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Template release: Oct 02
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Building Multi-Tenant Applications using
WebSphere Portal Server
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20pt Arial Regular,
green R223 | G255 | B102
IBM Developer Skills
maximum length: 2 lines
© 2007 IBM Corporation
• Confidentiality/date line: 13pt Arial Regular, white
• Copyright: 10pt Arial
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Welcome to the IBM
this series, we will
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demonstrate a set of architectural patterns exploiting features in IBM middleware to build
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Template release: Oct 02flushsolutions.
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IBM Software Group
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SaaS Demo Series – The Banking Application
• Slide heading:
28pt Arial Regular, light
blue R204 | G204 | B255
Maximum length: 2 lines
Enterprise Scenarios
• Slide body:
18pt Arial Regular, white
Square bullet color:
green R223 | G255 | B102
Recommended maximum
text length: 5 principal
Building Multi-Tenant Applications using WebSphere
Portal Server
Composing Multi-tenant User Interfaces using WebSphere
Portlet Factory
Designing a Multi-tenant Data architecture using DB2 V9
Enforcing Security in a Software as a Service application
Building a multi-tenant user registry using WebSphere Portal Server &
Tivoli Directory Server
Enforcing Role Based Access Control using WebSphere Portal Server & Tivoli
Directory Server
Securing Workflows using WebSphere Process Server & Tivoli Directory
Optional slide number:
10pt Arial Bold, white
© 2007 IBM Corporation
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Maximum length: 1 line
Information separated by vertical strokes,
with two spaces on either side
Software as a Service
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Regular, white
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In this series, there are 7 demonstrations using “The Banking Application” that show how
IBM middleware and configuration techniques can be used to solve key technical
challenges for SaaS developers.
The primary issue faced by customers who want to implement a Software as a Service
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= Live content
solution is how to construct their multi-tenant environment.
demo will show how
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multi-tenancy can be implemented using the Virtual Portal feature of WebSphere Portal
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Template release: Oct 02
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For the latest, go to http://w3.ibm.com/ibm/presentations
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IBM Software Group
Technical Challenge Addressed in this Demo
• Slide heading:
28pt Arial Regular, light
blue R204 | G204 | B255
Maximum length: 2 lines
 How can you support multiple tenants (client organizations) on
a single instance of an application server?
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not be modified,
except for quotes,
which use gray
 How can you support multiple roles for each tenant in the
single instance multi-tenant application?
• Slide body:
18pt Arial Regular, white
Square bullet color:
green R223 | G255 | B102
 How can you provision a new tenant on the single instance of
an application server?
Recommended maximum
text length: 5 principal
Optional slide number:
© 2005 IBM Corporation
• Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white
• Copyright: 10pt Arial
length: 1 line
Arial address
Bold, white three
Regular, white
challenges in this demo:
Information separated by vertical strokes,
1. How can you support
on a single instance of an application server?
with twomultiple
spaces on either
2. How can you support multiple roles for each tenant in the single instance multi-tenant
And 3. how can you provision a new tenant on the single instance of the application
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Template release: Oct 02
For the latest, go to http://w3.ibm.com/ibm/presentations
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blue R204 | G204 | B255
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IBM Software Group
Multi-Tenant Bank Environment
A PoC delivered as a SaaS
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except for quotes,
which use gray
Maximum length: 2 lines
Shared Portal server instance with
 Tenant specific virtual portals &
 Multiple roles per tenant
• Slide body:
18pt Arial Regular, white
Square bullet color:
green R223 | G255 | B102
Recommended maximum
text length: 5 principal
Bank Service Provider
 On-board Bank
 Provision Bank
 Manage Master Bank
 Manage Banks
Configure with dynamic
Bank Administrator
 Add/Delete Bank Customers
 View Bank Customers
 Update customer profile
Bank Employee
 Perform Teller operations
 Approve Loans
Optional slide number:
Bank Customer
 Account transfers
 View Interest Rates
 Apply for Bank Loan
 Review Loan Status
© 2005 IBM Corporation
• Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white
• Copyright: 10pt Arial
10pt Arialto
In order
to1 line
address the multi-tenancy technical
we have
Information separated by vertical strokes,
constructed a fictitious
banking application.
with two
spaces on either side
This banking application provides different virtual portals for different banks on a single
instance of WebSphere Portal Server.
Each virtual portal is configured with its own look-and-feel elements to provide unique
branding for each bank which is a critical requirement of a multi-tenant application.
Each virtual portal supports isolation of user populations for each tenant bank through a
multi-tenant LDAP tree structure in a single instance of Tivoli Directory Server.
This demo is organized by three major roles. That of the provider, which is the
organization that actually provides the banking services; that of the subscriber, which is
the bank that subscribes to the banking services, and the end user. End users can be
divided into categories – the actual users that are bank employees and those that are
individual customers of a bank. In this demo we will show how each tenant bank
supports a set of banking scenarios targeted towards common banking roles as illustrated
in this chart.
As we mentioned before, the provider is the organization that is actually providing the
banking services.
Let’s go to the provider administrator page and see some of the functions that the
provider administrator can perform.
As we see here, the provider administrator can onboard banks,
manage bank administrators
and view events such as metering events that could be used for further administrative
Let’s go ahead and onboard a new bank.
There are a number of steps that have to occur for the onboarding of a bank. Some of
these steps could be automated and some of the steps could be manual such as
provisioning of the bank.
Let us go ahead and look at the administrators for a given bank.
The provider administrator onboards the initial master bank administrator who would
also have the authority to onboard other administrators.
As we can see here, the provider administrator can also select metering events and look at
their details,
such as here.
Let’s go ahead and look at some of the functions for the subscriber administrator.
We will first log in to bank one as a bank one administrator.
Here on the administrator’s page we see some of the things that the administrator can do.
The administrator can manage bank customers, their accounts, the interest rates, and
some of the teller operations.
Now let’s view all the customers for bank one.
Here are those customers.
Let’s look at the different interest rates that are available.
Here we can see the bank administrator’s ability to update the interest rates on the
products that customers can apply for.
We will now logout as the bank administrator.
The third role in our banking application is that of the end user.
Let us view what functions an individual customer can perform.
Customers can look at their loan requests, their account balances, and they can view the
transactions against a certain account.
Let’s take this account here and view the transactions against it.
Here we can see the debits and credits that have been performed against the checking
A customer can also apply for a loan. In this example, there are two different loan
products available to them. They can apply and later on see if the loan was approved or
Branding is another important feature of multi-tenancy.
Shown here is bank one. Take a look at the portal page. There is a banner with the bank
name, unique colors and styles called themes and skins, and 4 portlets.
Now lets go to bank two’s portal.
Notice that the branding is different.
We notice the individual branding for bank two is very different from bank one. We also
notice that the view in regards to the portlet is different. The number of portlets on the
page, the different portlets, all this can be configured by the bank administrator.
Let’s logout.
How is this achieved? Let’s go to the provider’s portal and go into administration.
Here we see some of the features that we’ve used in order to support multi-tenancy – one
of them is virtual portals.
As we see here, portal allows you to set a theme for a virtual portal. Portlets then pick up
different attributes from this theme in order to produce their own brand.
The key to multi-tenancy is that every individual portlet is assigned properties.
We can see these properties in the configure view.
Here is a bank id, here is a bank name and a number of other properties that are filled in.
Let’s take a look at some of the bank 2’s portlets.
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In this properties view we can see that the bank ID Indications
and bank
name, along with some other
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Template release:
Oct 02
are configured
uniquely for bank 2.
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For the latest, go to http://w3.ibm.com/ibm/presentations
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Maximum length: 1 line
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to, or altered in
any way.
IBM Software Group
• Slide heading:
28pt Arial Regular, light
blue R204 | G204 | B255
Maximum length: 2 lines
 Use WebSphere Portal Server virtual portals to enable multitenancy
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not be modified,
except for quotes,
which use gray
 DeveloperWorks article:
• Slide body:
18pt Arial Regular, white
Supporting Multi-tenancy for Composite Business Services
Square bullet color:
green R223 | G255 | B102
Recommended maximum
text length: 5 principal
Optional slide number:
© 2005 IBM Corporation
• Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white
• Copyright: 10pt Arial
1 line
10pt Arial Bold, whiteyou’ve
Regular, white
In conclusion,
the virtual portal capability of WebSphere
Portal Server
Information separated by vertical strokes,
enables multi-tenancy
There are other design patterns that are
two a
on either
important in order to support multi-tenancy. These patterns address configurability at the
user interface layer, the data tier, and the security realm. These topics will be covered in
the other demos in this series.
Please take the time to read the developerWorks article on this topic by clicking on the
link here.
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Template release: Oct 02
For the latest, go to http://w3.ibm.com/ibm/presentations
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Maximum length: 1 line
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blue R204 | G204 | B255
Maximum length: 2 lines
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any way.
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relevant in the Software
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with twoas
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or Reseller, we can provide education, support and benefits to help you grow revenue and
differentiate yourself.
The first step will be to join the SaaS community. You will automatically be kept aware
of new SaaS technical benefits and workshops and get the enablement help that you need
to transform your application for delivery in the IBM Software as a Service model.
Then, as a member of IBM SaaS community, you can register at the Virtual Innovation
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help build your Software as a Service knowledge and skills.
As an Advanced level member of PartnerWorld, you have the opportunity to gain access
to additional marketing and sales support by qualifying for the Software as a Service
(SaaS) specialty.
For more information, Visit our main site at www.ibm.com/partnerworld/saas.