AP History Mr. Dunn Chapter 7 Study Guide The Jeffersonian Era

AP History
Mr. Dunn
Chapter 7 Study Guide
The Jeffersonian Era
Important Terms, People, and Ideas
Republican Mother
Marbury v. Madison
Macon’s Bill No. 2
Washington Irvin
John Marshall
Jefferson’s Indian Policy
Louisiana Purchase
2nd Great Awakening
Purposes of Lewis and Clark
Camp meeting
Zebulon Pike
James Madison
Impact of Great Awakening
Essex Junto
Causes of the War of 1812
Samuel Slater
Burr Conspiracy
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Eli Whitney
Battle of New Orleans
Cotton Gin
Chesapeake-Leopard Incident
Andrew Jackson
Interchangeable parts
Reasons for British and Native
Hartford Convention
Robert Fulton
Treaty of Ghent
Turnpike Era
Results of the War of 1812
Non-Intercourse Act
Barbary Pirates
1. Why did Republicans believe in a public school system?
2. Describe the education system.
3. Explain the concept of the Republican mother.
Rush Bagot Agreement
4. Describe the education of the following groups
Native Americans:
African Americans:
5. Describe the positive and negative ideas of Benjamin Rush.
6. Describe the connection between Noah Webster’s American Spelling Book and nationalism.
7. Describe Washington Irving’s impact on American literature.
8. Explain the beliefs of the Deist religion.
9. Describe the difference between rational and traditional religions.
10. What created the surge of evangelical fervor that became the 2nd Great Awakening?
11. Describe a camp meeting.
12. Describe the teachings of the Great Awakening.
13. Describe the impact the Great Awakening had on the following
Protestant churches
African Americans
Native Americans
14. Explain the role that Samuel Slater played in the industrialization of America.
15. Name the two inventions of Eli Whitney and their impact on America.
16. Explain the purpose of the tariffs passed in 1789.
17. Describe the two solutions to the problem of limited markets.
18. How did Robert Fulton contribute to transportation in America?
19. What is a turnpike and when did the turnpike era begin?
20. Explain the difference between urban and rural living.
21. Describe the differences between Jefferson and his predecessors.
22. How did Jefferson deal with taxes, government spending, and national debt?
23. Explain Jefferson’s feelings about a standing army.
24. Who were the Barbary Pirates and how did Jefferson deal with them?
25. What did the attempted impeachment of Samuel Chase establish about the impeachment process?
26. How did France regain the Louisiana Territory and why did they sell it to America?
27. Where did Zebulon Pike explore and what impression did he give most Americans?
28. What was the Essex Junto and what action did they desire to take?
29. Why did Aaron Burr challenge Alexander Hamilton to a duel?
30. What happened to Burr after he killed Hamilton?
31. Explain Burr’s plan in the West and the results of the plan.
32. What were the Napoleonic Wars and what impact did they have on America?
33. Describe Tecumseh and the Prophet and their role in the unrest between Americans and Natives.
34. Describe the Battle of Horseshoe Bend and its results.
35. Who led the Federalists in New England and what were their complaints?
36. Describe the Rush Bagot Treaty.