1. Identify four details about monopolies and trusts from your... Chapter 14: The Second Industrial Revolution

Name ______________________________________________
Hour _____
Chapter 14: The Second Industrial Revolution
1. Identify four details about monopolies and trusts from your notes (characteristics, goal and how to achieve).
Pages 467-471
2. Laissez faire capitalism allows companies to _______________________________________________________.
3. Social Darwinists believed stronger _____________, _______________ and _____________ would prosper, while
_________________ would fail. They believed “___________________________” strengthened society as a whole.
4. John D. Rockefeller engaged in __________________________ - acquiring ______________________________.
He bought _____________________, _________________, __________________________, _______________ and
___________________ to keep his ___________________ and _______________________.
5. Describe horizontal integration.
6. Identify three ways Andrew Carnegie kept his costs low with steel production.
7. Describe Carnegie’s philosophy known as the “Gospel of Wealth.”
8. How did Cornelius Vanderbilt amass his fortune?
9. Describe the difference between “robber barons” and “captains of industry.”
“Robber Barons”
“Captains of Industry”
Pages 473-476
10. Describe the Sherman Antitrust Act.
11. By the late 1800s workers started collective bargaining. By banding together, they hoped to _________________
________________ into making the __________________________ and __________________________________.
12. In the 1880s, the Knights of Labor began to accept __________________________________________________.
13. Identify three changes the Knights of Labor sought to improve working conditions.
14. People blamed ________________________________ for the violence in the Haymarket Square Riot. The press
fanned the flames of _____________________, or _________________________________.
15. The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was formed in 1886 by a group of ________________________ led by
______________________. Using strikes, they won ______________________ and __________________________.
16. Interpreting the graph on page 476, describe the impact the Haymarket Riot had on labor union membership.
17. The governor of Pennsylvania restored order in the Homestead Strike by _________________________________
and within months the ______________________________________________.
18. Identify three reasons the workers at the Pullman Company went on strike.
19. Who was Eugene V. Debs?
20. Describe the government’s involvement in bringing the Pullman Strike to an end:
The strike interfered with ________________________________________, so President Cleveland ___________
__________________________ and the ____________________________. The late 1800s remained the era of
21. In your opinion, why did the government favor business over labor in most disputes during the Industrial
Revolution in the late 19th century?
Pages 477-481
22. Identify four advances in transportation.
23. Identify three advancements in communications technology and the inventor of each one.
Technology: Inventor:
24. What was the Menlo Park Lab?
25. Identify four inventions, out of the nearly 1,000 patents, Thomas Edison created during his lifetime.