SPELLING AND VOCABULARY – UNIT 4 10th Grade 1. cajole v. to persuade with flattery or promises 2. candor n. the state of being frank, open, and sincere in speech 3. cant n. whining or singsong speech, especially of beggars 4. caprice n. sudden, unpredictable change, as of one’s mind 5. carnage n. the slaughter of a great number of people, as in battle 6. carp v. to find fault or complain unreasonably 7. charisma n. a personal quality that gives a person influence or authority over a large number of people 8. chastise v. to criticize severely 9. circumspect adj. watchful and discreet; cautious 10. clangor n. a loud, resonant sound 11. cliché n. a phrase expressing a popular or common thought that has lost originality due to overuse 12. coffer n. a box or chest for one’s valuables 13. colloquial adj. characteristic of familiar and informal conversation 14. comely adj. pleasing in appearance; attractive 15. commute v. to travel regularly over some distance SPELLING AND VOCABULARY – UNIT 4 10th Grade 1. cajole v. to persuade with flattery or promises 2. candor n. the state of being frank, open, and sincere in speech 3. cant n. whining or singsong speech, especially of beggars 4. caprice n. sudden, unpredictable change, as of one’s mind 5. carnage n. the slaughter of a great number of people, as in battle 6. carp v. to find fault or complain unreasonably 7. charisma n. a personal quality that gives a person influence or authority over a large number of people 8. chastise v. to criticize severely 9. circumspect adj. watchful and discreet; cautious 10. clangor n. a loud, resonant sound 11. cliché n. a phrase expressing a popular or common thought that has lost originality due to overuse 12. coffer n. a box or chest for one’s valuables 13. colloquial adj. characteristic of familiar and informal conversation 14. comely adj. pleasing in appearance; attractive 15. commute v. to travel regularly over some distance WORD POWER WORD POWER dic, dict – say, speak dic, dict – say, speak ab - , abs - , a – from, away ab - , abs - , a – from, away im – not im – not - ic nature of, like - ic nature of, like - less without - less without