Cold War & 1950’s

Cold War & 1950’s
Yalta Conference
February 1945
“Big Four”
Franklin Roosevelt U.S.
Joseph Stalin Soviet
Winston Churchill Great
Poland was in
Churchill wanted
democratic government
for Poland
Stalin wanted Soviet
controlled Poland
Agreed on free elections
“Crimes Against Humanity”
Nuremburg TrialsInternational Military Tribunal
representing 23 nations
November 20, 1945 tried
from Nazi leaders for war
crimes violations.
21 Nazi leaders guilty, 12 of
them sentenced to death
Pacific Tribunal executed
Hideki Tojo and six other
Japanese leaders
Tried 5,700 lesser Japanese
Japanese war criminals=
4,200 were convicted-720
Post World War II
Potsdam Conference- July
1945- Truman met with
Churchill (Great Britain) and
Stalin (U.S.S.R.) in Potsdam,
Divided Germany and Austria
into Four Zones of
Britain, France, the United
States, and Soviet Union
would each control one zone
Berlin- German Capital, was
within the Soviet zone, was
divided into four zones.
Germany 4 Zones
U.S. vs. U.S.S.R.
During WWIII
--Economy and Political
system came between them--too different
U.S. Capitalism and
--USSR= Communism
--USSR mad that U.S. did not
recognize their government
--USSR wanted allies to enter
the war earlier
--USSR mad that the A-bomb
was kept secret
Conflict Over Germany
Western Allies wanted a united, demilitarized,
and independent Germany
 Soviets feared a United Germany
 Despite “Yalta” agreements for free elections,
Soviets established “Satellite States” with
governments under their control
 --Satellite nations-Albanians, Bulgaria, Czech,
Hungary, Romania and Poland (countries
dependant on USSR)
--United Nations suppose to promote
peace—instead used as a forum to
compete to spread their influence
--Stalin did not want to allow Poland
and Eastern Europeans to have free
-- Truman, this was a violation of the
right to self-determine (Countries
right to choose their own
-- Stalin made speech saying that
another war was inevitable and they
would make weapons instead of
consumer goods
-- U.S. interpreted this as a
declaration of War
--To Truman, this was a violation of
the right to self determine
--Satellite nations-Albanians,
Bulgaria, Czech, Hungary, Romania
and Poland (countries dependant on
Truman Doctrine
U.S. would support free people
resisting takeovers by
communist nations
Some Americans didn’t like this
Not our job to be on a global
crusade against communism
Britain couldn’t afford to support
Greece against government
Truman worried that if Greece
fell, Turkey would as well
1947 Congress and Truman sent
over $400 million dollars in aid to
Turkey & Greece to protect them
from communism
This aid enabled the Greek army
to defeat the rebels
Marshall Plan
George C. Marshall-Truman’s
Secretary of State
Marshall played major role in
planning D-Day invasion
After the war, most European
nations were in economic chaos!
Many Nations needed food and
essential products.
To prevent the USSR from aiding
these desperate nations, the
U.S. stepped in with Marshall
European trade and peace was
very important to U.S.
Said that Europe’s need for “food
and other essential preducts… is
much greater than her present
ability to pay”
More Marshall Plan
Marshall Plan-Between 1948
and 1952, U.S. gave away 12.5
billion dollars to aide to
European Nations. In return,
they had to remove trade
barriers and cooperated
economically with one another.
The hope was that this money
would help insure strong stable
governments in Europe to resist
 Plan was a great success!
Industries grew, economy
improved, communist parties lost
much of their appeal.
 Offered money to Soviet Union,
they refused.
 Soviets prevented their Eastern
European satellites from
accepting any U.S. aid as well
U.S. new foreign policyprevent the Soviet Union from
expanding into strategically
important areas.
U.S.- Defensive strategy
Soviets- Offensive strategy
After WWII, Germany divided
into 4 zones
1948 Western powers
merged occupied areas of
East Berlin-allies
West Berlin-Germany
Berlin Airlift
West- occupied by U.S.,
Britain, and France
East- occupied by USSR
1948 recombined the 3
western zones into one
USSR held West Berlin
Stalin cut off supplies to
Berlin (Roads, Water,
His hope was that by
starving the people of E.
Germany, it would force the
Western nations to either
give up control of Berlin
More Berlin Airlift
Berlin airlift broke the
blockade and flew food and
supplies into W. Berlin
In 277,000 flights in 327
days, 2.3 tons of supplies
were brought in
To the world, this made the
U.S. look good and the USSR
look bad!
May 1949 the USSR lifted the
There was an official
separation of Germany
In efforts to peace keeping-NATO was formed
 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization- 1949
Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain,
Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, U.S. formed a defensive
military alliance (a attack on one= and attack on
 First time U.S. has ever entered into a military
 Members pledged to defend the others if they
were attacked
 United Nations (UN) – peacekeeping
organization formed in October 1945 with 51
original members
Warsaw Pact
Russia saw NATO as a
Warsaw Pact- 1955
Military alliance formed
by the Soviet Union
Soviet Union, East
Czechoslovakia, Poland,
Hungary, Romania,
Bulgaria, and Allbania.
Warsaw Pact Vs. NATO
Berlin Wall
In 1961, East
Germans built a walll
to separate East and
West Berlin.
 Berlin Wall
symbolized a world
divided into rival
Election 1948 & 1952
Election of 1948Truman defeated
Dewey because of
New Deal reforms
Fair Deal
1948-Truman's series of
reform programs
Intended to bring full
employment, higher minimum
wage, and national health
Civil Rights Plan- antilynching
and voter protection laws
Congress approve some of
Congress rejected others
(Civil Rights, fed aid to
education, and national
health insurance program)
Peacetime Economy
Truman concerned
about unemployment
16.3 Million served in
Soldiers would need to
return homes to jobs
encouraged women to
return to their homes
Peacetime economy
GI Bill of Rights- In 1944,
government set up benefits for
veterans such as money for
farms, businesses, college
loans, unemployment
Inflation and strikes became a
problem after the war
Taft-Hartley Act- 1947 allowed
the government to apply for a
court order delaying for 80
days any strike that threatened
public health or safety. The act
also banned the closed shop
which is a business or factory
that agrees to hire only union
Economy expanded- people
were spending money saved
during war
Republicans won majority in
both the House and Senate
Life in 50’s—baby boomer
Baby boom- 1950’s,
population grew by 29 million
Suburbs grew 40x faster than
cities. Shopping centers grew
Levitown- Start of tract
homes. (Homes that are
Sun Belt- South and West,
low tax rates and warm
Cars and highways increased
due to commute from suburbs
Interstate Highway Act- 1956called for network of highspeed roads linking the entire
Appliances such as
refrigerators, electric toasters,
irons and washer and dryers
made life easier
Chinese Revolution
U.S. aided Chiang Kaishek, but he lost support
and went to Taiwan
Mao set up the People’s
Republic of Chinacommunist rule
The Forgotten War
38 Parallel- Line dividing
North and South Korea
Soviets withdrew from Korea
in 1949, left behind well
trained army.
N. Korea- governed by
communists in support of
Soviet Union
S. Korea- noncommunist
government backed by the
When N. Korea invaded S.
Korea, Truman acted quickly
and asked the UN to send
More Korean War
U.S. instituted another draft
General Douglas MacArthur
attempted to push N.
Koreans out of S. Korea, but
N. Koreans were well
equipped with Soviet
15 other nations offered
troops to the UN effort
They finally pushed them
back, but then Truman
decided to punish them for
their aggression. The UN also
wanted Korea to unite
Korean War Continued
MacArthur pushed the
N. Koreans to border of
China on Yalu River
Reinforcements from
China pushed UN forces
back to the 38th parallel
Battles were brutal
Harsh conditions
Extreme winters
Macarthur Conflict
Truman didn’t want the war to
expand beyond Korea
MacArthur wanted air strikes
on Chinese cities and attack
the Chinese mainland
Truman refused and
MacArthur criticized the
president openly
Truman fired MacArthur on
April, 11th 1951
MacArthur received parades
and celebrations
Soon after, UN forces pushed
Chinese & North Koreans
back across the 38 parallel
Election of 1952
Election of 1952- Korean War
was a major issue
Truman did not run for reelection. People blamed him for
the war.
Republicans nominated General
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Eisenhower- WW2 veteran no
political scandals, no scandals
Eisenhower promised to end the
war, promised to go to Korea
1st Republican President in 20
years was re-elected in 1956
End of the War
December 1952 Eisenhower
flew to Korea
Eisenhower warned Chinese
and North Koreans that U.S.
might use Atomic weapons
July 27, 1953 cease-fire
U.S. 136,000 casualties
North Korean and Chinese
military casualties 1.5 million
U.S. remained stationed
along the border
Domestic Communism
New Red Scare late
1940s and early 1950s
 Factors involved Communist Party of the
United States of America
 Soviet Union influence in
Eastern Europe
 Communist takeover of
 Korean War
1938 House UnAmerican Activities
Committee (HUAC)
Investigate disloyalty
and harmful foreign
influences in U.S.
1947 publicized
hearings to prove the
presence of
Communists in
Hollywood and State
No peoples rights
Hollywood Blacklisting
to hire suspected
 Hollywood Ten-group
of writers who
refused to cooperate
with HUAC
1948 journalist Whittaker
Chambers confessed to
being a spy
1951 Julius and Ethel
Rosenberg convicted of
passing secret atomic
weapons info to Soviets
June 1953 executed
Feb. 1950 Wisconsin
Republican Senator
Joseph McCarthy
Charged the state
department is “infested
with communists”
57 cases
When challenged, he
made up more names
vicious accusations
without offering proof
More McCarthy
People didn’t challenge
his accusations
Late 1953, McCarthy
charged that there were
communists in the
Army McCarthy
hearings- televised
Viewers revealed who
McCarthy was was
1954 Condemned
Destroyed many lives
Arms Race
Jan. 1950 Truman
approved work on
hydrogen bomb
More powerful than
atomic bomb tested in
South Pacific
Later that year, Soviets
tested their own bomb
U.S. wasn’t the only
country to have nuclear
American Fear
Nuclear arms race
frightened may
Underground bomb
shelters were built
“Duck and cover” drills
were practiced in
Antinuclear groups
protested the arms
As the Cold War
continued, the U.S.
and the Soviet
Union entered an
enormous arms
Sputnik- 1957 a
soviet rocket
launched the first
world’s artificial
More Sputnik
Eisenhower made fun of it
Americans worried that it
gave Soviets important
advantage in space
Jan.1958-U.S. launched its
first satellite
Later that year, National
Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) was
Congress provided more
funding for math, science,
and foreign language
Eisenhower’s Foreign Policy
might have to go to the
brink of war to oppose
Eisenhower used covert
operations (secret
actions) to advance the
United State’s position in
Cold War
Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) was
Suez Canal Crisis
1955 Aswan High Dam
U.S. pulled out of the project
because of Egyptian
business with Soviet Union
Egypt would pay for the dam
by nationalizing the Suez
Charged an entrance toll
Upset Britain, France, and
Three nations invaded the
areas around Suez Canal in
Nov. 1956
More Suez
Soviets threatened to
“crush the aggressor”
 Threatened to fire
missiles at France and
 U.S. might have to join
 U.S. joined Soviets in
condemning the
 U.S./Soviet Union
Cooperation was rare
Music and Rock and Roll
Music-Birth of Rock and
Elvis Presley
Buddy Holly
American Bandstand
Ed Sullivan-Variety show
host Elvis performance
estimated 82.5%
percent of the television
audience 55-60 million
1950’s Television
T.V.- Political
Political Hearings
Sports- NFL Football
More 1950’s Television
American Bandstand
Howdy Doody,
I love Lucy- Most
popular program
Leave it to Beaver