Mesa High School Electronics Program Course Syllabus

Mesa High School
Electronics Program
Course Syllabus
Phone: (480) 308-5661 Room: 300
By Briton Tarter
Course Description:
This course is designed to be an introductory investigation of basic
electronics, circuits, the history of electricity and basic electronic terminology. This
program is a yearlong and consists of two separate semesters of course work.
Course Requirements:
 Excellent attendance
 Completion of EKI Labs
 Completion of assignments and quizzes
 Completion of Exams
Course Rules:
 Respect
o Equipment
o People
o Yourself
o Time
Grading Policy:
All assignments, labs, attendance, and quizzes, will be assigned a point value.
These point values will be added and used to determine the percentage grade for
the class. The Grading scale is as follows:
90%-100% A
80%-89% B
70%-79% C
60%-69% D
59% and lower is failing
Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to be in class on time every scheduled class period. If
students must be absent, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher
concerning makeup work. Work missed due to truancy may not be made up.
Students who do not attend 90% of the scheduled class periods will not receive
Course Outcomes:
Upon completing this course students will be able to understand a illustrate:
Measuring Current, Voltage, resistance, and Power in DC Circuits.
Calculate energy, power, voltage, current, resistance, and cost of energy in DC
Construct electronic circuits which fulfill the specification given in a
schematic diagram
Troubleshoot electronic circuits to locate shorts, opens, and overloads
Measure inductance, capacitance, impedance and phase shift
Analyze AC circuits to determine current, voltage, reactance, impedance,
phase angle and power
Identify components used in AC circuits as to type, rating and application
Connect and change configurations of three-phase ac transformers and
Analyze complex circuits by reducing them to equivalent circuits.
 Mesa High School Electronics Course Outline
 Section one
The World Of Electronics
Voltage and Current
Resistance and Power
Experimenting in the Lab
 Section Two
Direct Current
Series DC Circuits
Parallel DC Circuits
Series-Parallel DC Circuits
 Section Three
o EKI Lab experiments combined with the above
section running concurrently