Welcome to Sixth Grade Language Arts Miss Bacso, Room 271 Classroom Expectations

Welcome to Sixth Grade Language Arts
Miss Bacso, Room 271
Classroom Expectations
S – Say please and thank you
M – Make friends and participate
A – Arrive on time, prepared, and ready to learn
R – Respect yourself and others
T – Try your best! Always!
• Improve reading skills (examples: inferences, sequencing, comprehension).
• Improve writing skills (examples: organization, conventions, grammar).
• Develop critical thinking skills.
• Improve communication with cooperative group work.
• Work on organization and study skills.
Class Supply List (EVERYDAY SUPPLIES):
 Pencil – You must have a pencil to write with EVERYDAY! Keep two with you at all times *I
 Grading Pen (Anything but Blue or Black)
 Highlighter
 Post-It’s (standard square size, any color)
 Logbook
 A binder or separate section to keep all handouts and assignments
 A spiral notebook (this will serve as your journal to practice reading and writing strategies
& taking notes
 Folder (this will serve as your student-led conference folder which is kept in my room)
Classroom Procedures:
1. Recording Homework: At the beginning of each class, record your homework into the
Language Arts section of your logbook. DO THIS EVERYDAY!
2. Turning in homework and other assignments: All papers should be turned, in by the
students, into the bin. I will never collect assignments, it is your responsibility to turn them in
yourself, this eliminates the occurrence of me loosing papers.
3. Grading Procedure: Grades will be based on class work, homework, tests/quizzes, and
4. Late Work: Things happen, I understand. If students are absent from school it is their
responsibility to find out what they missed the day/days they were gone. Students will be given
three days to make up work missed during their absence. If more time is needed to make up the
missing work, then he/she will have to meet with me to extend the due date. I will not accept late
work once we have moved on to the next unit. I expect all students to be in class, everyday, and
complete their work in a timely manner.
Ways to Succeed/Study Tips:
Keep up with assigned and independent reading.
Stay organized
Write in your log book
Complete homework on time.
Practice everyday.
Study several days in advance of test.
Think and plan ahead!
Use your time wisely
Rewards for Good Classroom Behavior:
I like to reward students when I catch them doing something positive in the classroom, such as
helping others without having to be asked or trying extra hard on an assignment or test. When I’ve
decided that you’ve done something positive, I will award you with a ticket. Put your first and last
name on the ticket and place it in your class period’s bucket. On Friday of each week, I will draw 2
or 3 names from each class and those people can pick a special prize: Gotcha Coupon (late
homework coupon), Front-of-the-Line lunch pass, Candy Grab, or others.
Students who are in violation of the rules will receive consequences including phone calls home
and detentions. Students who repetitively violate the rules will be referred to the office.
Miss Bacso’s Contact Information:
School Email: BacsoK@wcsoh.org
*Email is the best way to reach me. Feel free to e-mail me when you have questions! I will try my
best to respond within 24 hours
School Voicemail: 797-8098
School Website: I also update a class website daily through WCS’s website. Find my page by
going to Genoa’s section and clicking on “Teacher Web Sites.” They are organized by teacher’s
last name. Come here to find out what the day’s homework is and for other important daily and
weekly announcements. I also upload copies of notes and assignments so that you can print them
off from home. This is a great resource for when you have to be absent.
*Please cut off the bottom portion of this page below the dotted line and return to Miss
Bacso by Tuesday, August 20th.
----- -------- ------- -------- ------ -- ----- -- ----- ------ -- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- ----- ---I ___________________________________(please print!) have read the above information and understand what
is expected of me in Miss Bacso’s class this year. I agree to fulfill these expectations to the very best of my ability!
I have read over the information with my parents so that they also know what is expected of me. By signing below,
we both agree to follow these expectations.
*Please sign in pen ALWAYS! Any papers that need to be signed by a parent must be in pen or they will be
Student Signature and Date:
Guardian Signature(s) and Date: