
ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Enrolment code: ESV201
Offered: Distance education: semester 1 OR semester 2
Covers two areas. First, the unit is designed to introduce the student to the requirements
of academic work, including the organisational skills and research behind the process of
academic writing. Second, there is a group of topics which provides a solid foundation to
inform the students’ areas of teaching practice through: an exploration of the
communication process, questioning the importance of listening, non-verbal recognition
and language and literacy in communication.
Staff Ms L Harrison
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Dwyer J, The Business Communication Handbook, 4th edn, 1997
Recommended texts etc
Eunson B, Writing and Presenting Reports, Wiley, Brisbane, 1994
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Managing Learning
Enrolment code: ESV202
Offered: Distance education: semester 1
Facilitators of adult learning must be able to identify the needs of learners, plan a learning
program, successfully implement and evaluate the performance of students to determine if
learning has occurred as intended. This unit encourages students to examine and
implement instructional and learning strategies which are appropriate for an range of
adult and vocational contexts and applications. Essential practical skills for beginning
adult learning facilitation will be developed.
Staff Dr C Owen
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Burns R, The Adult Learner at Work, Business & Professional, Syd, 1995.
Recommended texts etc
Tovey MD, Training in Australia, Prentice Hall, Syd, 1997.
Courses [E3G]
University of Tasmania unit details
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Faculty website <>
Foundations of Adult Learning
Enrolment code: ESV203
Offered: Distance education: semester 2
Provides a basis for understanding adult learning by introducing the key disciplines
informing adult and vocational education: adult learning theory, sociological,
psychological, economic, philosophical and historical. These introductions are studied in
the context of the current international and national socio-political milieu. Such
assumptions as pedagogy, androgogy, self-directed learning and critical reflection and
analysis will also be explored in the context of lifelong learning. The unit concludes with
an exploration of the policy foundations which influences the contexts in which adult
learning in Australia is practised.
Staff Dr I Falk, Ms L Harrison
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all year 1 subjects or equiv
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Burns R, The Adult Learner at Work: A Comprehensive Guide to the Context, Psychology and
Methods of Learning for the Workplace Business & Professional, Syd, 1995.
Courses [E3G] [M3H]
Faculty website <>
Teaching and Learning 1
Enrolment code: ESV204
Offered: Distance education.o26
Special note: access to teaching/training practical work is essential
Blends a performance-based approach with reflection, resulting in a focus on praxis: the
integration of theory and practice. The unit aims to encourage students to become more
aware of their roles as educators, to raise awareness of current teaching, training and
facilitation practices, and to develop skills of critical evaluation of their own practice
methodology, and those of other adult educators.
Staff Dr C Owen
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites ESV202
Assessment mode assignment and practical work
Required texts etc
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Pithers R, Improving Learning through Effective Instruction, Social Science Press, Katoomba,
Tovey MD, Training in Australia, Prentice Hall, Syd, 1997.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Communication Strategies
Enrolment code: ESV205
Offered: Distance education: semester 1
Continues the study of the informing disciplines of adult and vocational education
through an extension of the themes studied in Communication ESV201. The unit examines
the processes and contexts of socio-linguistic and social activities associated with
educational management, group and public spheres of adult and vocational education.
Spoken applications are studied in the context of the learning environment, in counselling
and interviewing settings, as well as for meetings and presentations. The written
application is consolidated through effective identification of text types, of critique, formal
reports, submissions, technical manuals and educational materials.
Staff Ms L Harrison
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites ESV201 or equiv
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Dwyer J, The Business Communication Handbook, 4th edn, 1997
Recommended texts etc
Eunson B, Writing and Presenting Reports, Wiley and Sons, Brisbane, 1989
Eunson B, Communicating for Team Building, Wiley and Sons, Brisbane, 1994.
Courses [E3G] [M3H]
Faculty website <>
Curriculum Development
Enrolment code: ESV206
Offered: Distance education: semester 2
Is designed to introduce students to the knowledge, process and skills required to develop
and implement inclusive curriculums in adult and vocational education. Unit content
includes the influences and processes involved in curriculum design, how to identify and
incorporate individual student needs and the development of learning and teaching
materials from national standards (where appropriate and available) in a specific adult
and/or vocational area. Students are required to relate the three stages of ‘define, design
and implement’ to their own work-based curriculums.
Staff tba
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites ESV201, 202, 203
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Print M, Curriculum Development and Design , 2nd edn, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards,
NSW, 1993.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Assessment and Evaluation
Enrolment code: ESV207
Offered: Distance education: semester 2
Adopts a holistic approach to assessment and evaluation where the overall assessment
regime is related to the context and purpose for individual assessment items. In this way,
the various traditional and contemporary approaches to assessment in adult and
vocational education are given practical application. As part of this approach, the unit
considers competency-based assessment and evaluation in the more traditional testing
knowledge-base, and some other, newer assessment and evaluation methods and
Staff tba
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Gonczi A, Developing a Competent Workforce, NCVER, Adelaide, 1993
Guthrie H, Getting to Grips with Evaluating Training, NCVER, Adelaide, 1995
Hager P, Athanasou J and Gonczi A, Assessment Technical Manual, AGPS, Canberra, 1994
Rumsey D, Assessment Practical Guide, AGPS, Canberra, 1994.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Issues and Contexts in AVE
Enrolment code: ESV208
Offered: Distance education: semester 2
This final unit for year two has a twofold purpose: first to synthesise the many issues
relevant to the field of adult and vocational education through a critical analysis organised
around the distinctive and contemporary research questions asked in the field. One of
these issues is the way in which the informing disciplines are reflected in current policies
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
and areas of practice. The second purpose is to provide an introduction to the way in
which the founding discipline bases have resulted in five significant and distinctive areas
of policy and practice within the more general field of adult and vocational education,
namely: Workplace Learning and Training (HRD), Community and Public Education,
Instructional Design in AVE, and Language, Literacy and Numeracy in AVE.
Staff Dr I Falk
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all other ESV2- units or equiv
Assessment mode assignment
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Conversion (A&WPT)
Enrolment code: ESV209
Offered: Distance education: semester 1 OR semester 2
Extends the practical competencies gained by students in completing Certificate IV in
Assessment and Workplace Training with the theoretical and critical aspects of the
Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education (BAdVocEd). This unit comprises 3 modules,
each of which deals with a specific topic that is associated with Certificate IV in
Assessment and Workplace Training and the BAdVocEd.
Staff Ms L Harrison
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern no tutorials; on-line communicaton support
Prerequisites Certificate IV in A&WPT
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 of Print M, Curriculum Development and Design, 2nd edn, Allen & Unwin,
Syd, 1993.
Recommended texts etc
Gonczi A (ed), Developing a Competent Workforce. Adult Learning Strategies for Vocational
Educators and Trainers, NCVER, Adelaide, 1992
Hager P, Athanasou J and Gonczi A, Assessment Technical Manual, AGPS, Canberra, 1994
Rumsev D, Assessment Practical Guide, AGPS, Canberra, 1994
Burns R, The Adult Learner at Work: A Comprehensive Guide to the Context, Psychology and
Methods of Learning for the Workplace, Business and Professional Publ, Syd, 1995.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Teaching and Learning 2
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Enrolment code: ESV301
Offered: Distance education: semesters 1 & 2
Special note: access to teaching/training practical work is essential
Extends the breadth and scope of ESV204 Teaching and Learning 1 in its focus on blending a
performance-based approach with reflection, resulting in praxis, which is the integration
of theory and practice. The unit aims to extend students’ awareness of their roles as
educators, raising their awareness of current teaching, training and facilitation practices,
and to develop skills of critical evaluation of their own practice methodology, and those of
other adult educators. These extensions occur in a specific elective studies area of practice
nominated by the students for study.
Staff tba
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv
Assessment mode assignment and practical work
Required texts etc
Brookfield S, Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1995.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Research and Methods in AVE
Enrolment code: ESV302
Offered: Distance education: semester 1
Provides an introduction to existing research in adult and vocational education and to
qualitative and quantitative research methods. The merits and purposes of research
contributing to adult and vocational education knowledge will be evaluated in terms of
the traditional and contemporary issues and research questions for the field, identified in
ESV208 Issues and Contexts in AVE.
Staff Dr S Kilpatrick
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv
Assessment mode assignment and research proposal
Required texts etc
Isaac S, Michael WB, Handbook in Research and Evaluation, EdiTS, San Diego, Ca, 1995.
Recommended texts etc
Eunson B, Writing and Presenting Reports, Wiley and Sons, Brisbane, 1994
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Workplace Learning and Training 1
Enrolment code: ESV305
Offered: Distance education: semester 1
Workplace Learning and Training (HRD) is concerned with the establishment of learning
needs in organisational settings where HRD practitioners operate. The unit is concerned
with the planning and implementation of organised learning programs directed at
individual, group and organisational performance improvement and/or personal growth.
The key areas for study include: planning and implementing training and development
programs; organisational change and organisational learning; and the role of learning
within quality management approaches. Upon completion of this unit, participants will be
able to: understand the existing and emerging roles played by HRD practitioners and the
competencies required by practitioners and in related roles; and understand the changing
nature of workplace organisations and the implications for HRD practice.
Staff Dr C Owen
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
DeSimone R, Harris D, Human Resource Development, 1998.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Workplace Learning and Training 2
Enrolment code: ESV306
Offered: Distance education: semester 2
Introduces the key elements of the learning organisation and details the ways in which
HRD practitioners can participate in the development of learning organisation practices.
The unit argues that HRD practitioners are best placed to provide consultancy services
(internal and external) that focus on these practices. Upon completion of the unit,
participants will be able to: situate the range of possible HRD roles within the changing
Australian and international context; demonstrate a capacity to identify the learning needs
of different organisations; understand a range of issues involved in organisational change;
and appraise the opportunities for, and value of, HRD research/evaluation roles for
external consultants.
Staff Dr C Owen
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv, plus ESV305
Assessment mode assignment
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Required texts etc
DeSimone R, Harris D, Human Resource Development, 1998.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Community and Public Education 1
Enrolment code: ESV307
Offered: Distance education: semester 1
Provides the relevant practical, theoretical and research perspectives, acts as a
foundational introduction to Community and Public Education, and traces the emergence
of the sector and its role in society. The unit begins by establishing how the key informing
disciplines introduced in ESV208 have resulted in the features identified in this area of
practice. The unit will examine the scope of Community and Public Education and its
contribution to the educational, economic and social outcomes of the nation, state and
individual. There is particular attention paid to the need to establish a strategic research
base as one aspect of creating identity in the changing guise of the training reform.
Staff Ms L Harrison
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Foley G, Understanding Adult Education and Training, 2nd edn, Allen and Unwin, Syd, 2000.
Courses [E3G] [M3H]
Faculty website <>
Community and Public Education 2
Enrolment code: ESV308
Offered: Distance education: semester 2
Using recently acquired student experience and knowledge of research processes and
methods, the unit concentrates on skills that will enhance constructive negotiation as
advocate, change agent, or empowering agent to stimulate social, physical, economic place
and community action. It then assists students to design and conduct applicable public
promotional campaigns and suitable approaches, to raise awareness, disseminate
information support and resources.
Staff Ms L Harrison
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv, plus ESV307
Assessment mode assignment
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Required texts etc
Foley G, Understanding Adult Education and Training, 2nd edn, Allen and Unwin, Syd, 2000.
Courses [E3G] [M3H]
Faculty website <>
Instructional Design in AVE 1
Enrolment code: ESV309
Offered: Distance education: semester 1
Begins by establishing how the key informing disciplines introduced in ESV208 have
resulted in the features identified in this area of practice. The unit investigates the nature
of instructional design, the history of the instructional design movement and the place of
instructional design in the context of adult and vocational education. Stages in the ID
process are explored before considering three further key issues which are impacting on
current ID practice: the implications of new technologies on the development and delivery
of instruction; the question of quality, with focus on evaluating the ID process; and the
re-assessment of ID theory and practice in the light of current understandings about
learners and the learning process.
Staff tba
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Rowntree D, Teaching Through Self-instruction, Kogan Page, Lond, 1990.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Instructional Design in AVE 2
Enrolment code: ESV310
Offered: Distance education: semester 2
Looks at the elements of communication and project management that are important in
the work of an instructional designer. These are not the traditional ‘skills’ of
materials-based ID, but the essential interpersonal and organisational abilities which
facilitate effective outcomes.
Staff tba
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv, plus ESV309
Assessment mode assignment
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Required texts etc
Rowntree D, Teaching Through Self-instruction, Kogan Page, Lond, 1990.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Language, Literacy and Numeracy in AVE 1
Enrolment code: ESV311
Offered: Distance education: semester 1
Provides the practical, theoretical and research perspectives which allow an
understanding of the many social, educational and workplace contexts of use in which
adult language, literacy and numeracy education occurs. Using the primary discipline
base of socio-linguistics, the overall direction develops the idea that language and literacy
is part of and results from the activities of the particular context, whether these are related
to vocational, functional or personal contexts of language and literacy use. The basis for
the unit is to establish how the key informing disciplines introduced in ESV208 have
resulted in the features identified in this area of practice.
Staff Dr I Falk
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Falk I and Penson M (eds), Literacy, Adults and Diversity, 1996.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Language, Literacy and Numeracy in AVE 2
Enrolment code: ESV312
Offered: Distance education: semester 2
Builds on the groundwork laid in ESV311. The links are made between the contexts in
which educational practices occur in adult language, literacy and numeracy education and
the practical application of those skills. The key discipline base of socio-linguistics is
explored in greater depth. The underlying theme is that effective adult language, literacy
and numeracy education depends on an ethical and equitable blend of both generic and
context-specific practices, whether these are related to vocational, functional or personal
contexts of use.
Staff Dr I Falk
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks, 3x7-hr; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv, plus ESV311
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Falk I and Penson M (eds), Literacy, Adults and Diversity, 1996.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
On-line Learning and Teaching in AVE
Enrolment code: ESV313
Offered: Distance education: semester 2
Special note: As the majority of this unit is computer-interactive study, students require computer
skills and access to the internet
Using the world wide web-based educational environment, this unit provides hands-on
experience alongside pedagogical content of on-line learning. The student has the
opportunity to examine the relevance of a personalised learning environment,
collaborative learning, multi-media presentation of content, reinforcing content,
experiential learning and new approaches to assessment. As a learner, the student is
introduced to interactive communication tools of discussion boards, chat room,
whiteboard and email. As teachers/trainers in Adult and Vocational Education, students
have the opportunity to use these technologies as a teacher and designer of on-line
teaching using the course tool, WebCT.
Staff Ms L Harrison
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorial
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv
Assessment mode assignment and participation
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Managing AVE
Enrolment code: ESV314
Offered: Distance education: semesters 1 & 2
Considers the various organisational structures which exist in various AVE contexts and
issues of the management of physical and human resources, in particular the interpersonal
skills required in managing AVE. These include consulting, negotiating, working in teams
and leadership.
Staff Dr S Kilpatrick (Coordinator)
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks 3x7hrs; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv
Assessment mode assignment
University of Tasmania unit details
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
Research Practice in AVE
Enrolment code: ESV315
Offered: Distance education: semester 1 OR semester 2
Builds on ESV302, to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate a synthesis of
the skills and knowledge from the whole degree, through undertaking a literature research
Staff Dr S Kilpatrick
Unit weight 12.5%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks 3x7hrs; on-line communicaton
Prerequisites all ESV2- units or equiv, plus ESV302 or equiv
Assessment mode literature research project
Required texts etc
Eunson B, Writing and Presenting Reports, Wiley, Brisbane, 1994.
Isaac S, Michael WB, MHandbook in Research and Evaluation, EdiTS, San Diego, Ca, 1995.
Courses [E3G]
Faculty website <>
About Research in AVE
Enrolment code: ESV401
Offered: Distance education: semester 1 OR semester 2
Special note: See also the related unit ESV402
Provides an overview of the meaning, place and relevance of research in adult and
vocational education, allied to a study of current research in the field. The question of
ethics is also considered. An in-depth review of the research frameworks is made and the
strategic plans of groups such as ANTA, NCVER and AVETRA are discussed in reference
to various research disciplines which contribute to the overall picture. In carrying out this
review, students identify gaps and needs for research, as wells as a particular area for their
own research work. Students also research the relevant literature.
Staff Dr I Falk
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks 3x7hrs; on-line communicaton
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Burns RB, Introduction to Research Methods, Longman Cheshire, Melb, 2000.
Courses [E4G]
Faculty website <>
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ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Doing Research in AVE
Enrolment code: ESV402
Offered: Distance education: semester 1 OR semester 2
Encompasses the conduct of research projects. The unit begins with the framing and
focusing of research questions, moves to explore the link between problem and
methodology, encompasses research design and some basic qualitative, scientific and
discursive methods, outlines the kinds of in-the-field issues which need to be addressed in
the conduct of research projects, and concludes with data analysis techniques and
proposal and report writing. The research dissertation proposal is the major outcome of
this unit.
Staff Dr S Kilpatrick
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern intra-state optional tutorials in daily blocks 3x7hrs; on-line communicaton
Assessment mode assignment
Required texts etc
Burns RB, Introduction to Research Methods, Longman Cheshire, Melb, 2000.
Courses [E4G]
Faculty website <>
Enrolment code: ESV403
Offered: Distance education: semester 1 OR semester 2
For details, contact the Faculty
Unit weight 50%
Teaching pattern individual consultation with adviser; on-line communication support
Prerequisites all level 400 units or equiv
Courses [E4G]
Faculty website <>
Dissertation (Part A)
Enrolment code: ESV404
Offered: Distance education: semester 1 OR semester 2
For details, contact the Faculty
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern individual consultation with adviser; on-line communication support
Courses [E4G]
Faculty website <>
Dissertation (Part B)
University of Tasmania unit details
July 11, 2016, 18:40 PM, page –13
ESV Unit Details as at 13th June, 2002
Enrolment code: ESV405
Offered: Distance education: semester 1 OR semester 2
For details, contact the Faculty
Unit weight 25%
Teaching pattern individual consultation with adviser; on-line communication support
Courses [E4G]
Faculty website <>
University of Tasmania unit details
July 11, 2016, 18:40 PM, page –14