Theatre Boosters Meeting Minutes October 5 , 2010

Theatre Boosters Meeting Minutes
October 5th, 2010
Present: Sue Meek, Shelley Schultheis, Gayle Henderson, Mark Collins, Bev Fansler, Cathy Perkins,
Lynne Lascheid, Sally Sommers, Sally Payne, Kim Mollohan, Cass Trujillo, Jenny Barstow, Jane Noel,
Kate Noel, Leah Schultheis, Stephanie Mc0George.
Treasurer Report: See handout: Still outstanding payment for scholarships. Bank fees will be waived
until June 2011 due to attaching to Mark’s account until then. Receipts will be processed as they come
in. Mark would like to have contact information on the receipts; i.e. mailing address if check is needed
before next meeting.
Cabaret: Volunteers for concessions and donation money be there around 6:15 pm. Cass is hoping to
keep track of attendance (adult/child). There will be flowers. They would like to move concessions to
stage right using the ticket booths. Because it is donation show r/t royalty issues around fixed fees and
tickets. They might do a play a song and put a hat out (busking) at the end of the show. Put an asterisk in
the program about it.
Alice: Dec 2,3,4th.
Casting is done. 29 kids are in the show. The cast will meet next Monday for informational meeting and
filling out the volunteer schedule. There is now more pressure to get more scripts and do costuming.
Scripts would be $400. Thought about sponsoring a character with a local business. A grant was written
and turned in. There is a category called small grant. Asked for $10000. The funding folks don’t meet
until late and it is a stretch. Asking Boosters for help in matching finds for scripts, fund until grant $
comes through. Kate’s dad is willing to donate $200.
Motion from Boosters:
Cathy Perkins motioned that the Boosters donate $200 to the girls. The motion was seconded by Lynne
Lashceid. All present were in favor. There were no dissenters. Motion passed. Check made out by Mark
and given to the girls.
Need to have a parent at each practice. Times are usually from 3-5 or 3-6. Mr. Will is requiring a parent
name. Need to be in the room. Cass cannot do both r/t Arsenic. Contacted the Director of Community
Relations Executives. She is proposing to the group what the needs are for Alice. Lori Boder (National
Recognition Products - The Cap/Gown order person,) is donating the cost of printing the programs.
Rotary has donated $200 to each girl.
Costumes: Need a caterpillar costume and are hoping to look for the bird costumes from Suessical.
Gold Award: Going to the Homeless Families Foundation to meet with the kids. The first is this
Thursday. They are splitting the days. Shelley will be going with them, so may be a little late. Talked to
Otterbein University and may be able to pull costumes from their closets and props.
Will have posters donated. Possibly go to school to solicit canned foods for the show and send a vignette
to the schools to elicit interest. May need help with publicity.
Drama Club:
About 14 students were there. The meeting was about movement and projection. They did not seem to
have had this information before. Talked about Cabaret, Hairspray. Have a costumer for Arsenic.
Chelsea Lilly will be doing this. Had sign up for Tech – about 8 sign-ups.
Arsenic: Nov 11,12,13th.
Casted 13 students for the playt. Scripts for the 9 crew as well. Stage managers and Tom are putting
together a list of props.
Need- Flat police caps – 4 of them. Utility belt – police office type. Need a dead body. It should be
heavy like a body, arms and legs fall away but it will be dark on stage. There will be no blood and guts,
no violence. Traditionally 13 celebs come out of the basement. May see if we can get teachers,
custodians, etc. to do this as a fundraiser.
Suggest contacting the senior assisted living centers about the show. It is Veteran’s Day, maybe a
discount for Veterans’ Day. Suggest a more interesting t-shirt.
Work Day – Clean up day – Oct 16th noon. Any time between noon and 7pm. Working an hour every
day Mon- Fri organizing, moving, cleaning, etc. Mr. Fansler will put in utility tub from costume shop to
the scene shop. There are jobs that can be done without lifting. The school moved things out. Gloves,
cleaning supplies. There are items that can go home that were the Perkins’ they will take home. Bring
drills to remove nails and screws from set pieces.
Mrs. McGeorge Floor – Mrs. McGeorge has been working on this and it has not been budgeted for the current capital
improvements. Fixing the floor is on a back burner list. She wrote it up as a safety concern. South is on
it now and they will compare it. South’s is worse. We are asking it to be replaced, not just
sanded/painted. Talking to head custodian, best thing to do would be for the Theatre dept to rent the
industrial sanders to really strip it. Nations Rent is a good place to rent. May give us a discounted rate.
Cass is asking for Theatre Boosters to help out. There may be some red tape to go through, and liability
issues. If there are issues and it ends up needing replaced because of an issue, who would pay? There
could be unforeseen issues. Generations Dance group puts some kind of floor down for their show. Kim
will talk to Cindy Straub about it. The floor will need wood putty in places. Need three thick coats of
paint. Would be a 5 day project. Rental $200, $80/can of paint could be cost for equipment and
Telephone for scene shop – the response was kid’s have cell phones, but it is not just about that but the
safety of the open doors, the adults, etc. Cass and Kim would like to have use of the sound booth. This is
available per Mrs. McGeorge. Could find a place to access a computer for Cass. Study Hall will be
moving back to the regular study hall room. Notables have also been practicing so they may be using the
The marquee request went in today. The sandwich boards are all around. Maybe place at the
Schrock/Rt3 corner.
South theater director wanting to know our production info and they shared their show information with
Mrs. Mollohan. Put it in the program as well. Will be in the Columbus Dispatch in the next week or two.
Did the press for Cabaret go out? We will see if it is in the papers. Did not come in the district news last
week. Suburban News was Lisa Aurand. Lynn Myzlawski is generally good about getting them in. Mrs.
McGeorge will get in touch with them.
Asked Michael Grossberg from the Dispatch to come to take photos. Have not heard back from them.
Would really like to do this for Alice. Jane has a contact she will check with as well.
Hairspray – there are 39 plus roles.
From the Drama Club today there was a handout. It is on the web sites. The sign up is on
Mr. Crowther’s door. Each student will choose one night to audition - Mon 10/25 or
Will all read/dance/sing/take pictures. Expected to stay 2 hours. They will have a packet
and colored sheets to direct them. Acting is Kim. Dancing it Cindy – gym shoe or dance
shoe. 60’s dancing. Looking for kids who can stay on a beat and move well. Singing for
Nick – come in with a song. Would like them to do a song from any musical One verse
and one chorus.Kids can borrow from him. He will play, Ipod, MP3 or acapella.
Call backs posted on theatre board and music door. Will be there 2-3 hours on the
following Monday, Nov 1st. Wednesday, November 3rd - Cast List will be posted and
read through is on Friday, Novemebr 5th.
Music rehearsals begin Jan 3rd.
Jan 15th – possible dance rehearsal
Feb ? - President’s Day. – will they be meeting if school is done
Sue has a friend who runs a design school and is willing do hair/wigs for an ad.
Shelley has a fundraiser idea for the foam wigs like a 60’s style through Oriental Traders.
May consider this for concessions, etc.
Having a movie viewing about the show for those who are not in theater/music to
develop an interest in the show.
Volunteer –
Facebook site – Join if you can and students. Would like to have parent contact information to be able to
contact them for the shows, etc.
Fundraising –
Calling them Stickers instead of clings – multi colored. Print shop person is on vacation. and will get
with him tomorrow. There will be two versions and maybe bigger.
Honey Baked Hams – call to Theresa but has not heard back. Want to do the Thanksgiving/Easter. Like
to have brochures may not make Thursday.
Email from Central Theatre – fundraising also a group outing. Kevin Lyles – CaTCO Phoenix – about
Holiday show, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” Nov 26-Dec12. Brainstorming ways to increase fundraising and
work with Boosters by selling tickets and have Boosters get % of ticket. May get tour, access to actors,
etc. Right now, it is too close to the other things going on at that time.
Other Business:
WSU is doing a workshop for Tech people, lighting, sound, stage design. It is $5 to attend. Would like
to take some kids.
T-Shirt from the Thespian Society as a fundraiser was presented by Cass. Not interested at this time.
Conference – no new news about it. Missed the deadline for the leadership retreat. Will be meeting with
Mrs. Birtcher about this. Want them to go to the State Conference in March. 25-27th.
Parent Council – Sue will ask a question at this meeting to the superintendent.
GFS cards – give away funds for scholarships. Good for grad party, etc.