Adult Learning Denton ISD Professional Development Workshop

Denton ISD
Adult Learning
Professional Development Workshop
Adult Learning
What are student reasons for being in school?
•Fulfill a dream
•Get a job or promotion
•Complete a resolution
•Change careers
Adult Learning
Adults develop their learning processes in a number of
•Lasts the entire life span of each individual
•Allows an individual to acquire, renew, upgrade, or complete knowledge,
skills, and attitudes for functioning effectively in a constantly changing
•Allows adults to pursue learning throughout their lives, and is a way in
which people supplement (and, at times, find a substitute for) learning
received in formal settings
•Equips individuals with skills and competencies for completing their "selfeducation" beyond learning in a formal setting
•Acknowledges the contribution of all available educational influences,
including formal and informal.
Educational Models of Adult Learning
There is a distinct connection between the historical development of
educational models, including the evolution from the pedagogical
model to the andragogical model.
•Pedagogy means literally "the art of teaching children." It developed
between the 7th and 12th centuries in the monastic schools of Europe.
•Secular schools in the 19th century followed the pedagogical model,
which was the only one available.
•The basic assumption of the pedagogical model is that the teacher is fully
responsible for imparting knowledge, primarily through lecture, while the
student's role is that of a passive receiver of knowledge.
Educational Models of Adult Learning
Recent educational theorists (mostly Malcolm Knowles) have
developed an andragogical model based on the following
a) Adults need to know why they are learning;
b) Adults need to be seen as competent;
c) Adults want their knowledge and skills acknowledged in the classroom;
d) Adults need to be self-directed and experientially involved in their learning; and
e) Adults want learning to be life-centered and applicable
We should base our model based on andragogical assumptions.
•Facilitation methods allow students to be active and self-directed in their learning.
Adult Learner Demographics
•The majority of adult learners work, most full-time
•Adult students are extremely well educated; 85% have
some college education
•80% of adult students are between the ages of 25 – 44
•More women than men study as adults
•Most adults seek degree programs
•About 70% of the courses taken by adults are in their
career fields
•About 40% receive some level of tuition assistance from
Adult Learner Demographics
•The majority of adults do not learn for the sheer pleasure of learning
•Adults learn in order to cope with change in their lives
•Every adult who learns because of a transition can point to a specific
event that triggered the transition, and thus, learning
•Trigger events occur unevenly in several arenas of adult life
How Do Adults Learn?
•Adults seek greater involvement in decisions
involving their education
•The maturity level of adults indicates that they can
accomplish more learning in less time
•Adults place great value in education that offers
•Adults prefer goal directed learning orientations
•Adults are looking for the acquisition of useful and
relevant knowledge
Adult-Centered Learning
•Should focus on need-to-know learning
•Is self-directed learning
•Takes into account the learner’s experience
•Involves a readiness to learn
•Includes an orientation to learning
•Is fostered by adult motivation to learn
Teaching vs. Learning
•Is Teaching the purpose of education or is
learning the purpose of education?
•What is the difference?
Teaching vs. Learning
Teaching Culture
Learning Culture
•Delivers instruction
Produces Learning
•Offers Courses & Programs
Creates learning environments
•Improves quality of instruction
Improves quality of learning
•Transfers knowledge from faculty to students
Elicits student discovery and construction of knowledge
Teaching Culture
Learning Culture
•50 minute lecture
Learning modalities
•Covering material
Specified outcomes
•Time held as a constant
learning varies
Learning held as a constant
Time varies
•Degree = accumulated credit hours
Degree = demonstrated
knowledge & skills
Teaching Culture
Learning Culture
•Knowledge is external
Knowledge is internal
•Knowledge delivered by instructors
Knowledge is constructed
and created
•Learning is cumulative & linear
Learning is nested &
•Teacher centered
Learner centered
•Talent & ability are rare
Talent and ability are
Discussion Questions
Discussion Questions:
1. What are some of the negative and positive
experiences you have previously had in college?
2. What are some of the fears students about college
and how can an instructor help?
Group Learning
Group Learning should be an integral part of the
educational experience
Group discussions
Panel discussions
Problem solving
Learning games
Group Interaction
Key advantages of the group interaction include the
1.Students gain knowledge and experience from each other
2. A real-world working environment is simulated
3. Individual strengths and weaknesses are blended
4. A sharing of teaching and learning responsibilities is facilitated
5. Self-confidence and self-esteem are increased
6. Leadership and participatory skills are developed
7. Interpersonal communication skills are strengthened
8. Achievement of a higher level of quality and performance in project
assignments is possible; and
9. Decision-making skills are developed.
Group Interaction Contract
Good teams possess:
Excellent process skills
Team dynamics
Follow-through on commitments
Open and honest communication among members
Use of active listening skills
Constructive resolution of conflicts and disagreements.