleading about the book. Text overwhelms images/audio. Several punctuation, grammar or spelling mistakes. book to pique interest without giving away story line. Text complements images/audio without overwhelming. No punctuation, grammar or spelling mistakes. 10 7 4 Includes citations for images and audio. Includes some citations for images and audio. Includes a few images and audio.