Romanticism Vocabulary

Romanticism Vocabulary
Write a sentence for each word that shows you understand its meaning.
1. integrate (v) to unify; to make whole or complete be bringing parts together
2. sublime (adj) majestic, noble, or exalted
3. admonish (v) to warn or caution against specific faults, scolding mildly
4. kindred (adj) similar; closely connected because of similar natures, tastes, or goals
5. impertinent (adj) not showing proper respect or manners
6. impervious (adj) incapable of being passed through or penetrated; not affected by
7. assiduous (adj) done with constant and careful attention; attentive; diligent
8. eradication (n) total destruction; complete removal
9. insurrection (n) a revolt, rebellion, or uprising against established authority
10. impetuous (adj) acting with little or no thought
11. aversion (n) intense dislike or reluctance
12. covet (v) to wish for longingly
13. countenance (n) face
14. implore (v) to ask or beg for
15. beguile (v) to charm or delight; to deceive, cheat, or mislead
16. gaunt (adj) thin and bony, often from hunger or age
17. ostentatious (adj) characterized by a showy display of wealth, knowledge, etc.
18. sagacious (adj) wise, shrewd
19. intimate (v) to make know indirectly; hint or imply
20. grave (adj) 1. fraught with danger or harm 2. dignified and somber in conduct or character
21. mitigate (v) to lessen in force or intensity 2. to become milder; alleviate
22. feeble (adj) weak; without force of effectiveness
23. ravenous (adj) extremely hungry
24. writhe (v) to twist, as in pain, struggle or embarrassment
25. swoon (v) to loose consciousness; faint
26. earnest (adj) marked by or showing deep sincerity or seriousness
27. impede (v) to slow the progress of; to hinder
28. malevolence (n) ill-will, spite, hatred
29. obtuse (adj) 1. stupid; 2. not pointed, blunt
30. incarnate (adj) in human form, embody