Psychologist Performance Profile and Rating (Form 2B) 1a: Demonstrating knowledge of the profession of psychology, including professional, ethical, and legal standards and regulations that guide the practice of psychology in education 1b: Demonstrating knowledge of child and adolescent characteristics, including knowledge of development, cultural diversity, and psychopathology 1c: Demonstrating knowledge of assessment, including selecting and using a range of psychological instruments to evaluate students, linked to assessment concerns and potential interventions 1d: Demonstrating knowledge of procedures and resources, including district procedures, state and federal regulations, resources within and beyond the school and district, and the continuum of services available to students 1e: Designing a cohesive service delivery system that solves school-wide problems, meets the needs of individual students, and includes prevention 1f: Demonstrating knowledge of research-based instructional, behavioral, and mental health interventions Domain 2: The Environment 2a: Maintaining an environment of respect and rapport in professional relationships and with students 2b: Supporting a culture of learning and achievement in classrooms, by promoting data-based decision-making and research-based interventions 2c: Implementing clear procedures for referrals and for working with the building-level child study process 2d: Establishing procedures for analyzing student behavior and providing positive behavioral supports 2e: Organizing physical space, including appropriate testing space, space to consult with teachers and parents, and maintaining confidential storage for test materials and files Highly Effective Effective Developing Ineffective Highly effective Continuing Effective Probationary Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Developing Status: Final Summative Due No Later Than March 31 Date: Ineffective Evaluator: Spring Summative Observation Experience #2 Date: Highly Effective School Year: Effective School/Dept: Fall Summative Observation Experience #1 Developing EIN: Ineffective Employee: Domain 3: Delivery of Services 3a: Communicating effectively by responding in a timely manner to referrals, parent requests, and re-evaluation schedules; consulting regularly with teachers and administrators 3b: Gathering information systematically from multiple sources, using test instruments appropriately, and considering the context for assessment and intervention 3c: Serving as case manager of the evaluation team, maintaining contact with other professionals throughout the assessment process, and writing integrated MET reports 3d: Addressing social-emotional needs of students by providing social skills training, counseling, and/or behavioral coaching, and working with teachers and/or parents to plan and implement interventions 3e: Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 4a: Reflecting on practice 4b: Maintaining accurate records 4c: Communicating with families 4d: Participating in professional communities, including those established at assigned schools and with school psychologist colleagues 4e: Growing and developing professionally 4f: Demonstrating professionalism Final Summative Specialist Performance Rating Ineffective (0) 3 or more Ineffective ratings Developing (1) Highly Effective (3) Effective (2) 1 or 2 Ineffective ratings or 4 or more Developing ratings Zero Ineffective ratings and fewer than 4 Developing ratings At least 7 Highly Effective ratings and Zero Ineffective and Developing ratings Final Specialist Evaluation Rating Evaluator’s Printed Name Specialist’s Printed Name Fall Summative Evaluator’s Signature Specialist’s Signature Date Date Spring and Final Summative Evaluator’s Signature Specialist’s Signature Date Date