Introduction to Journalism Enrolment code: HEJ101

Unit details [HEJ]
Introduction to Journalism
Enrolment code: HEJ101
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Introduces students to the essentials of writing for newspapers. Students learn how to
write concisely and effectively. They also study the process of news gathering and analyse
what makes news. Agenda setting and gatekeeping models are critiqued. Students write
their own stories from exercises including role-played press conferences. The major
assignment involves researching and writing a campus-based news story.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 1-hr lecture, 2-hr tutorial weekly
Assess: internal assessment including oral presentation (60%), 2-hr exam (40%)
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Introduction to Media Studies
Enrolment code: HEJ102
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Introduces the interdisciplinary field of media studies. Students gain a foundation in key
concepts, methods and theories in the study of media, communication and culture. Topics
include: the history of media and communication theory, media structures and
institutions; media industries and organisations; media texts and genres; audiences and
‘effects’; media and identity (class, gender, race, age); and the media and public interest.
Students are encouraged to apply the theoretical vocabularies and skills of analysis
covered in this unit to specific examples and to think critically about the role the mass
media plays in contemporary societies such as Australia.
Staff: Dr B Hutchins (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly
Assess: minor assignment (20%), major essay (40%), 2-hr exam (40%)
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Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Feature Writing
Enrolment code: HEJ201/301
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
An advanced unit that develops comprehensive research skills; analyses the development
of story ideas; and provides an opportunity to write in-depth features with a view to
publication. The unit explores the relationship between journalists and their sources, and
encourages students to critique their own work from an ethical perspective and from the
point of view of news formats and agendas. Students will keep diaries to record, research
and analyse their work, and will be encouraged to think of themselves as reporters finding
stories in the community, and submitting finished pieces of a publishable standard.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hrs fortnightly
Prereq: HEJ101 and HEJ102
Assess: tutorial participation (10%), 1,500-word oral presentation (20%), 2,000-word story
(30%), 1,500-word story (20%), workshopping process (10% each story)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Environmental Journalism
Enrolment code: HEJ202/302
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Students explore the current issues and the key players in the environment movement
from the perspective of the journalist. The unit includes sources of news; case studies of
major environment issues in the media; and analysis of the historical, political and legal
background of environmental concerns nationally and internationally. Trends in industry
and governmental response to issues are examined and the influences of the environment
lobby and other interested parties are introduced. Students also develop appreciation of
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Unit details [HEJ]
environmental science and the special skills needed to report on scientific issues in the
mass media.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hrs fortnightly
Prereq: HEJ101 and HEJ102
Assess: 1,500-word essay (25%), 500-word news story (15%), 1,000-word feature (20%), 2-hr
exam (40%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Public Communications
Enrolment code: HEJ205/305
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Examines the development of public communications. The unit includes the theory behind
successful public communication practice; public communications in action; ethical issues;
and the tools used by practitioners. Students are taught how to communicate effectively,
both orally and in writing, and are introduced to the basic principle of information
research and its role in public communication. The societal importance of PR is also
Staff: Ms L Tynan
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hrs fortnightly
Prereq: HEJ101 and HEJ102
Assess: 2x1,200-word essays (35%), 2,000-word public relations campaign (25%) 2-hr exam
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Ethics in Journalism
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Unit details [HEJ]
Enrolment code: HEJ209/309
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Students examine the basic conflicts of principle and practice confronting journalists such
as the competing claims of privacy and the public’s right-to-know, the justification of
censorship against the demands of freedom of expression, the reporting of minorities,
commercial pressures, confidentiality of sources and bias v. balance. At a time when the
role and the responsibilities of the media is an increasing focus of public debate, students
will also evaluate the competitive commercial environment in the media which
encourages breaches of ethics.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hrs fortnightly
Prereq: HEJ101 and HEJ102
Assess: 1,500-word essay and tutorial participation (10%) and media monitoring project
(including 1,500-word report) (50%), 2-hr exam (40%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Radio Journalism
Enrolment code: HEJ213/313
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: a strict quota of 40 applies to this unit and prospective students must obtain
permission from the Journalism coordinator
Unit description:
Students are taught how to interview and write for radio, as well as concentrating on the
radio/sound production and post-production skills. They are expected to take regular
shifts at the campus radio station, which will include reading the news as well as
producing a 15-minute radio documentary or current affairs program by the end of
Staff: Ms L Tynan
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hrs fortnightly
Prereq: HEJ101 and HEJ102
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Assess: internal assessment (60%), final assessment, based on production of radio
documentary or current affairs program (40%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Online Journalism
Enrolment code: HEJ219/319
Offered: Hbt: sem 2,
Special note: a strict quota of 40 applies to this unit and prospective students must obtain
permission from the Journalism coordinator
Unit description:
Provides students with both practical and theoretical skills in the field of online journalism
and digital media. Skills needed to research and analyse information on the internet and
world wide web are taught. Students are also introduced to editing software used in
electronic publishing and work towards producing an online publication. Key concepts
and issues in online journalism are evaluated.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator), Ms L Tynan
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hrs fortnightly
Prereq: 25% at level 100 in Journalism and HEJ221/321
Assess: individual contribution to production of online publication, including
contributions to layout (30%), 2x1,000-word online newsgathering assignments (30%), 2-hr
practical exam (40%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Sub-editing and Layout
Enrolment code: HEJ221/321
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
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Explores key disciplines in print journalism. An effective sub-editor transforms reporters’
stories into newspaper texts designed to convey meaning about the everyday world and
events. Communicating information in a way that will reach the audience effectively
requires a deep understanding of language and how meaning is created, as well as a high
standard of cultural literacy. The second half of this unit will focus on the final layout of
text, including the practicalities of design and layout and how they combine with editing
to deliver the final product.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hrs fortnightly
Prereq: HEJ101 and HEJ102
M.excl: HEJ207/307, HEJ220/320
Assess: 2,500-word editing and rewriting assignment (15%), major editing assignment
(30%), 1-page design project (15%), major design project (30%), tutorial participation (10%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Television Journalism
Enrolment code: HEJ303
Offered: Hbt: sem 1,
Special note: a strict quota of 40 applies to this unit and prospective students must obtain
permission from the Journalism coordinator
Unit description:
An introduction to news production and on-camera news reporting. The unit includes
skills such as camera presentation, news reading, interviewing techniques, and deals with
the production of news stories and news programming. Technical skills including camera
work, sound, lighting, and program editing are taught.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hrs fortnightly
Prereq: HEJ101 and HEJ102
Assess: internal assessment (60%), final assessment, based on production of a television
news assignment (40%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
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Faculty website: <>
Professional Placement 1
Enrolment code: HEJ306
Offered: Hbt: sem 1,
Special note: has a quota according to how many industry placements are offered
Unit description:
Students are assigned to a placement in the media industry either in a government or
private institution approved by the University. Students learn the practical skills
necessary for the media practitioner. Placement gives students the opportunity to better
understand how journalistic theory operates in practice. Students will improve their
ability to meet news writing, public relations and production deadlines. Students will,
where opportunity allows, contribute to the gathering of news, the presentation or
publication of news or contribute to the production of press releases or similar material
while working under the supervision of a qualified professional.
Staff: Ms N Goc
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: minimum of 10 days placement per student; 1-hr lecture, 1-hr seminar
Prereq: 25% at level 100 in Journalism or equiv plus 25% level 200/300 Journalism units
Assess: professional practice skills acquired during placement (40%, awarded in
consultation with placement provider), 1,500-word report and placement diary (20%),
work portfolio (20%), oral presentation on placement (10%), tutorial participation (10%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Placement 2
Enrolment code: HEJ318
Offered: Hbt: sem 2,
Special note: has a quota according to how many industry placements are offered
Unit description:
Students are assigned to a placement in the media industry either in a government or
private institution approved by the University. Students learn the practical skills
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necessary for the media practitioner. Placement gives students the opportunity to better
understand how journalistic theory operates in practice. Students will improve their
ability to meet news writing, public relations and production deadlines. Students will,
where opportunity allows, contribute to the gathering of news, the presentation or
publication of news or contribute to the production of press releases or similar material
while working under the supervision of a qualified professional.
Staff: Ms N Goc
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: minimum of 10 days placement per student; 1-hr lecture, 1-hr seminar
Prereq: 25% at level 100 in Journalism or equivalent plus 25% level 200/300 Journalism
Assess: professional practice skills acquired during placement (40%, awarded in
consultation with placement provider), 1,500-word report and placement diary (20%),
work portfolio (20%), oral presentation on placement (10%), tutorial participation (10%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Writing for Media
Enrolment code: HEJ501
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: restricted to students with undergraduate degrees or equivalent.
Unit description:
Students with no previous experience writing for media are introduced to the basic skills
of how to write journalistically for print, broadcast and public relations. Other skills, such
as interviewing, effective communication and structuring narratives, are taught. At the
conclusion of this unit, students will be able to produce a news story of publishable
Those students who have already completed a major in Journalism and Media Studies are
expected to tackle more advanced stories in this unit and to contribute their own ideas.
Those students will benefit through a workshopping process by editing other students’
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator), Ms L Tynan, Ms N Goc, other staff tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hours fortnightly
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Unit details [HEJ]
Assess: 2 x 500-word press releases (15%), 5 x 500-word short stories (50%), 1 x 1,500-word
feature-style story (20%), 1 x 700-word broadcast script (15%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R5P] [R6P] [R7P]
Faculty website: <>
Media Research
Enrolment code: HEJ502
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: restricted to students with undergraduate degrees or equivalent.
Unit description:
Students gain specialised skills that are required to produce a major investigative piece of
journalistic work. They are introduced to Freedom of Information legislation and taught,
in a practical way, how to access information using this legislation. Students are also
shown how to access information in more specialised areas such as science, environment
and technology, as well as historical research using primary research in archives. An
introduction on how to use statistics is also taught. Students are introduced to business
research, including accessing information from the Stock Exchange and business reports.
Electronic research (computer assisted reporting CAR) will be a focus of the unit. Students
use the skills acquired during the unit as they continue to work through their degree, and
later in the workplace.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator), other staff tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hours fortnightly
Assess: 1 x 2000-word issue paper (40%), 1 x 3,500-word research essay (60%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R5P] [R6P] [R7P]
Faculty website: <>
Media and the Environment
Enrolment code: HEJ503
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: restricted to students with undergraduate degrees or equivalent.
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Unit details [HEJ]
Unit description:
Introduces students to modern media practice and theory, including legal and political
issues, using an environmental framework. The unit also examines a range of issues
concerning the ethical basis of environmental and media attitudes and practices as well as
examining the larger philosophical frameworks where these can be located.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator), other staff tba
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 4 contact hrs weekly
Assess: 2 x 1,500-word ‘issues’ papers (20%), 1 x 2,000-word review essay (30%), 1 x
3,000-word research essay (50%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R5P] [R6P] [R7P]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Writing
Enrolment code: HEJ601
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: restricted to students with undergraduate degrees or equivalent.
Unit description:
Using a framework of discourses in science, investigative journalism and environmental
issues, students learn advanced media writing techniques, including writing complex
news and feature articles. Students reflect on and constructively critique their research and
writing processes to develop the skills required to write non-fiction articles.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator), Ms L Tynan, Ms N Goc, other staff tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 4 contact hrs fortnightly
Prereq: HEJ501
Assess: 1 x 1,000-word news feature (25%), 1 x 1,000-word profile (25%), 1 x 2,500-word
research feature (50%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R6P] [R7P]
Faculty website: <>
Media Studies
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Unit details [HEJ]
Enrolment code: HEJ602
Offered: not offered in 2003
Special note: restricted to students with undergraduate degrees or equivalent.
Unit description:
Concentrates on various media institutions and media debates as they concern the
production, social circulation and consumption of print media, film, television, radio and
video. The unit explores the way these media sites and institutions are caught up in
political and cultural debates concerning capitalism, monopolisation, nationalism and
environmentalism. By way of a series of case-studies of particular media events and
scandals/controversies – examples of which will be local (Tasmanian), national and
international, and will vary from year to year as specific media controversies present
themselves for public debate – the unit allows students to explore the political, discursive
and institutional links between specific sites of media production and subsequent sites of
media consumption/interpretation.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator), other staff tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 5 contact hrs fortnightly
Assess: 1 x 1,000-word essay (20%), 1 x 2,000-word essay (40%), 1 x 2-hr exam (40%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R6P] [R7P]
Faculty website: <>
Convergent Journalism
Enrolment code: HEJ603
Offered: Hbt: winter-sch
Special note: restricted to students with undergraduate degrees or equivalent.
Unit description:
Students learn how to use the latest technological tools in the media industry and are
expected to work in a group to produce a 5–10 minute microdoc to be considered for
publication on the World Wide Web. Students are introduced to digital cameras,
non-linear editing (audio and visual) and radio skills. This unit prepares students for
careers in convergent journalism.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator), other staff tba
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 8 contact hrs fortnightly
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Unit details [HEJ]
Prereq: HEJ501
Assess: 3 x 2,000-word (or equiv) assignments (20% ea), participation in microdocumentary
production (40%)
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R6P] [R7P]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Media Research
Enrolment code: HEJ604
Offered: Hbt: tba
Special note: restricted to students with undergraduate degrees or equivalent.
Unit description:
Follows HEJ502 Media Research. Students become more adept at using other skills available
to investigative journalists. They are introduced to Freedom of Information legislation and
taught, in a practical way, how to access information using this legislation. Students are
also shown how to access information in more specialised areas such as science,
environment, and technology, as well as historical research using primary research in
archives. Students are introduced to more advanced business research, including accessing
information from the Stock Exchange and business reports. Electronic research (computer
assisted reporting or CAR) is a focus of this unit. Students can use the skills acquired
during this unit as they continue in the degree and later in the workplace.
Staff: Ms L Simpson (Coordinator), Dr K Gibson, Ms L Lester, Ms L Tynan, industry guest
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 32 hrs lectures/seminars
Assess: 2 x 2,000-word issue papers (25% ea), 2 x 2,000-word research stories (25% ea).
Required: tba
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R5P] [R6P]
Faculty website: <>
Major Research Project
Enrolment code: HEJ701
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Unit details [HEJ]
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in summer-sch OR sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: restricted to students with undergraduate degrees or equivalent.
Unit description:
Students undertake independent research on an approved subject leading to a major
journalistic project or thesis in one of the following areas:
Advanced Writing
Convergent Journalism
Media and the Environment
Environmental Politics and Policy
Media Studies
Staff: Supervisors in the research topic area selected from lecturers in the Masters of
Journalism and Media Studies course.
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: students will work independently with consultation and seminars
Prereq: 100% of coursework units
Assess: 1 x 10,000-word (or equiv) major journalistic project or thesis in 1 of the following
areas: Advanced Writing, Convergent Journalism, Environmental Politics & Policy, Media
Studies, Media & the Environment
Majors: Journalism and Media Studies
Courses: [R7P]
Faculty website: <>
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