Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) Introductory Indonesian Enrolment code: HMN100 Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2; Ltn, sem 1&2 Unit description: Emphasises interactive use of Indonesian language and an understanding of contemporary Indonesian society. Uses written text, audio, video and computers for language learning. Staff: Prof B Hatley, Mr M Clark (Ltn); Dr PM Allen (Hbt) Unit weight: 25% Teaching: 5 contact hrs weekly (2 lectures, 3 tutorials) plus 1 hr individual study (26 wks) Prereq: this unit is offered to students in any year with little or no previous background in Indonesian language study. There are no prerequisites for studying this unit. Students who have studied TCE Indonesian may have supplementary and/or alternative work provided, or proceed direct to second year Assess: exercises and bi-weekly tests (20%); 2x500-word assignments (20%); 2 seminar presentations on an aspect of Indonesian culture or Australia-Indonesia concerns (20%); final 2-hr written exam (20%); final oral/aural tests (20%) Required texts, etc: may be purchased through the School Courses: R3A R3J Intermediate Indonesian (Reading and Writing) Enrolment code: HMN201 Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2; Ltn, sem 1&2 Unit description: Enables students to read and write about more complex topics. Students read and write about ideas and information gained from the contemporary reading matter provided, especially Indonesian newspaper and popular magazine material. Staff: Prof B Hatley, Mr M Clark (Ltn); Dr PM Allen (Hbt) Unit weight: 25% Teaching: 5x1-hr classes fortnightly (26 wks) Prereq: HMN100 or TCE Stage 4 (HA) or equiv Mutual excl: HMN204 and HMN206, HMA232/332 Assess: weekly written assignments and fortnightly tests (30%), 2 major assignments/essays in Indonesian (30%), final 2-hr written exam (40%) Majors: Indonesian, Asian Studies Courses: R2A R3A +OC 1 Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 2 Intermediate Indonesian (Conversation) Enrolment code: HMN202 Offered: Hbt, sem 1; Ltn, sem 1 Unit description: Enables students to converse in Indonesian about more complex topics. Students discuss ideas and information gained from listening to and viewing material dealing with Indonesian and Australian cultures. Staff: Prof B Hatley, Mr M Clark (Ltn); Dr PM Allen (Hbt) Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 5x1-hr classes fortnightly Prereq: HMN100 or TCE Stage 4 (HA) or equiv Mutual excl: HMN203, HMN205, HMA233/333 Assess: weekly assignments and fortnightly tests (30%), oral and aural exercises in class (20%), final written exam (20%), oral/aural exam (30%) Majors: Indonesian, Asian Studies Courses: R2A R3A +OC Intermediate Indonesian (Conversation) (Padang) Enrolment code: HMN203 Offered: in-c, s-sch Special note: this unit is also available to practising teachers Unit description: Enables students to converse in Indonesian about more complex topics and to discuss ideas and information gained from listening to and viewing materials dealing with both Indonesian and Australian culture. Students live with families and deal directly with Indonesians to develop and sharpen their communication skills and ability to deal with various kinds of people while using Indonesian. Staff: Dr PM Allen and Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) teaching staff, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: a total of 90 contact hrs in an intensive program Prereq: HMN100 or TCE Stage 4 (HA) or equiv Coreq: HMN204 Mutual excl: HMN202, HMN205 Assess: class participation and tests throughout the program (30%), weekly interviews (30%), final oral/aural examination (40%) Required texts, etc: Provided by the program Majors: Indonesian Courses: R2A R3A +OC Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 3 Intermediate Indonesian (Reading and Writing) (Padang) Enrolment code: HMN204 Offered: in-c, s-sch Special note: this unit is also available to practising teachers Unit description: Enables students to read and write about more complex topics. They read and write about ideas and information gained from the contemporary listening, viewing, and reading matter provided, especially Indonesian newspapers, short stories and popular magazines. Students also gain familiarity with Indonesian grammar and develop the ability to express ideas appropriately in writing. Staff: Dr PM Allen and UNP teaching staff Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia Unit weight: 25% Teaching: A total of 90 contact hrs in an intensive program Prereq: HMN100 or TCE Stage 4 (HA) or equiv Coreq: HMN203 Mutual excl: HMN201 and HMN206 Assess: class participation and tests throughout the program (20%), 2,000-word paper (20%), weekly written assignments based on readings or interviews (20%), final 2-hr written exam (40%) Required texts, etc: Provided by the program. Majors: Indonesian Courses: R2A R3A +OC Wayang Shadow Puppet Theatre Enrolment code: HMN210/310 Offered: Ltn, sem 2 Unit description: Introduces one of Indonesia’s most popular forms of cultural expression, wayang shadow puppet theatre. Through a practical emphasis, students learn some of the basic skills of wayang shadow puppeteers. For those undertaking Indonesian language study, wayang is employed as a means of stimulating creativity in the use of the Indonesian language. The theoretical component focuses on issues such as puppets and puppet theatre in the global context; the historical development of the wayang; the social and political context of the wayang in contemporary Indonesia; the aesthetics of wayang performance; the values and philosophies encoded in the Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) 4 wayang; the wayang and modern Indonesian literature; and reading and writing wayang plots. Staff: Mr M Clark (Coordinator), Prof B Hatley Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs weekly Prereq: for Indonesian language students, at least HMN100 or equiv Assess: 1,000-word essay (30%), short scripted wayang performance at end of sem (students who possess Indonesian language skills must use Indonesian) (30%), 1.5-hr exam (40%) Required texts, etc: Reading to be supplied; 2 wayang puppets Majors: Indonesian Courses: R3A F3B F3J Advanced Indonesian Language Skills Enrolment code: HMN302 Offered: Ltn, sem 1&2; Hbt, sem 1&2 Unit description: Enables students to read, understand, and use more technical and formal Indonesian. Materials, which are not adapted or abridged, include synopses of novels, short stories, popular and academic journals and newspapers and videos. Staff: Dr PM Allen (Hbt), Prof B Hatley, Mr M Clark (Ltn) Unit weight: 25% Teaching: 3 hrs tutorial weekly (26 wks) Prereq: HMN201 and HMN202 or equiv as approved by HoS Assess: preparation and class participation (20%), 2,500-word paper due at the end of first sem (20%), 2 seminar presentations (20%), 2-hr final exam (40%) Recommended reading: Echols J and Shaddily H, An Indonesian–English Dictionary, and An English–Indonesian Dictionary, latest edn, Gramedia, Jakarta Majors: Indonesian Courses: R2A R3A R6J +OC Interpreting and Translation Enrolment code: HMN303 Offered: Not offered in 2001 Unit description: Students learn translation theories and principles of interpreting and translation through practice and discussion. The wide range of Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) topics includes education, government, health, the arts, law, the press, religion, and culture. Staff: tba Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 1-hr lecture, 2x1-hr tutorials weekly (13 wks) Prereq: HMN201 and HMN202 or equiv as approved by HoS Assess: weekly interpreting exercises (20%), weekly translation work (20%), special translation project (20%), final interpreting exam (20%), final translation exam (20%) Majors: Indonesian Courses: R2A R3A R6J +OC Survey of Indonesian Literature Enrolment code: HMN304 Offered: Hbt, sem 1; Ltnv, sem 1 Special note: rotating unit; Unit description: Examines 20th-century Indonesian literature by looking at its history, development, major writers and works. Important novels, short stories, poetry and plays are considered. Staff: Dr PM Allen Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 1-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks) Prereq: HMN201 and HMN202 or equiv as approved by HoS Assess: preparation and class participation (20%), 2,500-word paper (20%), class presentation and write-up (20%), 3-hr final exam (40%) Recommended reading: Echols J and Shaddily H, An Indonesian–English Dictionary, and An English–Indonesian Dictionary, latest edn, Gramedia, Jakarta Majors: Indonesian, Asian Studies Courses: R2A R3A R6J +OC Topics in Indonesian Literature Enrolment code: HMN305 Offered: Not offered in 2001 Special note: rotating unit Unit description: Requires students to read a novel and short stories in Indonesian. The understanding of these works and their place in Indonesian literature are discussed in class. 5 Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) Staff: Dr P Allen Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 contact hrs weekly (13 wks) Prereq: HMN201 and HMN202 or equiv as approved by HoS Assess: preparation and class participation (20%), 2,500-word paper (20%), class presentation and write-up (20%), 3-hr final exam (40%) Recommended reading: Echols J and Shaddily H, An Indonesian–English Dictionary, and An English–Indonesian Dictionary, latest edn, Gramedia, Jakarta Majors: Indonesian Courses: R2A R3A R6J +OC Advanced Indonesian Language Skills (Padang) Enrolment code: HMN306 Offered: in-c, s-sch Unit description: Enables students to read, understand, and use more technical and formal Indonesian. Materials, which are not adapted or abridged, include synopses of novels, short stories, popular and academic journals and newspapers. Staff: Dr PM Allen and UNP teaching staff, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia Unit weight: 25% Teaching: a total of 90 contact hrs in an intensive instruction program Prereq: HMN201 and HMN202 or equiv as approved by HoS Coreq: HMN307 Assess: preparation and class participation (20%), 2,500-word paper (20%); weekly interviews (20%), 2-hr final exam (40%) Required texts, etc: Provided by the program Recommended reading: Echols J and Shaddily H, An Indonesian–English Dictionary, and An English–Indonesian Dictionary, latest edn, Gramedia, Jakarta Majors: Indonesian Courses: R2A R3A R6J +OC Indonesian Literature in Context (Padang) Enrolment code: HMN307 Offered: in-c, s-sch Unit description: Requires students to read excerpts of prominent novels and short stories in their original form. The unit aims to develop students’ understanding and language skills. 6 Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) Staff: Dr PM Allen and UNP teaching staff, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: a total of 90 contact hrs in an intensive instruction program Prereq: HMN201 and HMN202 or equiv as approved by HoS Coreq: HMN306 Assess: preparation and class participation (20%), weekly written assignments (20%), class presentation and write-up (20%), 2-hr final exam (40%) Recommended reading: Echols J and Shaddily H, An Indonesian–English Dictionary, and An English–Indonesian Dictionary, latest edn, Gramedia, Jakarta Majors: Indonesian Courses: R2A R3A R6J +OC Reading Indonesian Enrolment code: HMN308 Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2; Ltn, sem 1&2 Unit description: Develops the students’ skill in reading Indonesian and their ability to discuss, in Indonesian, topics based on this reading. In addition to works assigned to them, students may choose articles or books of personal, academic and professional interest. Weekly written assignments develop their skills in reporting and expressing opinions on what they have read. Staff: Dr P Allen Unit weight: 25% Teaching: based on reading assignments, and 2-hr discussion weekly (26 wks) Prereq: HMN302 or HMN306 or equiv as approved by the HoS Assess: continuous assessment (a) preparation for and performance during discussion (20%), (b) weekly written assignment (20%), special project at the end of sem 1 (20%), end-of-year 2-hr exam (40%) Recommended reading: Echols J and Shaddily H, An Indonesian–English Dictionary, and An English–Indonesian Dictionary, latest edn, Gramedia, Jakarta Majors: Indonesian Courses: R2A R3A R6J +OC Popular Culture and Resistance in Indonesia Enrolment code: HMN309 Offered: Hbtv, sem 2; Ltn, sem 2 Unit description: Examines examples of Indonesian popular culture – songs, plays, films, poetry, fiction, cartoons – which convey criticism of and resistance to the existing political and social order. This unit strengthens Indonesian 7 Unit details (Course and Unit Handbook 2002) language skills in reading, translation, writing and aural comprehension while analysing the characteristics of politically oriented cultural texts and the social context which produced them. Staff: Dr P Allen, Mr M Clark, Prof B Hatley (Coordinator) Unit weight: 12.5% Teaching: 2 hrs weekly Prereq: HMN201 and HMN202 or equiv Assess: oral presentation and 750-word essay in Indonesian on the same topic (35%), 2-hr exam (40%), weekly preparation and assignments (25%) Majors: Indonesian Courses: R3A F3B F3J Indonesian 4 (Honours) Enrolment code: HMN400/401 Full time/Part time Offered: Hbt, sem 1&2; Ltn, sem 1&2 Special note: full-time students enrol in HMN400 (100%), part-time students in HMN401 (50%) Unit description: The BA Honours degree in Indonesian is made up of three parts: (a) Thesis, between 10,000 and 12,000 words, to be submitted by the end of the first week of November (50%); (b) compulsory core seminar on the History and Development of the Indonesian Language (25%); and (c) either the seminar Images of Women in Contemporary Indonesian Culture (25%) or Guided Reading (25%). The student selects the topic of the Guided Reading in consultation with the supervisor and the approval of HoS. The two seminars are offered in semester 1. Students are required to participate in/make a presentation at the 2-hour seminars and to write an essay of at least 5,000 words – due at the end of week 13. Staff: Prof B Hatley, Mr M Clark (Ltn), Dr PM Allen (Hbt) Unit weight: 100%/50% Teaching: the seminar taught in Hobart is offered in Launceston by video conference; and that taught in Launceston is available in Hobart by video conference. Prereq: Major, with Grade-Point Average of 7.0 or better Recommended reading: Echols J and Shaddily H, An Indonesian–English Dictionary, and An English–Indonesian Dictionary, latest edn, Gramedia, Jakarta Courses: R4A 8