Welcome to Language! Here are some things you need to know about the expectations and procedures for Language! We will be working diligently to improve your reading level this year. In order to achieve growth in your reading, we will be focusing on the following reading objectives: The Reading Process which includes: Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension Strategies Information Text which includes: Expository Text Functional Text Persuasive Text When you enter the classroom: You must be in your seat when the bell rings, in order to be on time. Please do not be still standing around socializing when the bell rings. Everything you need is in the classroom! So please be on time and ready! Materials: You are required by the school to have your ID, pencil, reading book, and white binder/planner every hour. I will be checking for these four materials every day. On Friday, I will be coming around to check your planners to make sure they are completed. You will receive points for filling in the Class Activity, Home Practice, and Word of the Day. These points will be given weekly, so please make sure you are completing your planners! Bathroom Passes: Your bathroom passes are included in your planner. Once you use them up, they are gone, so use them wisely! You must sign out before you leave to use the restroom. Sign out sheets are located in the classroom. Make sure to include the time that you left. Only one person may be out on a pass at a time, so please hurry up. Fire Drill: When you hear the fire alarm you need to drop everything you are doing and line-up at the door. I will come to the door and let you know when we can exit the classroom. The person that is first in line will lead us out to our designated area. The rest of the class will follow in a single-file line. Once we are outside you need to remain in a quiet line so I can take attendance. When we are given the signal to go back inside, you need to enter the same way we exited; in a quiet, single-file line. If you are not back in the classroom after a fire drill in a timely manner, you will be issued a step on the respect form. Assignments/Absences: All of our assignments are done in class with my assistance. If a student is absent, we will work hard to try and complete the missed assignments in class. However, that is not always possible, so there will be times when missed assignments will become homework for the student. If the student is going to be absent for more than two days, you can call the front office and request that work be sent to the office to be picked up by a parent. Tests: You will be taking a pre and a post test. The pre test will be given at the beginning of the year and will not count as a grade. The post test will be issued in May. The purpose of these tests is to measure the progress you have made from the beginning to the end of the year. Regular classroom tests and quizzes will be given as we work through and complete each unit, and will count towards your grade. Grades: Make sure that you keep track of your grades. Some ways to do this are to write your grades in your planner, and keep your assignments to verify grades if necessary. If you need to, you may set up a time either before or after school to talk about your grades. Each assignment, quiz, test, and project will be given a point value. Your quarter and semester grades will be determined using a weighted system where assessments will be the largest part of your grade. I will provide you with more information as the year gets started. A= 90%-100% B= 80%-89% C= 70%- 79% D= 60%-69% F= 0%-59% Homework: In order to reach your fullest potential as a reader, you should be reading every night. We will not have any set homework in this class. However, I encourage you to read SOMETHING, ANYTHING every night for at least 15 minutes. I also reserve the right at any time to begin assigning homework, so be prepared! Dress Code: The dress code will be STRICTLY enforced. Please review the dress code standards in your planner. If you are in violation of the dress code, I will simply walk over to you, and hand you a pass for the office. Take what you need with you and report to the office immediately. Do not ask questions, just go. This will eliminate anyone from being embarrassed in front of the class. End of Class: Do not begin to pack up before the bell rings. When you do hear the bell ring, you may not get up and leave. You need to listen to and follow the direction that I give you. You also need to make sure that all of the materials you may have taken out that day are neatly placed back where they belong. Once I have given you permission to leave…you may leave. Classroom Etiquette & Professionalsim Use breaks for restrooms, drinks, and socializing. Do not pass, read, or write notes during class. Stay alert and attentive during class. Do not throw papers or objects of any types in the classroom. Use the six body parts to show attention at all times. Backs against your chairs. Eyes on Speaker. Hands on the table and to yourself Mouths are quiet unless you have been called on Ears open ready to listen Brains turned on and ready to learn RESPECT, RESPECT, RESPECT!! Disrespect will NOT be tolerated! Treat others how you would like to be treated. Treat property like it is our own Stay away from the teacher desk areas unless permission has been given. Do not interrupt when others are speaking, which includes the teacher. Remain in your seats if I step away to speak with a student or adult. Listen and follow directions. Use class time wisely and effectively. Keep a positive attitude at all times. Room 825’s Expectations: Positive Attitude Respect Truth Active Participation Personal Best Discipline Procedures: The school will be using a 5 Step Discipline Plan called the Student Respect Report. For classroom behaviors such as throwing small objects with no intent or harm, bad attitude, talking back, lying, disrespect, and graffiti that is not gang related, I will follow this 5 Step Plan. The procedure is as follows: Step One: Documented warning and conference with student regarding start of discipline process, along with an immediate logical consequence (such as being sent to a buddy room for a 30 minute before or after school detention). Step Two, Three, and Four: Documentation of student behavior, and parent contact, and logical consequence (such as being sent to a buddy room or a 30 minute before or after school detention). Step Five: Same procedure as Steps two, three and four, but if a student reaches step 5, an official referral will be issued. **Please be aware that campus behaviors such as possessing weapons of any type, harm of a staff member, illegal drugs, defiance, refusing to comply, instigation of fights, sexual harassment/bullying, or graffiti that is gang related will result in immediate consequences with the office. Please sign and return this sheet to school tomorrow. I have read and understand all of the expectations, procedures, and consequences above. I understand that if I do not follow these guidelines, it may result in disciplinary action. I also understand that if I follow all these expectations and guidelines, I will be successful in class. _________________ Student Name (print) ________________ Student Signature _______________ Date __________________ ________________ Parent Signature (print) Parent Signature _______________ Date