Introduction to Government A

HSG Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Introduction to Government A
Enrolment code: HSG101
Offered: Hobart: semester 1, Launceston: semester 1, North-West Centre: semester 1
Introduces students to the study of government and politics. The unit addresses questions
of conflict and dissent and the role of democratic political processes in mediating these to
achieve cooperation. This involves the comparative study of Australian, US and UK
political institutions and policy processes in the authoritative allocation of values.
Staff Prof A Kellow (Coordinator)
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 hrs lectures weekly, 1-hr tutorial fortnightly (13 wks)
Mutual exclusions HSA101, HSA102, HSD101, HSD102
Assessment mode 2,500-word essay (40%), tutorial assessment (10%), 2-hr end-of-sem exam
Required texts etc
Reader, available from the School of Government
Majors HSA HSD
Courses [R3A] [R3C] [R3K]
Faculty website <>
Introduction to Government B
Enrolment code: HSG102
Offered: Hobart: semester 2, Launceston: semester 2, North-West Centre: semester 2
Introduces students to the international dimension of politics through an examination of
contemporary international conflicts. The unit also examines the contested nature of
central political concepts such as freedom, justice, democracy, and power to illustrate the
nature of debate that surrounds the dynamics of governance, politics and public policy
Staff Assoc Prof RA Herr (Coordinator)
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 hrs lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Mutual exclusions HSA101, HSA102, HSD101, HSD102
Assessment mode 2,500-word essay (40%), tutorial assessment (10%), 2-hr end-of-sem exam
Required texts etc
Reader, available from the School of Government
Majors HSA HSD
Courses [R3A] [R3C] [R3K]
Faculty website <>
Approaches to Political Analysis
University of Tasmania unit details
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HSG Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Enrolment code: HSG200 or HSG300
Offered: Hobart: semester 2, Launceston: semester 2 [by video-link]
Special note: strongly recommended for students intending to undertake Honours in Public Policy
or Political Science
Examines theory and methods employed in the study of politics and public policy. In
addition to examining key methodological issues, the unit focuses on the development of
theoretical understandings of government. It includes the detailed analysis of selected key
pieces of research, examining critically the use of theory and methods by notable scholars.
Staff staff of the School of Government
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 hrs lectures weekly, 1-hr tutorial, fortnightly (13 wks)
Prerequisites 25% at level 100 in Political Science or Public Policy or equiv
Assessment mode 2,500-word essay (30%), 1,000-word tutorial report/project (15%), tutorial
participation (5%), 2-hr end-of-sem exam (50%)
Required texts etc
Reader, available from the School of Government
Majors HSA HSD
Courses [R3A] [R3C] [R3K]
Faculty website <>
Contemporary Issues in Government
Enrolment code: HSG201 or HSG301
Offered: Hobart: summer school
Examines issues of contemporary significance in the study of government. The focus of the
unit changes from year to year depending on staff availability and interests. In 2002, the
unit focuses on contemporary issues in American government including the Presidency,
electoral and congressional politics and public policy innovation.
Staff Prof A Kellow (Coordinator)
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 8 lectures weekly over 4 wks
Prerequisites 25% at level 100 in Public Policy or Political Science or equiv
Assessment mode 2,500-word essay (30%), 1,000-word workshop report/project (10%),
tutorial participation (10%), 2-hr end-of-sem exam (50%)
Majors HSA HSD
Courses [R3A] [R3K]
Faculty website <>
Political Activism: Local to Global
Enrolment code: HSG202 or HSG302
Offered: Hobart: semester 1, Launceston: semester 1 [by video-link]
University of Tasmania unit details
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HSG Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
From Tas Together to S11, public participation has become an important component of
contemporary politics and policy making. Globalisation and technology have also
introduced new formulations of civic engagement such as ‘cyber-participation’ and
‘hactivism’. This unit critically engages students with theories and debates that surround
concepts of participatory politics and policy development. Is there public disaffection with
politics and government? Have we become less trusting of political institutions and
increasingly indifferent toward democratic participation? What facilitates the current
political fascination with a revival of civic engagement? How is the notion of ‘community’
activism developed in the current political environment and the market economy? The
unit explores answers to these questions and introduces students to local, national and
global studies of participatory politics and policy processes.
Staff Ms M Astrinakis, Prof A Kellow
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 lectures weekly, 1 tutorial fortnightly (13 wks)
Prerequisites 25% at level 100 in Public Policy or Political Science or equiv
Assessment mode 2,500-word essay (40%), 1,000-word exercise (20%), 2-hr end-of-sem exam
Required texts etc
Reader, available from the School of Government
Courses [R3A] [R3C] [R3K]
Faculty website <>
International Cooperation
Enrolment code: HSG203 or HSG303
Offered: not offered in 2002
Examines theory and politics in the field of study of international cooperation. The unit
considers various theoretical approaches that have clustered around the problem of
international governance, with particular attention being paid to international
organisation and regime analysis; and then applies these theoretical approaches in the
specific context of global institutions such as the United Nations, and regional institutions
in Europe, the South Pacific and Antarctica.
Staff Dr R Hall, Assoc Prof RA Herr
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern 2 hrs lectures weekly, 1 hr tutorial fortnightly (13 wks)
Prerequisites 25% at level 100 in Public Policy or Political Science or equiv
Mutual exclusions HSA232/332
Assessment mode 2,500-word essay (30%), 1,000-word workshop report/project (10%),
tutorial participation (10%), 2-hr end-of-sem exam (50%)
Required texts etc
Reader, available from the School of Government
Majors HSD HSA
University of Tasmania unit details
July 11, 2016, 18:41 PM, page –3
HSG Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Courses [R3A] [R3K]
Faculty website <>
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