TEACHER INFORMATION MS. WILLIS I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Teaching Social Science from Humboldt State University in the beautiful redwoods of northern California and a Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction from Western Governors University. I have three amazing kids and two energetic puppies! They are the joy of my life. I truly enjoy teaching and working with young people. The focus of my classroom is student learning. I take a multi-dimensional approach to lesson structure incorporating lecture, class discussion, projects, reading, and writing. I am very open to student and parent feedback. I can be reached at 480-472-3084 or by email at mlwillis@mpsaz.org and will return all messages within one business day. COURSE DESCRIPTION SS69 – Criminology & The Law An overview of the nature of criminality including the legal and social remediation of criminal behavior. The emphasis will reflect the roles of the citizenry relative to crime in a democratic society. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES START OF CLASS BELL WORK When the bell rings, be in your seat, with all electronics turned off and put away, all materials ready, and working on bell work. Most days there will be a bell work assignment. 1) PLANNER: Write the daily Topic and homework assignment from the board into your planner. 2) BELL WORK PAPER: Answer the bell work questions. NOTEBOOK NOTES PARTICIPATION Each student is required to have a folder or binder dedicated to this class. A complete notebook example is available in class for student review. Each student will be expected to take Cornell notes. Focused note taking strategies will be cultivated in class. Students are expected to be actively engaged in learning in this class. Listen respectfully, think critically, share openly. GRADES LATE ASSIGNMENTS MAKE-UP WORK EXTRA HELP/TUTORING BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS PARENT INVOLVEMENT Grades are updated weekly. They will be based on participation, bell work, class assignments, tests, and the semester research project. There will be NO surprises. You will know what you will be graded on, the grading scale, due dates, test dates and content. Final Exams are scheduled for December 17 & 18, 2015. Assignments are due on the due date specified. Due dates and test dates are posted in the classroom. Late assignments receive a 25% reduction in credit. You have the number of days you were absent to make up missing assignments for full credit. Ms. Willis is available during 2nd lunch and after school for extra help/tutoring. Contact me to make arrangements. The expectations for behavior in this class are positive. You are expected to be respectful and considerate of yourself, your peers, and your teacher. You are expected to follow class and school rules. If you choose not to meet these expectations, consequences may include a verbal warning, a conference, parental contact, or referral to administration. Parents are encouraged to regularly check their student’s progress using the Mesa Public Schools online portal located at www.mpsaz.org. Under “My MPS Portal”, click on “Parents”. You can obtain a user name and login from the Dobson front office. This portal allows you to see your student’s grades and attendance for all classes. I send out email periodically to parents advising you of what your student is learning and important assignment and test due dates. In addition, you can contact me at 480-472-3084 or by email at mlwillis@mpsaz.org.