Standard Rider
This Rider is an essential part of the attached Agreement dated the day of , 2005 between La Salle University,
(herein after referred to as "Purchaser") and (herein after referred to as "Artist", even though there may be more than
one person for the personal services of the Artist).
To the extent that any of the terms and conditions contained in the contract form to which this Standard
Rider is attached, or any other addenda or rider thereto attached by the Artist, or his agent. are in conflict
with or contradictory to any of the terms of this Standard Rider, the terms contained in this Standard Rider
will be controlling.
The parties will attempt to cross out and alter any inapplicable wording in the original contract, as deemed
appropriate. However, such alterations should not be considered exclusive to the extent that the above
section #1 applies.
In no event shall the Purchaser be required to make any advance payments or deposits.
It is understood that the Artist executes this agreement as an independent contractor and is not an employee
of the Purchaser. As such, parties will each be responsible for their own acts of negligence as determined by
Details and manner of performance are under control of the Artist, or in instances where a group is
involved, the leader of the Artist. However, the Purchaser has the right to direct the Artist to discontinue
any activity constituting a violation of University policies, federal, state or local laws.
Any requirements that the Purchaser comply with terms, provisions, or directions of agreements, indentures,
declarations of trust, etc., shall only be binding if the specific terms of the same are known to and agreed to
by the Purchaser, in writing, in advance of contract execution or are made a part of this agreement prior to
the signing of this agreement by the Purchaser.
The performing Artist or company shall notify Purchaser at least ten days prior to the event of the expected
time of arrival of company materials and/or company crew. In the event of late arrival of company
materials and/or crews, the company shall reimburse Purchaser for any out of pocket expenses for
stagehands and other expenses incurred on account of such delay.
In the event the Artist or company is substantially late for the performance (curtain time), or if vital
performing member(s) is/are not present, or if the Artist arrives at the performance site noticeably under the
influence of intoxicating beverages, narcotics, or drugs, Purchaser reserves the right to make an adjustment
in fee prior to the performance of Artist or company or to cancel the performance. In the event of
cancellation pursuant to this paragraph 8, Purchaser shall have no liability to artist for any sums under the
Agreement and Artist agrees to reimburse Purchaser for all costs related to preparation for Artist's
Anticipated starting times specified in contract, subject to minor modifications because of unanticipated
occurrences, are of the essence and hence the Artist is required to be at place of performance a sufficient
period of time prior to scheduled time of commencement so as to permit timely production.
10. Either party may cancel this agreement without obligation to the other if cancellation is received in written
form at least 30 days before appearance date.
11. The Artist agrees to furnish payment to the Purchaser for actual appearance preparation costs in the event of
late cancellation, or non-appearance within 30 days after billing.
12. If, due to illness, accident or other causes legally known as acts of God, the Artist or Purchaser is forced to
cancel a contract, neither party, nor any representative shall be liable for any payment.
13. In the event that any on-site dispute shall develop between the Artist and Purchaser, action to resolve the
same shall be delayed if Artist requests, until a representative from the local musicians union has been
advised of same and has been given an opportunity to participate in resolution thereof. No on site dispute
between Artist and Purchaser shall delay the Artist's timely performance by more than 15 minutes.
14. This contract and any proceedings conducted hereunder shall be governed and enforced by laws in the state
of Pennsylvania.
15. This contract, and the terms and conditions contained herein, may be enforced by the Purchaser and by the
performer who is party to this contract or who has, in fact, performed the engagement contracted
(hereinafter referred to as "Participating Artist"), and by the agent(s) of each Participating Artist.
16. Disputes regarding the terms of the Agreement or claims arising out of this execution or performance may
be in any Pennsylvania court with competent jurisdiction.
17. The Purchaser carries liability protection for all of its employees. The Producer and Artist shall defend,
indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser, it's officers, employees, agents, representatives, guests and
volunteers from and against any and all liability, loss, expense, attorney's fees, or claims for bodily injury,
property damage, or damages arising out of, resulting from or caused by the Producer and Artist's
performance of the agreement.
18. Producer and Artist hereby indemnifies and holds the Purchaser, as well as the Purchaser’s respective
agents, representatives, principals, employees, officers and directors, harmless from and against any loss,
damage or expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred or suffered by or threatened against
Purchaser or any of the foregoing in connection with or as a result of (a) Producer or Artist’s Act(s) or
omission(s), or breach of this contract or (b) any claim for personal injury or property damage or otherwise
brought by or on behalf of any third party person, firm or corporation as a result of or in connection with
the engagement which claim does not result from the negligence of the Purchaser.
19. The Artist is required to provide proof of Comprehensive General Liability coverage for Bodily Injury,
Personal Injury, Property Damage and Damages, including Products and Completed Operations coverage,
Contractual Liability coverage specifically to account for Hold Harmless and Indemnification requirements
contained within the contract. The Artist shall also provide proof of Excess Liability or Umbrella Liability
insurance with a limit of at least $1,000,000, preferably $2,000,000 over the Comprehensive General
Liability limit and $3,000,000 if providing food, beverage, and/or alcohol service. If the Artist comes onto
the Purchaser's property with vehicles then Comprehensive Automobile Liability Coverage would be
required with a minimum of $1,000,000 combined single limit basis and an Excess or Umbrella coverage
for an additional $1,000,000. This is to cover all owned, un-owned hired or leased vehicles. Artist shall
provide proof of Worker's Compensation coverage for all of their employees and volunteers adhering to
Pennsylvania's required limits. The Purchaser, it's directors, officers, agents, representatives, employees
and volunteers are to be included as additional insureds under all liability coverages of the Artist and
provide the appropriate Certificates of Insurance as proof as a part of the agreement.
20. Damages to the premises, equipment, costumes, etc., utilized by the Artist or the Artist’s staff, either
intentionally or through negligence, will be paid for by the Artist or may be deducted from the fee.
21. The Purchaser assumes no responsibility for equipment, costumes, etc., utilized by the Artist, except in such
instances where the Purchaser agrees, in writing, to accept custody of same and then only to the extent that loss
or injury is occasioned by the Purchaser's negligence or intentional acts.
22. No performance of the engagement shall be recorded, reproduced, or transmitted from the place of performance,
in any manner or by any means whatsoever, unless there is a specific written agreement with the Artist relating
to and permitting such recording, reproduction, or transmission. The Purchaser will cause to be announced
and/or published that recording, reproduction or transmission of the performance without prior written
permission is strictly prohibited.
23. The performing Artist’s or company’s rider will be followed exactly by the Purchaser unless otherwise indicated
on the face of the rider when contracts are returned to the Artist. Failure to provide an up to date rider or
complete information on technical requirements of equipment prior to the concert or show will result in the
Artist paying any additional expenses for equipment or resetting of equipment necessary
24. The Artist certifies that all equipment requested in this agreement for usage at said performance will be utilized
at said performance. Any equipment not used by the Artist shall be paid for by the Artist and any such costs will
be deducted from the agreed upon fee prior to payment by Purchaser.
25. It is agreed that the performance is open to the public and that the Artist agrees not to give a performance within
a _______( ) mile radius of Philadelphia, PA within ________ ( ) weeks prior to appearing at Purchaser’s
venue without the approval of Purchaser.
26. The Purchaser reserves the right to all stage announcements made at the engagement. Purchaser may
additionally take whatever steps it deems necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the persons
attending the performance covered by this agreement.
27. The Purchaser will not use any of its funds to purchase any form of alcoholic beverages. Sponsoring members
and/or Purchaser’s staff are not obligated to obtain alcoholic beverages for the Artist regardless of source of
28. Sale of souvenir items or programs by the Artist shall only be permitted upon specific written agreement with
Purchaser 21 days prior to the date of engagement and then subject to the terms thereof. Nothing herein shall
prohibit Purchaser’s sale of souvenir items or other goods and services, including but not limited to, food and
29. The artist is solely responsible for payment of royalty fees or dramatic rights and dramatic musical works and/or
performance fees, fees required by unions and similar organizations, and similar costs. The Artist shall
indemnify the Purchaser against any liability or damages, including attorney fees, which may arise as a result of
violation by the Artist of copyright laws or non payment of royalty, dramatic or performance fees.
30. The Artist certifies that s/he will provide the following equipment and supplies for this performance: all
equipment and supplies necessary for the execution of the concert with the exception of items specified in
attached contract () requested of Purchaser. Failure to provide the above equipment or supplies shall result in
deduction of the Artist's fees in the amount necessary to provide above equipment and supplies.
31. .Artist must complete the W-9 form provided by Purchaser and return this form to Purchaser on or before (
2001, in order to receive timely payment.
32. Artist must provide a complete guest list to Purchaser by noon on the day of the performance; special access will
be given only to those persons named on this list.
33. Artist management and any and all agents or companies contracted by Artist management to provide services for
the concert are solely responsible to ensure that there are no jurisdictional labor disputes related to the
Philadelphia labor market.
34. The payment of any and all wage/income taxes related to earnings Artist receives from Purchaser for the
performance of this concert is the sole responsibility of the Artist.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this contracted to be signed on this day of
____________________, 19 ____.