Review Questions 2

Review Questions 2
1. Using a single data set, construct two frequency histograms: one where the data appear to be
bimodal and one where the data appear to be unimodal.
2. Draw a unimodal positively skewed distribution and a negatively distribution.
3. What does it mean to say that a distribution is leptokurtic? How does the kurtosis of a
distribution relate to the reliability of the scores?
4. How would you construct a sampling distribution of a mode? What would it tell us?
5. What is power and how is it related to the probability of a type II error?
6. What are three ways to increase the power of an experiment, if the null hypothesis is true?
7. If the two population in question do not overlap, what is the probability of a type I error.
8. How do you convert raw score to z-scores?
9. Given the following set of score, what is the probability of testing someone with a score greater
than 8? What is the probability of testing someone with a score between 3 and 8?
Scores: 2,3,3,6,7,9,12,10,4,6