FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Course #: FS53 Course Name: Teacher Training Program Prerequisites: FS52 Grade Level: 9-12 Level of Difficulty: Average # of Credits: 1 year – 1 Credit The following is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) class under the Education Professions program. Teacher Training Units and Understanding Statements Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: Unit 6: Unit 7: You as a Teacher Trainer A teacher and/or paraprofessional must fulfill several roles and develop characteristics that will lead to a successful career. Physical Development The environment, support systems, and educational experiences influence physical development in children. Cognitive Development The environment, support systems, and educational experiences influence cognitive development in children. Psychosocial Development The environment, support systems, and educational experiences influence psychosocial development in children. Emotional Development The environment, support systems, and educational experiences influence emotional development in children. Moral Development The environment, support systems, and educational experiences influence moral development in children. Exceptional Learner An exceptional learner has varying developmental levels in social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities, which must be addressed by education professionals to insure success. Unit 8: Teaching Methods A variety of instructional methods and activities must be implemented to meet the needs of diverse learners through a program of planning, implementing, observing, assessing, and reflecting. Unit 9: Lesson Planning State learning standards are the foundation from which to build effective, engaging lessons following a sequential series of components inherent to the lesson plan. Unit 10: Technology The integration of technology allows for a variety of learning opportunities in the classroom and can be used as a resource for planning and enhancing lessons, discovery, and assessment. Unit 11: Discipline Strategies The implementation of a variety of classroom management strategies enables students to learn and insures effective and successful classrooms. Unit 12: Diversity A diverse classroom is comprised of students with varying developmental levels in social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities, which must be addressed by education professionals to insure success for all students. Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 1 Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Teacher Training Units and Understanding Statements (cont.) Unit 13: Unit 14: Educational Roles The educational system consists of a network of personnel that contribute to the success of a school system. Economics of Education The funding of education through local, state, and national monies contributes to the effectiveness of an educational system and to the success of its students. Unit 15: History of Education Supported by local, state, and federal funds, education is directed by the constantly changing government, resulting in educational philosophies differing between private and public education. Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 2 Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education AZ COLLEGE & CAREER READY ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS CONNECTIONS The following Reading and Speaking and Listening AZ College and Career Ready Standards are integrated as applicable in this course: Reading: Key Ideas and Details Standard 1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions. Standard 2: Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the text. Standard 3: Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks attending to special cases or exceptions defined in the text. Craft and Structure Standard 4: Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in specific scientific or technical context relevant to grade specific texts and topics. Standard 5: Analyze the structure of the relationships among concepts in a text, including relationships among key terms Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Standard 9: Compare and contrast findings presented in a text to those from other sources (including their own experiments), noting when the findings support or contradict previous explanations or accounts. Writing: Production and Distribution of Writing Standard 4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience. Standard 5: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting and trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. Standard 6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. Research to Build and Present Knowledge Standard 7: Conduct short as well as sustained research project to answer a question or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Standard 8: Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. Standard 9: Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 3 Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education AZ COLLEGE & CAREER READY ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS CONNECTIONS (cont.) The following Reading and Speaking and Listening AZ College and Career Ready Standards are integrated as applicable in this course: Speaking and Listening: Comprehension and Collaboration: Standard 1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on gradelevel topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. Standard 2: Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats, evaluating the credibility of each source. Standard 3: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence. Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas: Standard 4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that the listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task. Standard 5: Make strategic use of digital media in presentation to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 4 Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 Teacher Training Program – Suggested Teaching Timeline First Semester August Sept. Oct. Second Semester Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April Unit 1: You as a Teacher Trainer 3 weeks Unit 2: Physical Development 1 week Unit 3: Cognitive Development 2 weeks Unit 4: Psychosocial Development 1 week Unit 5: Emotional Development 1 week Unit 6: Moral Development 1 week Unit 7: Exceptional Learner 3 weeks Unit 8: Teaching Methods 4 weeks Unit 9: Lesson Planning 5 weeks Unit 10: Technology 2 weeks Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 5 Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program May Career & Technical Education FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 Teacher Training Program–Suggested Teaching Timeline First Semester August Sept. Oct. Second Semester Nov. Dec. Unit 11: Discipline Strategies Jan. Feb. March April 3 weeks Unit 12: Diversity 2 weeks Unit 13: Educational Roles 2 weeks Unit 14: Economics of Education 3 weeks Unit 15: History of Education 5 weeks Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 6 Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program May FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 1: You as a Teacher Trainer A teacher and/or paraprofessional must fulfill several roles and develop characteristics that will lead to a successful career. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Diversity allows for people to learn from the backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences of others Educators must be adaptable to different situations to be effective in their profession Individuals with positive self-esteems and selfconcepts are willing to try new things and challenge themselves Characteristics required for success in education professions Arizona CTE Standards 6.0 Analyze the roles and characteristics of teachers and paraprofessionals 6.3 Identify the characteristics of the effective teacher and paraprofessional 6.4 Evaluate self for characteristics that lead to success as a paraprofessional and/or teacher Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Web Sites: o http://www.howtolearn.com o http://www.discoveries.org Skills: Analyze the roles and characteristics required for success to teachers and paraprofessionals Analyze the influence on self-esteem and success as a paraprofessional and/or teacher Identify characteristics that successful teachers and paraprofessionals would need to develop and possess Compare one’s own characteristics to those of successful education professionals Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 7 Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 2: Physical Development The environment, support systems, and educational experiences influence physical development in children. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Vocabulary related to physical development Boys and girls physically develop at different rates There are developmental tasks that can be expected at certain ages Different stages of development require differentiated instruction Arizona CTE Standards 10.0 Comprehend the stages of human development and their impact on learning and the classroom 10.1 Identify the stages of physical development through adolescence Skills: Understand and use vocabulary related to physical development Compare and contrast physical development of boys and girls from birth through childhood List developmental changes of learners Develop effective teaching strategies for different stages of development Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Resources Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 8 Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Articles: o “What to Look for in a Preschool,” by Naomi Karp, National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education, 2000 http://sbceo.org/cirone/columns/1027-00.shtml Book: o The New Preschool, by Lyn Nell Hancock and Pat Wingert Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 3: Cognitive Development The environment, support systems, and educational experiences influence cognitive development in children. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Knowledge: Vocabulary related to cognitive development Basic information on Piaget and his Cognitive Development Theory Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development and the ages associated with each Children may be limited in what they can learn until they reach the next stage of development 10.0 Comprehend the stages of human development and their impact on learning and the classroom 10.2 Recognize cognitive development from birth through adolescence Skills: Apply vocabulary related to cognitive development Evaluate Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory Define the four stages of Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory and the ages associated with each stage Observe children and evaluate activities appropriate for their stage of development Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Resources Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 9 Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Web Sites: o http://www.childdevelopmentinfor.c om/normaldevelopment.shtml o http://www.piaget.org o http://www.nifplay.org o http://www.fisher-price.com Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 4: Psychosocial Development The environment, support systems, and educational experiences influence psychosocial development in children. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Knowledge: Vocabulary related to psychosocial development Four stages of Erikson’s theory The levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy and how each level can be fulfilled. Basic information on Vygotsky and the development of his theory The developmental characteristics of language and social cognition 10.0 Comprehend the stages of human development and their impact on learning and the classroom 10.3 Recognize psychosocial development theory Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Web Sites: o http://www.childdevelopmentinfor.c om/normaldevelopment.shtml o http://www.piaget.org Skills: Define and use the terminology associated with psychosocial development Illustrate the first four stages of Erikson’s theories Elaborate on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Compile a list of the basics of Vygotsky’s Developmental Theory Relate Vygotsky’s theories to present experiences Understand the importance of language in teaching, cooperating and working with others Experiment with learning without the use of language Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 10 Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 5: Emotional Development The environment, support systems, and educational experiences influence emotional development in children. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Vocabulary related to emotional development Children develop at different rates There are popular researchers in child development and each has his/her own theories of emotional development Arizona CTE Standards 10.0 Comprehend the stages of human development and their impact on learning and the classroom 10.4 Recognize emotional development theory Skills: Explain vocabulary related to emotional development Recognize stages of emotional development in children Identify popular theorists and their beliefs of emotional development Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Resources Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 11 Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Web Sites: o http://childdevelopmentinfo.com/childdevelopment/normaldevelopment/ o http://psychology.about.com/od/earlychild-development/a/social-andemotional-milestones.htm Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 6: Moral Development The environment, support systems, and educational experiences influence moral development in children. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Vocabulary related to moral development Kohlberg’s theory of stages and sub-stages that are sequential and progressive for moral development Arizona CTE Standards 10.0 Comprehend the stages of human development and their impact on learning and the classroom 10.5 Recognize character development theories Skills: Summarize vocabulary related to moral development Critique Kohlberg’s theory of moral development Evaluate the stages and sub stages of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development Explain vocabulary related to emotional development Recognize stages of emotional development in children Identify popular theorists and their beliefs of emotional development Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Resources Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 12 Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Web Sites: o http://psychology.about.com/od/develo pmentalpsychology/a/kohlberg.htm o http://www.simplypsychology.org/kohlb erg.html Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 7: Exceptional Learner An exceptional learner has varying developmental levels in social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities, which must be addressed by education professionals to insure success. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Vocabulary related to the exceptional learner Varying levels of social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities occur with the exceptional/gifted learner The purpose of the Individual Education Plans (IEPs) When to use an IEP, accommodation, modification and intervention The legal implications connected to an IEP Who identifies special needs The teacher’s responsibilities towards special needs students, including the gifted learner Skills: Explain vocabulary related to the exceptional/gifted learner Explain the purpose of the Individual Education Plans (IEPs) Compare and contrast the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities of the exceptional learner Analyze examples of IEPs List the legal implications connected to an IEP Describe the responsibilities of a special education teacher Evaluate the role of schools in educating special needs students, including gifted learners Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona CTE Standards 7.0 Comprehend the issues related to exceptional learners 7.1 Explain the criteria and definitions related to exceptional learners, including children with disabilities and children who are gifted 7.2 Comprehend the use of developmentally appropriate instructional interventions for cognitive, motor, self-help, social, and language activities 7.3 Identify the components of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) including medical needs, student goals, present level of development, etc. 7.4 Identify the legal responsibilities associated with student Individual Education Plans 7.5 Apply the knowledge of accommodations and modifications for an exceptional learner in adapting activities for individual student’s goals Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 13 Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Books: o Chicken Soup for the Soul: Children With Special Needs, by Jack Canfield o The Elephant in the Playroom, by Denise Brodey o Bodola Loves Chips and Pop, by Christopher Chaplin Web Sites: o http://www.cec.sped.org/Special-EdTopics/Who-Are-Exceptional-Learners o http://www.childrenwithspecialneeds.co m/disability-info/ Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 8: Teaching Methods A variety of instructional methods and activities must be implemented to meet the needs of diverse learners through a program of planning, implementing, observing, assessing, and reflecting. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences The parts of a well-written objective The parts of a lesson plan Motivating students is essential to learning Assessment techniques When students are engaged they are motivated to participate and learn Skills: Design a lesson using several multiple intelligences Write an effective lesson objective Create a lesson plan, implement it in the classroom and assess the result Create motivating, engaging learning activities Evaluate assessments Incorporate student engagement strategies Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona CTE Standards 11.0 Identify instructional methods for student learning 11.1 Investigate various methods of instruction 11.2 Identify teaching methods that accommodate various learning styles 11.3 Describe strategies for addressing the needs of unmotivated students and students from challenging environments 11.4 Identify different assessment techniques for feedback to students and/or guiding instruction Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 14 Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Web Sites: o http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/arti cle/clip-save-checklist-learningactivities-connect-multiple-intelligences o http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/ columnists/mcdonald/mcdonald007.sht ml Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 9: Lesson Planning State learning standards are the foundation from which to build effective, engaging lessons following a sequential series of components inherent to the lesson plan. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Teaching to an objective is critical to an effective lesson Objectives must relate to state and district standards The parts of a well written lesson plan Reflective evaluation techniques Skills: Choose activities which relate to objectives Write measurable objectives aligned to standards Complete a well-written lesson plan Teach the lesson to a group of students Evaluate a lesson Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona CTE Standards 12.0 Create a lesson plan and related activities to meet the needs of learners 12.1 Develop objectives that are aligned with state and district standards 12.2 Integrate the components of a lesson plan with activities and instructional materials 12.3 Implement a lesson and a planned learning activity 12.4 Conduct a reflective evaluation of the implemented lesson plan Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 15 Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Web Sites: o http://www.crlt.umich.edu/gsis/p2_5 o http://k6educators.about.com/od/lesso nplanheadquarters/tp/8_steps_lp.htm o http://www.educationoasis.com/instruct ion/bt/five_common_mistakes.htm Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 10: Technology The integration of technology allows for a variety of learning opportunities in the classroom and can be used as a resource for planning and enhancing lessons, discovery, and assessment. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Technology is available for the classroom Technology can be used to enhance learning Technology can be used to help design lessons Technology can improve the teacher’s ability to address different learning needs Technology can assist in planning instruction, classroom management and communication Cyber learning can impact the future of education Skills: Evaluate personal experiences with technology in education Analyze the use of certain types of technology in education Plan and implement a lesson using technology Evaluate a lesson using technology and how it addresses different learning needs Explain how technology can assist in planning instruction, classroom management and communication Predict how cyber learning may impact the future of education Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona CTE Standards 13.0 Apply technology for instruction and management 13.1 Evaluate lessons to determine how technology could improve the teacher's ability to address different learning needs 13.2 Investigate a new technology application that can be used to improve teaching and/or learning 13.3 Identify digital resources that help teachers in planning instruction, classroom management, and communication 13.4 Apply knowledge and skills of technology to integrate content areas with interactive student learning activities 13.5 Integrate technology relevant to lesson planning, teaching, and classroom management and assessment 13.6 Identify the ways that virtual cyber learning may impact the future of education Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 16 Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Web Sites: o http://www.teachhub.com/12-easyways-use-technology-your-classroomeven-technophobic-teachers o http://www.slideshare.net/maganharrell /integrating-technology-in-a-classroomlesson-stepbystep-instructions-on-howto-integrate-technology-in-aclassroom-lesson-15896527 Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 11: Discipline Strategies The implementations of a variety of classroom management strategies enable students to learn and insure an effective and successful classroom. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: The relationship between strategies, objectives, student involvement and a wellmanaged classroom Strategies that can be used to help with a positive classroom environment The relationship between learning and a wellmanaged classroom Effective discipline strategies Skills: Compare the relationship between strategies, objectives, student involvement and a wellmanaged classroom List strategies that can be used to help with a positive classroom environment Compare the ability to learn in a well-managed classroom Analyze effective discipline strategies Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona CTE Standards 9.0 Analyze the impact of classroom management and discipline strategies on student learning 9.1 Identify the relationship between effective instructional strategies and classroom management 9.2 Identify discipline strategies needed in various classroom situations 9.3 Analyze the relationship of instructional strategies, learning objectives, and learner involvement, and their impact on student behaviors Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 17 Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Web Sites: o https://www.teachervision.com/classro om-management/teaching-methodsand-management/26200.html o http://www.theteachersguide.com/class roommanagement.htm Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 12: Diversity A diverse classroom is comprised of students with varying developmental levels in social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities, which must be addressed by early childhood professionals to insure success for all students. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Individuals are diverse learners and community members Appreciate diversity in others How to promote diversity in the classroom Characteristics of a diverse classroom The benefits of a diverse classroom The needs of multiple-language learners The challenges of a diverse classroom Skills: Identify various groups within a classroom Examine and appreciate diversity in others Provide examples of how to promote diversity in the classroom List characteristics of a diverse classroom Compare and contrast the benefits of a diverse classroom Compile of list of needs of multiple-language learners Identify the challenges of a diverse classroom Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona CTE Standards 8.0 Explain the issues relating to diversity and its impact on teaching and learning 8.1 Identify the characteristics, the challenges, and the opportunities for learning in a diverse classroom 8.2 Explain the role of teacher expectation on student performance and its impact on teaching and learning in a diverse classroom 8.3 Identify the needs of multiple-language learners 8.4 Describe how cultural and ethnic differences affect interpersonal interactions and communications within a group Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 18 Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Web Sites: o http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/iss ues/educatrs/presrvce/pe300.htm o http://www.ithaca.edu/wise/bilingua l/ o https://www.teachervision.com/teac hing-methods/resource/6039.html Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 13: Educational Roles The educational system consists of a network of personnel that contribute to the success of a school system. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Vocabulary related to educational roles Key figures in the hierarchy of education and their responsibilities How to become a board member The roles of the board of education, superintendent, and school administrators The major differences between classified and certified personnel Community resources Importance of every employee in the school system The roles of the teacher and the paraprofessional Skills: Apply vocabulary related to educational roles Illustrate a flow chart of the hierarchy of education and the duties involved with each position Explain how to become a board member Compare and contrast the roles of the board of education, superintendent, and school administrators Compare and contrast classified duties from those of certified personnel Locate examples of community resources and explain how they can assist in supporting the schools Distinguish between the duties and responsibilities of paraprofessionals and teachers Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona CTE Standards 4.0 Understand the roles of the governing board and the administration in relation to schools 4.1 Explain the role of the governing board in establishing policies and objectives for the school district 4.2 Describe how schools carry out the governing boards’ policies and meet state mandates 4.3 Explain the roles and responsibilities of district and building administrators 4.4 Explain the role of the district superintendent and his/her school administration 5.0 Explain the roles of support service personnel in schools 5.1 Describe the roles of certified support personnel (e.g., guidance and counseling, psychological services, librarians/media specialists, technology support, health care providers, etc.) 5.2 Describe the roles of classified support personnel (e.g., food service workers, facility maintenance workers, transportation personnel, teacher aides, after-school program personnel, etc.) 5.3 Describe the role of community resources in and out of the school to provide student assistance 6.0 Analyze the roles and characteristics of teachers and paraprofessionals 6.1 Examine the instructional and supervisory roles of paraprofessionals 6.2 Examine instructional and supervisory roles for of teachers Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 19 Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Website: o http://www.mpsaz.org/ Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 14: Economics of Education The funding of education through local, state, and national monies contributes to the effectiveness of an educational institution and to the success of it’s students. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Knowledge: Vocabulary related to the economics of education Role of the education industry in the economy Factors that contribute to an effective school The advantages and disadvantages of different types of schools The financial policies and procedures of a school district How taxes impact the school district’s ability to meet state and federal mandates 1.0 Examine the role of the education industry in the economy 1.1 Explain the role of education in the economy: local, state, national, and international 1.2 Recognize the factors that contribute to an effective school. 1.3 Compare/contrast the financial advantages and disadvantages of public, charter, and private educational institutions 2.0 Recognize the financial policies and procedures of a school district 2.1 Identify business and financial functions of an educational institution 2.2 Explain how taxes impact the school district’s ability to meet objectives and state and federal mandates Skills: Discuss vocabulary related to the economics of education Explain the role of the education industry in the economy Map out the basic functions and costs included in running a school Compare the advantages and disadvantages of different types of schools List the policies and procedures of a school district Explain how taxes impact the school district’s ability to meet state and federal mandates Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 20 Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Website: o www.ed.gov o www.ecs.org/ Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program FS53 – Teacher Training Program Career & Technical Education Unit 15: History of Education Supported by local, state, and federal funds, education is directed by the constantly changing government resulting in educational philosophies differing between private and public education. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Knowledge: Vocabulary related to the history of education The development of the educational system in the United States Philosophies of education The roles of the state and federal government regarding education Current issues in education Advantages and disadvantages of private and public education The history of education in Arizona The history of education in the United States Education in other countries 3.0 Understand the history and structure of education in the united states 3.1 Outline the historical development of U.S. education 3.2 Identify major philosophies of education 3.3 Identify the roles of state and federal government in education 3.4 Differentiate between private and public educational approaches, including those of charter and alternative schools 3.5 Examine current educational issues 3.6 Compare education in the United States and in other countries Resources Textbooks: o Experiencing Education, Tenth Edition-Teacher Cadets o Foundations of American Education Website: o www.cloudnet.com/~rdrbsass/educ ationhistorytimeline.html o www.loc.gov/rr/print o www.ed.gov o www.education-world.com o www.nctaf.org Skills: Interpret vocabulary related to the history and governance of education Diagram the development of the educational system in the United States Examine philosophies of education Compare the roles of the state and federal government with regards to education Explain current issues in education Compare/contrast private and public education Create a timeline of the history of education in Arizona Examine the history of education in the United States Compare/contrast education in the United States and other countries Arizona Department of Education - Career and Technical Education Standards Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards – ELA Technical Subjects 21 Board Approved – December 9, 2014 FS53 – Teacher Training Program