Vocabulary Study – Unit 1


Name _____________________

Date ___________ Period _____

Vocabulary Study – Unit 1

I. Sentence Completion and Context Clues: Use the context clue(s) to determine which word from your list best completes each sentence. Write your answer neatly on the line. Spelling and capitalization DO count!

1. People take Tylenol to ________________________ their pain.

2. My friend comes from an ___________________ family. Most of her siblings drive Ferraris.

3. Bob put money into his savings account so that it can _______________ more money so he can buy a car.

4. Shy girls tend to ___________________ themselves from large groups of people.

5. Jorge threw the baseball 96 miles per hour. I wonder if he can normally do that, or if that was an


6. Dawn is following an _____________________ diet, only eating protein and fiber foods.

7. Cheerleaders must show _________________________ and excitement at all of the games.

8. Juanita has an _______________________ and friendly personality.

9. The light bulb is an invention ______________________(ed) to Thomas Edison.

10. El Paso, Texas _______________________(s) the country of Mexico.

II. Synonyms and Antonyms: Provide a term from this week’s list on the blank provided.

1. cleverness - _____________________________________

2. a sworn statement - ______________________________________

3. to grow - ________________________________________ SYNONYMS ONLY

4. to turn away - _____________________________________

5. to state - ______________________________________


6. unfriendly - _____________________________________

7. to worsen - ______________________________________

8. hungry - ________________________________________

9. disassociate - ____________________________________

10. poor - ______________________________________


III. Word Power: Using the definition for each word part as a starting point, answer the following questions.

1. A written list of books is called a ________ography.

2. An author who uses a fake name uses a pseudo________________.

3. When a teacher asks you to retake a test, that means she wants you to ______________________.

4. When you add er to the end of the word teacher , the word means ___________________________________________.


If you had to decode the word incapable, what does the in prefix mean? __________________

IV. Reading Comprehension – Read the following passage. Answer the questions.

from Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

“I should like to know what Anna wants, “Alexei Alexandrovitch said. “How can I possibly get to know what she desires?”

“If I may state my opinion,” said Stepan Arkadyevitch, “I think it depends entirely on you. It would be best if you told her plainly what measures you intended to take.”

“What measures would you suggest?” Alexei Alexandrovitch asked with a nervous gesture of his hands.

“Well, if you want to know my opinion,” Stepan Arkadyevitch began, what that soothing smile of his. Alexei

Alexandrovitch, feeling his own weakness, involuntarily abandoned himself to the influence of that smile, and was prepared to believe anything at all that Stepan Arkadyevitch might have to say to him. “There is only one thing my sister can desire,”

Stepan Arkadyevitch continued, “but she will never be brought to say it—and that is—a complete break in your relations that will take her away from all the memories connected with them. That can only be brought about by absolute freedom on both sides.”

“In other words, a divorce from me, “Alexei Alexandrovitch added, in horror.

“Yes, I think a divorce would be best. A divorce,” Stepan Arkadyevitch repeated, flushing red, “is by far the most sensible solution for a husband and wife who find themselves in the position that you are in. What else can they do if they find life unbearable together? It is a thing that is constantly happening.”

Alexei Alexandrovitch heaved a deep sigh and closed his eyes.

“One thing should be taken into consideration, and that is—do either one of you wish to remarry? If not, the case is very simple,” Stepan Arkadyevitch said, by degrees losing his embarrassment.

Alexei Alexandrovitch frowned and grew so agitated that he muttered something to himself, but made no reply. The thing that seemed so simple to Stepan Arkadyevitch he had considered a thousand times. Divorce, with all its proceedings that were known to him now, appeared utterly impossible. His personal dignity, his respect for religion, would not allow him to do it. Besides, there was another and more important reason that made a divorce impossible.

In the event of a divorce what would become of his son? To leave him with his mother would be impossible. She would soon remarry, putting the son in a wretched position. Should Alexei keep him? That would be cruel on his part, and he didn’t wish to be cruel.

Recalling Facts


Alexei Alexandrovitch said he wanted to know a.

what his wife desired. b. why Stepan Arkadyevitch had come. c. the reason for his friend’s advice.


Alexei Alexandrovitch found Stepan Arkadyevitch’s smile a.

irritating. b. soothing. c. puzzling.


Stepan Arkadyevitch though his sister wanted a a.

family. b. divorce. c. reconciliation.


Alexei Alexandrovitch was concerned about the welfare of a.

Stepan Arkadyevitch. b. his sister. c. his son.


Alexei Alexandrovitch believed if he divorced his wife, she would soon a.

neglect their son. b. return to him. c. remarry.

Understanding the Passage


Stepan Arkadyevitch apparently believed he a.

should stay out of his sister’s problems. b. knew his sister well. c. was responsible for his sister’s unhappiness.


Alexei Alexandrovitch believed a divorce would a.

hurt his son. b. solve his problems. c. be misunderstood by their friends.


Stepan Arkadyevitch believed divorce a.

was an acceptable solution for an unhappy couple. b. was a violation of religious law. c. solved nothing.


The notion of divorcing Anna made Alexei Alexandrovitch a.

laugh. b. upset. c. angry.


Alexei believed his son would not be happy living with a.

Stepan. b. a stepfather. c. anyone.
