Small Inspiration

Small Inspiration
1. Does accepting change take courage? Explain why or why not?
2. What is the greatest change you have ever faced? (moving, death in family, divorce of parents, other)
3. How did you cope with the change in your life?
Now read the essay provided and answer the questions below:
4. Why is Jacyntha so nervous and anxious?
5. Visualize the speaker and her little sister. Compare their moods and attitudes to their parents’
Mood at Beginning of Story
What do you FEEL as a reader?
Attitude to Parents’ Divorce
What do you see as a reader?
Mood at End of Story
What do you FEEL now as a reader?
6. What does the phrase “I hate it when they use me like a weapon” mean?
What device is used in this sentence? Why would the author use it and is it effective? Why or why not?
Efpatridis 1P1 2015
7. What device is used in the sentence “I would probably still be isolated in my room if not for my sister:
my little beam of inspiration” ?
8. What advice could you gather from reading this essay to share with teens experiencing divorce?
List at least 3 points:
9. Think about minor characters briefly mentioned in the article, and how each would feel after reading
the speaker’s thoughts.
Mother – how might she feel after hearing the
information in the essay?
Father’s Girlfriend – how might she feel after
hearing the information in the essay?
Efpatridis 1P1 2015