A Traveler’s Guide to the Planets: Neptune & Uranus

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Period: ____________
A Traveler’s Guide to the Planets: Neptune & Uranus
1. Uranus is made up of what 3 gases? __________, ___________, &
2. Uranus has ____ rings & ______ moons
3. Uranus is tilted on its _______.
4. Uranus’ first name was ___________.
5. Neptune and Uranus are known as the _____ giants.
6. Most of Uranus’ moons are named after _____________ characters.
7. Neptune is a giant ball of ___________ and __________ gases.
8. The blue of Neptune is caused by ___________ gas.
9. Neptune has the __________ winds of any planet in our Solar
10. An ocean on Neptune would be ______ beneath the planet surface.
11. The tiny satellites surrounding Neptune are called ______________
12. Neptune’s moon Triton has ______ volcanoes.
1. Hydrogen, helium, methane
2. 13, 27
3. side
4. George
5. Ice
6. Shakespearean
7. Hydrogen, helium
8. Methane
9. Fastest
10. Deep
11. Sheppard
12. Ice