Graduate Student Government Senate Meeting 10/16/2013 Noon

Graduate Student Government
Senate Meeting
Curry Student Center 348
I. Call to Order at 12:10pm
a. Kyndra Angell (CSI Leadership), Hayley Haywood (CSI Leadership),
Shaily Shah, David Walsh, Adedayo Catleto, Adedoken Adedoyin, Shane
Riehl, Mitasvil Patel, Dan Volchuck (Advisor), Courtland James, Kledio
Baci, Lara Lewis, Gail Olyha, Jack Korpob
II. Establish Quorum
a. Bouve, Engineering, School of Law, Science
b. Not established – per our constitution, we need to have at least 1/3 voting
senators as well as 5 difference senators from the 7 recognized colleges
(we only have 4)
III. Review of Minutes
a. Look through them, normally we would vote but we cannot
b. Let us know if you find anything that is inaccurate or that was talked about
that is not on there so we can add it to the minutes
IV. Officers Report
a. President
i. We rearranged the office so it looks more open, please come by
and visit
b. VP Student Affairs (absent, reported by VP of Admin and Programs)
i. College councils
1. We will have something to present next time
ii. Will bring a student group in the next coming weeks to vote on
c. VP Academic Affairs
i. Continue work on fellowship and grant resource page
1. Coop student has been hired to make a page
2. Protoypes will be viewed next Tuesday
ii. Meeting with Assistant Vice Provost Phil He for items to include
on Grad Student Survey
1. Will be brought up next GSG meeting for the hot topics,
what do we need to advocate for
d. VP Finance
i. As of today, we have funded about 6 groups, a little over $3000
ii. We just finished Period III with requests
1. Allocated a total of a little under $38,000
iii. Three more periods left for the academic year
1. Be mindful of due dates
e. VP Media & Membership
i. We have approved 11 Senators
1. Will send a follow-up email to
f. VP Admin & Programs
i. Getting events scheduled
ii. Shane and Kledio, collaborating on event, Bar Reviews, logistics
to figure things out
iii. Talked to Darren in Athletics for Hockey tickets
1. Get a headcount and plan ahead so we can go together
2. Date: Try to get Friday, November 15th (this is also
Homecoming Weekend)
g. Committee Sign Ups
i. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE: Under the charge of the
Vice President for Academic Affairs, this committee shall be
responsible for any academic matters brought to the attention of
the Association. The Committee shall also specifically speak to
issues surrounding Stipended Graduate Assistants (SGAs). The
Committee shall be specifically in charge of planning and
executing the Provost Forum in the Fall Semester with the Vice
President for Administration and Programs.
ii. STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE: The Vice President for
Student Affairs/Services will chair the Student Affairs Committee.
The Committee is responsible for coordinating all efforts with the
Division of Enrollment Management and Student Life. It is
responsible for planning and coordinating the President’s Forum
each Spring with the Vice President for Administration and
Programs as well as any other events related to graduate
recruitment and student life.
iii. FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Finance Committee, under the
supervision and charge of the Vice President for Financial Affairs,
shall be responsible for the smooth financial operation of the
Association. The Finance Committee shall advise the Executive
Board on the budget, review procedures, policies, objectives, and
makes recommendations on the process of budget allocations,
decisions and award grants/allocations to graduate student
organizations and individual students on a semester basis. The
GSG President shall work closely with the Finance Committee.
The Finance Committee shall be governed by the Finance
Committee By-laws, which are to be approved by the Senate.
iv. PROGRAMS COMMITTEE: This committee shall address the
needs of the culturally diverse graduate student population on
campus. It shall be chaired by the Vice President of Administration
and Programs. The Programs Committee will make
recommendations to the Senate on Association policies and
objectives in the programming area. This committee will also
coordinate the Senior Week Program on behalf of the Association
as well as programs that bring together the graduate student
community as a whole. The Programs Committee will work with
the Academic Affairs Committee for the Provost’s Forum and the
Student Affairs/Services Committee for the President’s Forum.
COMMITTEE: This committee shall work to recruit active
members and increase member participation in Association
activities. This committee shall be responsible for nominations and
elections for both the Senate and the Executive Board. It shall
make recommendations to the Executive Board prior to the
election process regarding Executive Board positions. It shall be
chaired by the Vice President for Public/Media Relations and
V. Unfinished Business
VI. Data Event
New Business
a. Hayley Haywood & Kyndra Angell from CSI
i. Assistant Director for Leadership Initiatives
ii. Leadership Needs
1. Personality, assessments
2. Skill based, effective meetings, conflict management, etc.
iii. Suggestions: Position leaders, managing up, (they are open to
formats and styles based on graduate student needs)
iv. Sending a blurb for our website
v. GSG Specific Workshop presented in this space
vi. Leadership Competencies will be coming out soon (being
developed now)
a. Part of leadership movement to include trans people in health care
i. Reach out to associate vice president on this issue
ii. Bar Review should be coming up soon
IX. Adjourned at 12:59pm