AP History Mr. Dunn Chapter 14 Study Guide

AP History
Mr. Dunn
Chapter 14 Study Guide
The Civil War: 1861-1865
Important Terms, People, and Ideas
Crittenden Compromise
Role of Blacks
Fort Sumter
Role of Women
Actions of Rep.
Dorthea Dix
Jefferson Davis
Union Advantages
War time economy
Union Strategy
States’s Rights
Confederate Advantages
Abraham Lincoln
Confederate Strategy
Robert E. Lee
Role of the draft
King Cotton Diplomacy
Election of 1864
Trent Affair
First Battle of Bull Run
Stonewall Jackson
George McClellan
European intervention
Ulysses S. Grant
Gettysburg Address
William Sherman
March to the Sea
1. Which state was the first to secede from the Union?
2. When was the Confederacy formed?
3. Who were the original members of the Confederacy?
4. Describe the Crittenden Compromise and its impact on the volatile state of the Union.
5. What is the significance of the battle of Fort Sumter?
6. What impact did the wake of the Battle of Fort Sumter have on the size of the Confederacy?
7. Describe the following legislation enacted by the new predominantly Republican
The Homestead Act of 1862
The Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862
Tariff bills
National Banking System
8. What actions did Lincoln take without the support of Congress?
9. Describe Lincoln’s policy of war time repression.
10. What events helped Lincoln win the election of 1864?
11. Describe the immediate effect of the Emancipation Proclamation.
12. Describe the treatment of Black soldiers.
13. Evaluate the amount of success Jefferson Davis had as President of the Confederacy.
14. Explain the greatest source of division in the South.
15. Describe the economic situation in the South.
16. What was the problem that plagued Lincoln for the first three years of the war?
17. Describe the new technology used by both the North and South in naval warfare.
18. Explain the idea behind “king cotton diplomacy” and its success or failure.
19. Describe the Trent Affair.
20. Describe the impact that the First Battle of Bull Run had on the North.
21. What did the Union gain in the Battle of Shiloh?
22. Describe why Antietam was both a victory and a defeat for the Union army.
23. What significant gain was made for the Union army at Vicksburg?
24. Why was Gettysburg a major turning point in the war?
25. Describe Ulysses S. Grant’s view of using resources and men.
26. Describe General Sherman’s “March to the Sea.”
27. When and where did the war end?
28. Describe the impact the war had on the North.
29. Describe the impact the war had on the South.