Ecology of Marine Ecosystems SC75

Ecology of Marine Ecosystems SC75
Email is my preferred method of communication.
Email - you should receive a response with-in 6–12 hours.
Phone message - you should receive a response with-in 24 hours.
Materials: Students will be required to bring the following materials to class every day.
1. Spiral Notebook- 100 page college ruled spiral notebook that is 8 ½ in. X 11 in.
2. Student Handbook
3. Pencils and Pens
4. USB drive and Student gmail account – please know your log-in and password
5. Would prefer if every student had a laptop/tablet/Smartphone
Donations of facial tissue and glue sticks are always appreciated 
Course Description and Requirements:
A one year survey of marine ecosystems and environmental problems with an emphasis
on computer-based, hands-on laboratory investigations. The class has a high level of
difficulty and the students should be prepared to put forth a considerable amount of
time into the course.
Prerequisites: For success in Marine Biology students should have already passed
Biology and Chemistry.
Coursework: The laboratory component will be emphasized to help you become skilled
researchers and observers of scientific events. Although there will be occasional
lectures, the major responsibility for content learning will be through your weekly
guided readings. Quizzes and tests will follow.
Attendance: You will lose credit for the class after nine absences. Being gone that much
means you have miss significant work and you have not contributed to essential team
Tardies: Dobson has a Sweep policy in effect that means that all students that are
tardy to class are to be sent to the sweep room for that class period. All work that was
due that day MUST be turned into the sweep monitor and if it is not, then it is
considered late and therefore falls under the Late Work Policy. Getting swept on test
day requires that the student take the quarter make-up exam. Every student will be
allowed 3 front office purple tardy passes per quarter. After those tardies are
accrued your student will be sent to Sweep every time they are tardy to class. This
should only really affect the chronically tardy students.
Class Calendar: A comprehensive calendar and link to every class and homework
assignment are located on my Marine Biology link.
Homework: Homework is expected to be typed, completed and turned in on time.
Homework is due at the beginning of the period. You will have usually 3 to 5 days to
complete each assignment so do not wait until the last minute to find out your printer is
out of ink. All homework and lab write-ups are to be your own work. Plagiarism will not be
tolerated. First offense is a zero for the assignment; second offense is loss of credit
for the class.
Make-Up Work Procedures: If there is an excused absence, get make up work and do it
immediately, otherwise no late work is accepted.
Late Work Policy: All late work will be marked with a 50% loss of credit.
 Late work that was initially required to be TYPED must be HANDWRITTEN when
turned in late.
 Late work that was initially required to be HANDWRITTEN must be TYPED when
turned in late.
 Late work MUST be turned in before the end of the unit. All work not turned in
before the Unit Test will NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Gradebook Updating: The online gradebook grades are up to date and will have all
assignments listed that are in progress or are finished. Minimally I take about 2 days to
grade papers and lab reports but quizzes and tests are usually entered with-in 24 hours.
Tests: Do not miss scheduled tests; they can only be made up by taking the
cumulative test at the end of the quarter.
Test Taking Rules: Any student talking during a test will receive a zero for the test.
Electronic devices confiscated during a test will result in a zero for that test. This does
not include the in-class check for understanding quizzes where we utilize technology.
Semester Final Exam Dates: Thursday, December 17th and Friday, December 18th.
Please note that final exams are not given early. Ample notice is being provided, please
plan accordingly.
90-100= A
80-89= B
70-79= C
60-69= D
0-59= F
Semester Overall Grade:
1st Quarter – 50%
2nd Quarter – 50%
Follow directions with no class disruptions.
Raise your hand. (Only one person talks at a time)
Be in your seat when the bell rings and stay in your assigned seat during class.
Bottled water is the only food or drink allowed in class.
The teacher will confiscate any electronic devices visible in the classroom.
1. Warning for the first two disruptions.
2. Third disruption will result in detention and parent contact.
3. Send to administrator - place on contract.
4. Break contract - Place in ISS ( In School Suspension)
Extra Help/Tutoring Routine:
 It is important to let me know that you plan to come in for extra help that
way I can arrange to be in the classroom to help you.
 You can sent me a quick email saying you will be in for tutoring in the
morning or you can tell me before or after class or after school.
 Be prepared with what topic or idea you are struggling with so I can best
help you. Please be specific in your needs I may have more than 1 student in
need of help in more than 1 subject area so the more specific you are, the
better able I am to assist you with your specific struggles.
Office Hours:
Here is a tentative weekly schedule. These times can change without notice.
Before school. Lunch - let me know you are coming to see me for help. I
work PRIDE room after school (Mondays ONLY) but you are welcome to
stop by my classroom for assistance.
Wednesday: After school. Lunch - let me know you are coming to see me for help. NO
Thursday: Before school. Lunch - let me know you are coming to see me for help. NO
Period ______
Student Section
I have read, understand and agree to abide by the conditions stated on the attached
sheet. I will check my grade on the district portal on a regular basis. I understand that
Ms. Finzer is available most days to give extra help if I need it.
Student Name (Please Print) _________________________________
Student Signature _________________________ Date ___________
Parent Section
I have read, understand and agree to abide by the policies for class as stated on the
preceding page. As a parent, I agree to periodically check my child’s grade at the Mesa
Public Schools portal. I also understand that if my child needs extra help Ms. Finzer is
available most days.
Parent Name (Please Print) _________________________________
Parent Signature _________________________ Date ___________
There may be times when I will want to reach you by phone or email. The following will
help me do so efficiently.
Parent name(s) - please print __________________________________
Home Phone _____________________
Fathers Work phone_________________
Mothers Work Phone ________________
Email (Print clearly) ____________________________________________
Mailing Address ______________________________________________
City ________________________ Zip Code ____________
*Please return this page to Ms. Finzer by August 19th.*
Student name (print) __________________________________________
Student signature ____________________________________________
All homework and lab reports are expected to be typed. Students will have several days
to complete each assignment, so if a computer is not available at home the work may be
completed at school. There are computers available in the classroom, the science
computer lab and in the library. Students will have Internet access both in the
classroom and in the science computer lab, however; it will be a big help to the student
if they can access a variety of biology related sites at home.
I have/ I don’t have
a computer at home.
I have/ I don’t have
Internet access at home.
I do/ don’t
know how to make graphs on Excel or Logger Pro.
Please tell me something about yourself, so that Ms. Finzer can get to know you.
Do you need Marine biology to graduate?
Why are you taking Marine biology?
Career Goals:
What else are you involved in: activities /clubs/ sports/ volunteer? Which one(s)? Why?
What is one characteristic/ trait/ ability about you that I would never guess?