PAWN: A Novel Ingestion Workflow Technology for Scientific Data Mike Smorul, Joseph JaJa, Yang Wang, Mike McGann, and Fritz McCall Overall Principles Distributed, secure ingestion Use of web/grid technologies – platform independent Minimal client-side requirements Ease of integration with data grid systems. Designed to satisfy data integrity requirements of scientific collections and digital preservation Producer Producer Management Interface Management Server Data Grid Gateway Producer data suppliers Producer Provides data to a data grid based on a prior agreement. Consists of a management/metadata server and an ingestion client. Provides initial arrangement, context, and metadata. Data Grid - receiving Producer 1 Data Grid Producer 2 Scheduler Producer n Bitstream Validation Service Data Grid – receiving Receives data from a Producer Validates bitstreams and metadata, and sends acknowledgement to Producer. Arranges into collections and specifies optional publishing and preservation policy. Publishes bitstreams into data grid. Data Grid – Long term Stewardship Implemented using grid technologies. Use the existing prototype NARA/UMD/SDSC site. Automated replication and integrity checking. Enforces access control and preservation policy Ingestion Workflow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Negotiate Submission Agreement. Workflow Initialization and Submission Information Packet (SIP) creation. Transfer of SIPs to Data Grid site. Validation of SIP transfer Organization of data into collections and transfer into Data Grid. Submission Agreement Create machine actionable set of rules describing items. Final Submission Agreement is composed of: METS document for application defaults METS Constraint document to limit METS form to submission parameters METS Overview Provides a framework for linking structural organization of objects with metadata. Using XML namespace, metadata from various XML schema can be attached to objects Ie, dublin core, FGDC, etc Extensible for more complex metadata Sample METS Document Metadata Linking <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <mets xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <metsHdr> <agent ROLE="CREATOR"> <name>toaster@hostname</name> </agent> </metsHdr> <fileSec> <fileGrp> <file ID="5" MIMETYPE="application/octet-stream" SIZE="67624" CREATED="2002-08-21T15:36:05" CHECKSUM="2CE7D79E40BD6C6A65A6684B6FD3D08C" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5"> <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="/nfshomes/toaster/iscsi/GFS-contrib-5.1.tar.gz"/> </file> </fileGrp> <fileGrp> <file ID="7" MIMETYPE="application/octet-stream" SIZE="2517" CREATED="2002-09-06T17:06:07" CHECKSUM="767185AA022180E701324C592E1C36E3" CHECKSUMTYPE="MD5"> <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="/nfshomes/toaster/iscsi/gfs.out"/> </file> </fileGrp> </fileSec> <structMap> <div ID="3" LABEL="iscsi"> Structural <fptr FILEID="5"/> <fptr FILEID="7"/> Organization </div> </structMap> </mets> Why METS Constraints? METS doesn’t provide a way to create machine interpretable rules describing a collection Ie: allow only TIFF files in certain structural areas METS profiles allow for developer interpretable rules, not machine interpretable METS Constraints Allows structural, metadata, and file constraints. Structural Constraints: Restrict child div’s and restrict pointers to div, file, and other mets documents File Constraints: Restrict files by mime-type or validation tests Metadata Constraints: Restrict allowed metadata schema. METS Constraints - Template <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mets …. > <!-- validation test section, referenced in the constraints document --> <amdSec> <techMD ID="xmltest"> <mdWrap MDTYPE="OTHER"> <xmlData> <val:validation NAME="xmltext" DESCRIPTION="Test for valid xml documents" MIMETYPE="text/xml"> <val:valgrp required="true"> <val:valtest name="gif" required="true"> <val:description>generic gif test for any file</val:description> </val:valtest> </val:valgrp> </val:validation> </xmlData> </mdWrap> </techMD> </amdSec> <!-- base div structure to use for all clients --> <structMap> <div ID="ID1" LABEL="Research &amp; Development Records"> <div ID="ID1.1" LABEL="Research &amp; Development Project Records"> <div ID="ID1.1.1" LABEL="R&amp;D Project Case Files"/> <div ID="ID1.1.2" LABEL="R&amp;D Record Series"/> </div> </div> </structMap> </mets> METS Constraints - Rules <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <metsconstraint …> <filegrp ID="FILE1" NAME="Text Document"> <!-- Files can be identified either by MIMETYPE, or TESTID in skeleton METS document or both --> <file NAME="html document" MIMETYPE="text/html"/> <file TESTID="xmltext" NAME="xml document" MIMETYPE="text/xml"/> </filegrp> <!-- Apply rules to predefined div's and link to required file/metadata tests above --> <divrule DIVID="ID1" RESTRICTDIV="true" RESTRICTFTPR="true" RESTRICTMPTR="true"/> <divrule DIVID="ID1.1" RESTRICTDIV="true" RESTRICTFTPR="true" RESTRICTMPTR="true"/> <divrule DIVID="ID1.1.1" RESTRICTMPTR="true"> <filetype FILEGROUPID="FILE1"/> </divrule> <divrule DIVID="ID1.1.2" RESTRICTMPTR="true"/> </metsconstraint> Ingestion Workflow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Negotiate Submission Agreement. Workflow Initialization and Submission Information Packet creation. Transfer of SIPs to Data Grid site. Validation of SIP transfer Organization of data into collections and transfer into Data Grid. Initialize Ingestion workflow Instantiate Producer management server to track registered objects Establish a working trust relationship with the Data Grid Issue clients. Create SIP Each client registers objects stored locally with producer management server Register file types, validation tests, etc Client follows rules in Submission Agreement Producer-wide agents can arrange registered object to give a broader context SIP Example OAIS Information packet Content Information · Physical Object · Representation Information Preservation Description Information · · · · Provenance Fixity Reference Context Descriptive Information Packaging Information Submission packet is designed to contain a self describing set of metadata that is self-validating Client Interface Ingestion Workflow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Negotiate Submission Agreement. Workflow Initialization and Submission Information Packet creation. Transfer of SIPs to Data Grid site. Validation of SIP transfer Organization of data into collections and transfer into Data Grid. Transfer SIP to Data Grid Retrieve previously registered SIP from producer management server Authenticate to data grid Update tracking information with new location of files in data grid Data Grid acknowledges transfer completion to producer management server Ingestion Workflow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Negotiate Submission Agreement. Workflow Initialization and Submission Information Packet creation. Transfer of SIPs to Data Grid site. Validation of SIP transfer Organization of data into collections and transfer into Data Grid. Validation of SIP transfer Check incoming SIP against constraints documents. Ensure object integrity by verifying checksums/cryptographic digest Validate bitstreams against necessary tests Record validation results Ingestion Workflow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Negotiate Submission Agreement. Workflow Initialization and Submission Information Packet creation. Transfer of SIPs to Data Grid site. Validation of SIP transfer Organization of data into collections and transfer into Data Grid. Final transfer to Data Grid Transfer objects to Data Grid Update tracking information with new location in Data Grid Transfer log of data activity into data grid Return accept/reject messages to producer metadata server Component Overview Data Grid Management Interface Producer Management Interface CRL check Success/Failure notification of ingestion Metadata registration/retrieval ra n IP t Data Grid sfer S Bitstream Validation Service Producer data suppliers Producer Components Database to track registered objects Certificate Authority management Web service for receiving side security callback Management server supplies web service interfaces to ingestion clients and management operations. Clients are designed to be standalone, with security certificates issued by producer Receiving Components Receiving servers validate connecting clients and validate SIPs Validation Services are simple webservice calls. Abstract I/O layer into data grid. Recap Implemented using web technologies Architecture independent XML based metadata METS based SIPs Add-on constraints describing Submission Agreement Target release dates: Beta: April Release: June/July More Information ADAPT website Papers Scalable, Reliable Marshalling and Organization of Distributed Large Scale Data Onto Enterprise Storage Environments PAWN: Producer - Archive Workflow Network in Support of Digital Preservation