AP History Mr. Dunn Chapter 29 Study Guide

AP History
Mr. Dunn
Chapter 29 Study Guide
The Cold War: 1941-1952
Important people, terms, and ideas
Yalta Conference
Marshall Plan
United Nations
Hydrogen Bomb
Security council
German occupation
Warsaw Pact
GI Bill
Mao Zedong
Fair Deal
Truman Doctrine
Post War Strikes
Taft-Hartley Act
George F. Kennan
Korean War
38th parallell
Truman vs. MacArthur
Red Scare
Alger Hiss
Rosenberg Case
McCarran Internal
Security Act
1. Describe the views of Great Britain and the USSR in reference to the ideals
established in the Atlantic Charter.
2. United Nations
When did it begin:
Five permanent members of the Security Council:
3. Describe the decision made at Yalta about how to deal with Germany.
4. Describe Truman’s refusal at Potsdam and what impact it had on divided Germany.
5. Describe the two factions in China and the leaders of these factions.
6. Explain the reason behind the US decision to lift restrictions on Japan.
7. Truman Doctrine
What was it a response to?
Name the US diplomat who influenced the idea:
Describe the policy:
8. Marshall Plan
Describe the policy:
Explain the most important motive:
9. Hydrogen Bomb
When was it approved?
How did it compare to the Atomic bomb?
Why did Truman approve its development?
10. What two events in 1949 propelled the Cold War in new directions?
11. Describe the factors that prevented the post war economy from returning to a depression.
12. Postwar Labor unrest
Which two major industries went on strike?
How did Truman deal with the strikes?
13. Taft Hartley Act
Describe it:
How did labor unions feel about it?
What action did Truman take?
14. Describe Truman’s impact on racial discrimination.
15. Why did the seemingly simple sure victory in Korea not occur?
16. Describe the controversy surrounding the Martin letter.
17. Describe the fate of General MacArthur.
18. What was the purpose of HUAC?
19. Who was Alger Hiss and what was he accused of?
20. What was the McCarran Internal Security Act?
21. What were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg accused of? Why?
22. McCarthyism
Who was Joseph McCarthy?
What claims did he make?
What did McCarthy provide for his followers?
Describe his downfall.
23. Election of 1952
Republican tactics: