International Exchange Program Software Engineering Project

Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
International Exchange Program
Enrolment code: KCA080
Unit description: For details, contact Faculty of Science and Engineering
Software Engineering Project
Enrolment code: KCA300
Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2
Unit description: Project (starts sem 1) – A medium-scale computing project,
created by small teams of students. The projects include various applications,
communications or distributed systems. All aspects of the development process
are considered: requirements, specification, system design, implementation,
integration, documentation, testing and quality assurance. Personal Software
Process (sem 1) – Finding, avoiding, estimating and the economics of defects.
Personal commitment to process and product quality. Software Quality
Assurance (sem 2) – Factors affecting software quality. Software process,
documentation, measurement and improvement. Study and comparison of
different methodologies and standards.
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching: 10x1-hr lectures (sem 1), 10x1-hr lectures (sem 2), 2-hr lab class
weekly, 12xhalf-hr management meetings
Prereq: KCA201 or (KCA251 and KCA253)
Mutual excl: KCA353
Assess: practical work and assignments (100%)
Courses: S3G
Software Systems
Enrolment code: KCA311
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Unit description: Provides theoretical basis and practical experiences of the
following contemporary software systems and practices: Analysis Techniques –
Formal description of static and dynamic program behaviour. Program
verification and validation. Software Engineering – Software architectures and
the role of specialised tools in software development. Concurrent
programming: threads, synchronisation, communication. Distributed systems:
client-server, distributed object models, inter-object communication models
(Java RMI, Java Servlets, CORBA, IIOP, DCOM).
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 3x1-hr lectures weekly, 1 hr tutorial fortnightly, 6x3-hr practicals (13
Prereq: KCA201 or (KCA251 and KCA253)
Mutual excl: KCA352
Assess: practical work and assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%);
students must achieve at lest 40% credit in both the practical and exam
Courses: S3G
Programming Paradigms
Enrolment code: KCA312
Offered: Hbt, sem 2
Unit description: Applied Techniques – Functional programming, applied
type systems; objects, encapsulation and closures; control flow abstraction; data
abstraction. Advanced programming languages – Types in programming
languages including parametric polymorphism, subtyping and dynamic typing.
Intensional aspects: analysis, optimisation and semantics.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KCA201 or (KCA251 and KCA253)
Mutual excl: KCA355
Assess: practical work and assignments (30%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (70%);
students must achieve at lest 40% credit in both the practical and exam
Courses: S3G
Networks and Protocols
Enrolment code: KCA321
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Unit description: Emphasis is placed on protocols and protocol architectures,
especially with respect to local area networks (LANs). Introduction to
networks; overview of layered protocols, digital communication standards;
local and wide area network technologies; real protocols, such as TCP/IP;
network management systems and protocols; network protocol modelling;
application layer programming.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Teaching: 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KCA150 or KXA150 or KCA152 or KXA154
Mutual excl: KCA351
Assess: practical work and assignments (30%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (70%);
students must achieve at lest 40% credit in both the practical and exam
Courses: S3G
Intelligent Systems
Enrolment code: KCA341
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: the unit is designed for third-year students in the BSc and other
degree courses
Unit description: Is intended for all engineering and science students and
aims to acquaint students with intelligent systems and provide them with a
working knowledge for building these systems. Expert systems – knowledge
representation, a comprehensive overview for building expert systems using an
expert system shell. Uncertain reasoning – fuzzy set theory, building fuzzy
expert systems illustrating the theory through examples, fuzzy knowledge and
other methods for dealing with uncertainty. Artificial neural networks – the
human neural system, pattern classification and clustering algorithms, neural
net topology and training, applications of neural nets.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2x1-hr lectures, 3-hr lab session fortnightly
Prereq: KCA150 or KCA151
Mutual excl: AEA413
Assess: 2 assignments (20%), project (20%), 3-hr final exam (60%)
Required texts, etc:
Durkin, J. Expert Systems Design and Development, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1994.
Courses: S3G +OC
Image Processing and Computer Vision
Enrolment code: KCA342
Offered: Hbt, sem 2
Special note: the unit is designed for third-year students in the BSc and other
degree courses
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Unit description: Is a first course in image processing and computer vision
and aims to provide students with sufficient background to develop their own
processing software. The unit gives an introduction to the human visual
system, standard video systems and video acquisition hardware and software
systems. Students are then given a comprehensive background in various
techniques in image spectral analysis, enhancement, and compression, useful
for visual communications and electronic commerce. The unit also covers
techniques in object recognition and computer vision, useful for manufacturing
and quality assurance processes.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly, 3-hr lab session fortnightly
Prereq: KMA150 or KMA152 or KMA156
Mutual excl: AEA414
Assess: 2 lab reports (20%), 1-hr mid-term test and an assignment (20%), 3-hr
final exam (60%)
Required texts, etc:
Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison Wesley, 1992.
Courses: N3H S3G +OC
Computer Architecture
Enrolment code: KCA343
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: the unit is designed for third-year students in the BSc and other
degree courses
Unit description: Gives an in-depth understanding of the inner workings of
modern digital computer systems and tradeoffs present at the
hardware–software interface. The unit gives an understanding of the design
process in the context of a complex hardware system as well as practical
experience with computerised design tools. Topics include: instruction set
design, computer arithmetic, controller and datapath design, memory systems,
input/output systems, network interrupts and exceptions, pipelining,
performance and cost analysis, computer architecture history, and a survey of
advanced architectures. There is a computer design project. Students
implement a major subset of the MIPs architecture to the gate level.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KCA252 and KCA254
Mutual excl: AEA316
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Assess: practical work and assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%);
students much achieve at least 40% credit in both the practical and exam
Required texts, etc:
Patterson DA and Hennesy JL, Computer Organisation and Design, the
Hardware/Software Interface, Morgan Kaufmann Publ
Gibson Glenn A, Computer Systems: Concepts and Design, Prentice Hall
or Hwang Kai, Advanced Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability,
Programmability, McGraw Hill.
Courses: S3G +OC
Communications and Data Networks
Enrolment code: KCA354
Offered: Hbt, sem 2
Unit description: Provides sufficient knowledge of current and evolving
technology and international standards in order to plan and design a corporate
computer network. The emphasis is on data communications and data
communications networking. Topics covered include data transmission, data
encoding, digital data communications, data link control, multiplexing, circuit
switching, packet switching, local area networks (LANs), metropolitan area
networks (MANs), wide area networks (WANs), and integrated services digital
networks (ISDN).
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly, 3x3-hr lab sessions (13 wks)
Prereq: KMA150 or KMA152 or KMA156
Assess: 2 lab reports (20%), 1-hr mid-term test and an assignment (20%), 3-hr
final exam (60%)
Required texts, etc:
Stallings W, Data and Computer Communications, 4th edition, McMillan, 1994.
Courses: S3G +OC
Advanced Lambda Calculus
Enrolment code: KCA421
Offered: Hbt
Unit description: For details of this unit, contact the School of Computing
Unit weight: 12.5%
Courses: N3A
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Enrolment code: KCA422
Offered: Hbt
Unit description: For details of this unit, contact the School of Engineering.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Courses: N3A
Software Engineering Management
Enrolment code: KCA427
Offered: Hbt
Unit description: For details of this unit, contact the School of Engineering.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Courses: N3A
Intelligent Systems
Enrolment code: KCA441
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: designed for fourth-year students in the BE degree
Unit description: Aims to acquaint students with intelligent systems and
provide them with a working knowledge for building these systems. For a
fuller description, see Intelligent Systems (KCA341)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 2x1-hr lectures, 3-hr lab session fortnightly
Prereq: KCA150 or KCA151
Mutual excl: AEA413
Assess: 2 assignments (20%), project (20%), 3-hr final exam (60%)
Required texts, etc:
Durkin, J. Expert Systems Design and Development, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, 1994.
Courses: N3A
Image Processing and Computer Vision
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Enrolment code: KCA442
Offered: Hbt, sem 2
Special note: designed for fourth-year students in the BE degree
Unit description: Provides students with sufficient background to develop
their own processing software.
For a fuller description, see Image Processing and Computer Vision (KCA342).
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly, 3-hr lab session fortnightly
Prereq: KMA150 or KMA152 or KMA156
Mutual excl: AEA414
Assess: 2 lab reports (20%), 1-hr mid-term test and an assignment (20%), 3-hr
final exam (60%)
Required texts, etc:
Gonzalez and Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison Wesley, 1992.
Courses: N3A
Computer Architecture
Enrolment code: KCA443
Offered: Hbt, sem 1
Special note: designed for fourth-year students in the BE degree
Unit description: Gives an in-depth understanding of the inner workings of
modern digital computer systems and tradeoffs present at the
hardware–software interface.
For a fuller description, see Computer Architecture (KCA343).
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching: 3x1-hr lectures, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: KCA252 and KCA254
Mutual excl: AEA316
Assess: practical work and assignments (40%), 3-hr end-of-sem exam (60%);
students much achieve at least 40% credit in both the practical and exam
Required texts, etc:
As for KCA343
Courses: N3A
Software Engineering Project
Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002)
Enrolment code: KCA444
Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2
Unit description: For details of this unit, contact the School of Computing
Unit weight: 25%
Courses: N3A