To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 20-25 WORDS

To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 20-25
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapters 20-25
1. heathen n. a person who does not
acknowledge your god
2. idealist n. a person who represents things
that they might or should be, rather than what
the are
3. impassive adj. having or revealing little
4. improbable adj. having a probability too
low to inspire belief
5. iota n. a tiny or scarcely detectable
6. misgiving n. uneasiness about the fitness
of an action
7. motivated adj./v. provided with a motive
or given incentive for action
8. overpower v. overcome by superior force
9. passion n. a strong feeling or emotion
10. precisely adv. indicating exactness or
11. preface n. an introduction
12. prompt v. give an incentive for action
13. remorse n. a feeling of deep regret
14. tacit adj. implied by or inferred from
actions or statements
15. temerity n. fearless daring
1. heathen n. a person who does not
acknowledge your god
2. idealist n. a person who represents things
that they might or should be, rather than what
the are
3. impassive adj. having or revealing little
4. improbable adj. having a probability too
low to inspire belief
5. iota n. a tiny or scarcely detectable
6. misgiving n. uneasiness about the fitness
of an action
7. motivated adj./v. provided with a motive
or given incentive for action
8. overpower v. overcome by superior force
9. passion n. a strong feeling or emotion
10. precisely adv. indicating exactness or
11. preface n. an introduction
12. prompt v. give an incentive for action
13. remorse n. a feeling of deep regret
14. tacit adj. implied by or inferred from
actions or statements
15. temerity n. fearless daring