MLA Guide for Works Cited
1) Book (by one author)
Author’s last name, first name. Book title. Publication city (if available): Publisher’s name, Year of
Kaku, Micho. Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey. New York: Oxford Press, 2002.
2) Book (by two or more authors)
Author’s last name, first name, and first name last name. Book title. Publication city (if available): Publisher’s
name, Year of publication.
Eggins, Suzanne, and Diana Slade. Analyzing Casual Conversation. London: Cassell, 1997.
3) Two or more books (by the same author)
Format (list books in alphabetical order by title):
(1st book)
Author’s last name, first name. Book title. Publication city (if available): Publisher’s Name, Year of
(2nd book or more)
---. Book title. Publication city (if available): Publisher’s Name, Year of Publication.
Ede, Lisa. Situating Composition: Composition Studies and the Politics of Location. Carbondale: Southern
Illinois UP, 2004.
---. Work in Progress. 6th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2004.
4) Internet source
__________________________. “_____________________________________.”
Last name, First name
Article Title
_______________________. ________________________. ______________________.
Website Title/Name
Modified Date /Copyright
Publisher/Institution Responsible
8 May 2013. http:///www. _____________________________________________.
Date Accessed
Website Address
Zile, Franki. “Racer’s Love of Kids Inspires Campground.” 2003. Indianapolis Star. 3 June
Last name, First name
Article Title
Website Title. Copyright. Publisher. Date acc essed.
Website Address
5) Magazine Article
Author’s last name, First name. “Title of the article.” Title of Magazine or Journal.
Volume number or Date of issue: page numbers.
Betchel, Mark. “His Perfect Storm.” Sports Illustrated. 24 February 2003: 55-56.
6) Encyclopedia Article from Online Database
Last, First M., and First M. Last. "Article Title" Encyclopedia Name. City: Publisher, Year Published,
Website Title. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
Hassler, Warren W. "American Civil War." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Brittannica Inc.,
n.d. Web. 2 Jan. 2013.
7) Encyclopedia Article from Book/Print Source
Last, First M., and First M. Last. "Article Title" Encyclopedia Name. City: Publisher, Year Published.
Page(s). Print.
McGhee, Karen, and George McKay. "Insects" Encyclopedia of Animals. Washington: National
Geographic Society, 2007. 170-71. Print.
8) Newspaper Article
Last, First M. "Article Title." Newspaper Title Date Month Year Published: Page(s). Website Title. Web. Date
Month Year Accessed.
Bowman, Lee. "Bills Target Lake Erie Mussels." The Pittsburgh Press 7 Mar. 1990: A4.Google News Web.
16 Mar. 2010.
9) Movie, Film
“Film title.” Dir. First Name Last Name. Distributor, Year of Release. Medium.
Troy. Dir. Wolfgang Petersen. Warner Bros, 2004. Film.
10) Television Show/Episode
"Episode Title." Program/Series Name. Network. Original Broadcast Date. Medium.
"The Highlights of 100." Seinfeld. Fox. 17 Feb. 2009. Television.
11) Speech
Speaker. “Title of the Speech.” Meeting name. Location of meeting. Date of presentation. Type of presentation.
Angelou, Maya. “On the Pulse of Morning.” Inauguration of President Clinton. Washington D.C. 19 Jan. 1993.
12) Poem
Last Name, First Name. “Title of Poem.” Title of Work that the Poem appears in (if applicable). Publication
City: Publisher’s Name, Year of Publication. Page numbers.
Hughes, Langston. “Mother to Son.” Adventures for Readers, Book Two. Austin: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston,
Inc., 1996. 461.
Name: _________________________________________ BLOCK: ________________ Date: _____________
MLA Style Documentation
Documenting your sources involves two components: in –text citations and a works cited page.
The best advice when writing a research paper is to create your works cited entry first! As soon as you know you
are going to use a source, write down the information for that source.
A few basic rules and reminders:
Every in-text citation should include both an author (or title, if there is no author)
and a page/paragraph number.
In-text citations should always have either a page number or paragraph number
(par.) Be sure to record all page/paragraph numbers when doing your research and note-taking.
Online source citations must always have two dates: the date the information was
published or last updated AND the date that you accessed (or viewed) it.
For sources with no authors, you begin the works cited entry with the title.
The format for the dates is always the same: day month year ---such as
29 May 2013.
URLs (web addresses) are always enclosed in triangular brackets like this
< >. The period goes outside the closing bracket.
MLA Practice Worksheet
Use your handout titled MLA Guide for Works Cited to complete the following by:
Filling in the in-text citation in the sentence.
Writing out the complete works cited entry.
Book with One Author
According to Eric Schlosser, “fast food chains are now gaining access to the last advertising-free outposts of
American life”: public schools (
Take from Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, page 51, published in New York by Perennial in 2002.
Works Cited Entry:
Article from a Website
Flintoff writes, “The religious board that supervises elections has disqualified thousands of independent and
reform candidates” (
This article was taken from—the website for National Public Radio. It was written by Corey Flintoff and
is titled “Iranian Elections Provide View into Power Dynamics” in the World section of the website. This quote was taken
from paragraph 2 of 10 paragraphs total. The article was published on March 12, 2008. I accessed it on March 13, 2009.
The URL is
Works Cited Entry:
Book with Two or More Authors
The authors state, “Evidence used to support ideas in an academic essay is usually paraphrased”
Taken from Sourcework by Nancy E. Dollahite and Julie Haun, which was published in 2006 in Boston by
Thomson Heinle. The quote is taken from page 77, in chapter 4 titled “Building a Paper,” which spans pages 72 – 97.
Works Cited Entry:
Article from Newspaper
The author writes about one family who is trying to reduce its toxic footprint, in other words, they are trying to
live more “green.” “The Goode family has not purchased deodorant for a year,” the writer says, “and they have not bought
toothpaste or shampoo either” (
This quote came from the Arizona Republic. The reporter who wrote the story is Catherine Porter. Her article was
titled “How a Family Reduced Its Toxic Footprint.” The article appeared on page E4 on March 16th in 2009.
Works Cited Entry:
Name: ____________________________________ BLOCK: __________
More MLA Works Cited Practice
1) What is plagiarism?
2) How do you avoid plagiarism?
Works Cited: Using the information given to you below, write the works cited entry correctly.
Author: Edward Cornish
Title: The Exploration of the Future
City of Publication: Bethesda, Maryland
Publisher: World Future Society
Date: 2004
Works Cited Entry:
Encyclopedia Article
Author: Jerry Stubben
Article Title: Native Americans and Government Policy
Encyclopedia Title: Social Issues in America: An Encyclopedia
City of Publication: New York
Publisher: M. E. Sharpe
Date: 2006
Volume: 5
Pages: 1190-1203
Works Cited Entry:
Newspaper Article
Author: James O’Neill
Article Title: Richland is Given Award for Quality Management
Newspaper Title: The Dallas Morning News
Date: April 20, 2008
Pages: 6B
Works Cited Entry:
Magazine Article
Author: Anne McGrath
Article Title: A New Read on Teen Literacy
Magazine Title: U.S. News & World Report
Date: February 28, 2005
Pages: 68 – 70
Works Cited Entry:
Author: Blair Gibb
Title: Child Obesity
Title of Site: Children’s Alliance
Published: January 18, 2011
Publisher or Institution Responsible: Children’s Alliance
Date of Access: March 7, 2013
Works Cited Entry: