We are on an “A” schedule today. Husky Headlines:

Good Morning Huskies! Today is Thursday, October 1. We are on an “A” schedule today.
Husky Headlines:
Calling all artists! Our first meeting of Photo & Art Club will be right after school in room 235 on Thursday, October
8th. Photo & Art Club will meet on Thursdays from 3:00-4:00pm, so please make sure you have a ride arranged
to pick you up promptly at 4:00pm. Please grab a permission form from outside of room 235 or the office, fill it
out, have your parents’ sign it, and bring it to our first meeting on October 8th with your $15 pay to participate
fee. See you there!
Book Club was awesome yesterday! If you grabbed a ticket but were not able to attend, please return the ticket
to your Language Arts teacher or Mrs. Konik today. Looking forward to seeing you next month at The Club.
Student Council:
Hey Huskies, do you want to be a part of something big? Consider joining Student Council! What is Student
Council? Student Council is the Heritage Middle School Student Government. It is made up from students from
sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. What does Student Council do?
Student Council meets twice a month and helps with school fundraisers, spirit weeks, and anything to make
Heritage a great place to be!
If you are a Student Council representative, you are the eyes and ears and voice for your fellow classmates.
There is NO FEE to participate! How do you become a member of Student Council? The number of students
involved in Student Council is limited. If you would like to be considered for Student Council, you must pick up
the Student Council packet from Ms. Kipke in room 252 and return the attached questionnaire to her NO LATER
THAN Friday, October 9th. In addition, you must have at least ONE TEACHER return the attached
recommendation sheet to Ms. Kipke NO LATER THAN Friday, October 9th. All teacher recommendation sheets
and student questionnaire sheets will determine the members of the Heritage 2015-2016 Student Council.
If you are selected, you will receive an invitation to attend the first Student Council meeting in October.
Word of the Month Do your share to make your school and community better? Do you cooperate and work
together in class? Do you get involved, and stay informed on current events? If you answered yes, then you are
showing CITIZENSHIP, which is the word of the month for October. Listen to announcements, read the table
top signs in the cafeteria, restrooms and hallways to see how you can become a good citizen at Heritage and in
the community.
The Live your Quote Contest will continue. Find a quote that you live by or better yet, write your own quote and
bring it to room 200. Today’s original quote comes from 6th grader Andrew Strauss. “The chickadee may be
small, but he has the biggest call of all!”
Andrew’s interpretation of his quote is this,, even if you a small or feel like nothing, you can be heard by others
all around. So don’t just stand there and let the world talk for you, call and and we will listen! Thanks Andrew
for submitting this awesome original quote! Keep them coming Huskies!
Sports Report:
On Tuesday, the boys and girls cross country team ran a tough race in the rain against New Albany. Scoring for
the boys were Nganga, Holloway, Bass, Yeager, and Braskett. Scoring for the girls were Cripe, Shoemaker,
White, Fagan, and Lynskey. Running their best times of the season were Nganga, Bass, Braskett, Weaver,
Haas, Sherrard, Schmitt, and Tombaugh. The next race is this Saturday at Hilliard Bradley.
Attention all girls interested in playing basketball: Please see Coach Freeman, in room 226 for more information
about a FREE!!!! basketball clinic being offered at Heritage. Also, please make sure you are paying attention to
the announcements in the next few weeks, as there will be several announcements about the upcoming
season. Your coaches can’t wait to get started!
Have a Terrific Thursday, Huskies!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
Good Morning Huskies! Today is Friday, October 2. We are on a “B” schedule today.
The Word of the Month is Citizenship: Being a good citizen means, you do your share to make your
community and Heritage Middle School the best place it can be. Take responsibility for yourself by following the
rules, be helpful and respectful. Today’s Flashback Friday Journal Questions Is How do you show Citizenship
here at Heritage? Make a list, write a poem, rap or a quote of what citizenship means to you, and how you will
show citizenship on a daily basis.
Quote of the Day: Keep your positive and motivational quotes coming and look around the school to see where
you will see them posted! Today’s original quote is from 6th grader Jack Bates
“The art of self-motivation is not just from the mind but also from the heart”
Thanks to all you have submitted quotes this week! They have been very inspiring! Find a special quote that
you live by every day, and submit it to room 200! You never know when and where it will pop up!
Husky Headlines:
Having issues with friends? Maybe a difficult time balancing athletics and academics. Or, just need some advice.
If these are issues you are dealing with, find an advice envelope for the Husky Howler, submit your concern and
get advice from mildly professional experts! The envelopes are in discreet locations throughout the school.
Remember, all submissions are anonymous. If you are struggling with it, your peers probably are too! The Husky
Howler, we are here for you!
Hey Huskies, do you want to be a part of something big? Consider joining Student Council! What is Student
Council? Student Council is the Heritage Middle School Student Government. It is made up from students from
sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. What does Student Council do?
Student Council meets twice a month and helps with school fundraisers, spirit weeks, and anything to make
Heritage a great place to be! If you are a Student Council representative, you are the eyes and ears and voice
for your fellow classmates. There is NO FEE to participate!
How do you become a member of Student Council? The number of students involved in Student Council is
limited. If you would like to be considered for Student Council, you must pick up the Student Council packet from
Ms. Kipke in room 252 and return the attached questionnaire to her NO LATER THAN Friday, October 9th. In
addition, you must have at least ONE TEACHER return the attached recommendation sheet to Ms. Kipke NO
LATER THAN Friday, October 9th. All teacher recommendation sheets and student questionnaire sheets will
determine the members of the Heritage 2015-2016 Student Council. If you are selected, you will receive an
invitation to attend the first Student Council meeting in October.
Attention afternoon bus riders, listen up. There are several things that we need to correct starting today. First,
once you are dismissed from school, you are to go to your locker and directly to your bus. Once you are on
your bus, you stay on the bus, do not get back off. Second, if you ride a bus in the 2nd row of busses, you must
cross the first line of busses with a teacher. Look for Mr. Lewis or Mrs. Bates and they will get you safely to you
bus. No students should be walking between the rows of busses. Stay on the sidewalk away from the side of
the bus no students should be next to the busses talking with the students that are on the bus. Please do not try
to run after a bus. A typical bus weighs 14 tons, and the drivers cannot see you if you run in front of
them. Please think safety for yourself and others as you are riding to and from school.
Sports Report:
Attention all girls interested in playing basketball: Please see Coach Freeman, in room 226 for more information
about a FREE basketball clinic being offered at Heritage. Also, please make sure you are paying attention to
the announcements in the next few weeks, as there will be several announcements about the upcoming
season. Your coaches can’t wait to get started!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------Good Morning Huskies! Today is Monday, October 5. We are on an “A” schedule today.
Word of the Month: Citizenship
What is a good citizen? A person that demonstrates good citizenship is someone who respects others and
their property. Someone who is considerate and helpful, willing to put others first. Someone who uses good
manners and works hard and is willing to learn. Do you demonstrate good citizenship every day? October is
Citizenship month at Heritage. Each day we will do something to make Heritage a safe and fun place to
be. Check out the posters around the school, listen to announcements to see how you can show good
citizenship at Heritage, at home and in the community.
Husky Headlines:
Our first meeting of Photo & Art Club will be right after school in room 235 THIS THURSDAY, October 8th from
3:00-4:00pm, so please make sure you have a ride arranged to pick you up promptly at 4:00pm. Please grab a
permission form from outside of room 235 or the office, fill it out, have your parents’ sign it, and bring it to our first
meeting on October 8th with your $15 pay to participate fee.
Wednesday is Pink day and the 7th and 8th grade volleyball game at 5:00. Wear pink on Wednesday to show
your support for the lady Huskies and support the Volley for the Cure fundraising game to battle breast cancer,
and raise awareness! This is a great way to show support for our volleyball teams and citizenship!
Heritage Middle School Service Club:
Do you like to help others in need and make a difference in your community? How about spending time with
friends while also making an impact on those who need a helping hand? Join Service Club! Our first meeting
will take place next Wednesday, October 14. We will meet every 2 weeks from 2:50-3:30. A full schedule of
meeting dates will be provided at the first meeting. In order to participate, you will need a ride home after
meetings, and they will need to pick you up no later than 3:45 PM. You must turn in your permission slip and
dues by the first meeting next week. Even if you are unsure about Service Club, we encourage you to come out
and see what it is all about! We will be doing all sorts of fun activities to help others, and we will also ask YOU
what you would like to do as well. Join us and make a difference! Please see Mrs. Amy or Mrs. Marks for a
permission slip.
Sports Report:
Attention all girls interested in playing basketball: Please see Coach Freeman, in room 226 for more information
about a FREE! basketball clinic being offered at Heritage. Also, please make sure you are paying attention to
the announcements in the next few weeks, as there will be several announcements about the upcoming
season. Your coaches can’t wait to get started!
That’s all for today, Huskies! Have a Magnificent Monday!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------Good Morning Huskies! Today is Tuesday, October 6. We are on a “B” schedule today.
Husky Headlines:
Attention 8th graders, the Washington D.C. informational meeting has been re-scheduled for October 15th at 7
PM in the commons. Again, that is the DC meeting on October 15th at 7 PM in the commons.
Are you an artist looking for a new challenge? A dancer who has an idea in mind but you aren’t sure how to
make it happen? Maybe a photographer? Or have you been humming the same melody in your head for weeks
but haven’t gotten the notes down on paper? The PTSA Reflections contest may be just what you need. There
are 6 categories for you to choose from: Dance choreography, Music composition, Film production,
photography, literature and the visual arts. You can pick from whichever category inspires you the most and
connects with this year’s theme “Let Your Imagination Fly” If you have any questions or just want more
information, please check out the bulletin board next to the attendance office or ask Mrs. Konik in the media
center. All submissions are due November 11!
Word of the Month: Citizenship
What are ways you can show citizenship at Heritage? Look around the school for the Pink Citizenship Pride
Fliers. October 1-7, we will show good citizenship by giving compliments and saying thank you. This is a good
time to write a note of thanks to a friend, teacher, bus driver, guidance counselor, secretary thanking them for
some kind act, or just letting them know they are valued and appreciated. A great way to demonstrate
Citizenship is to follow all school rules especially at lunch time, in the locker bays and at dismissal. Walk, keep
your voices down and LISTEN to the adults that are giving directions.
Another way to show citizenship is to show your Husky spirit and get involved in an after school activity. Cheer
on the cross country team as they run their last meet of the season to Plan to wear Pink on Wednesday to
support the Volleyball teams Volley for the Cure, and then attend the game at 5:00. The football team will take
on Blendon at Blendon at 5:00. Get involved with student council, art club and service club. Listen to
announcements for more information. Don’t expect to see a change if you don’t make the change!
A big congratulations to Alia O’Brien on being named the 2015/2016 Editor-in-Chief for The Husky Howler!
Please congratulate Alia on earning such a distinguished role on the newspaper club! Jamarian Ross deserves
honorable mention for providing an exemplar writing sample and notable references! Good job you guys and
good luck this year on the newspaper club!
To all other Husky Howler members, do not forget there’s a meeting this Thursday from 3-3:45 in room 254. As
always, please make sure you have a ride arranged to pick you up promptly! See you there!
Congratulations to the following students and staff for being recognized for PRIDE student and staff of the
month for September:
Gwen Busch, Chioma Nwomeh, Winter Hicks, Camden Gross, Jeffrey Evans, Drew Lewis, Aliyah Giles,
Natasha Quarco, Sam Olson, Cassidy Carter, Anthony Kerigan, Brooke Hoover, Emily McGeorge, Alia O’Brien,
Isabel Gallagher, D.J. Bridge, Jalikatu Kargbo, Tiara Takyl, Ama Asare, McKenzie Smith, Natalie Kloos, Isaiah
Mayo, Gabriel Hollingsworth, Nianza Lowman, Michael Donkor, Branden Lewis, Bradley Dotson, Julian Pride,
Rahma Jama, Jaedyn Harris, Mr. Acocks, Mrs. Tyler, Mrs. Konik, Mr. Baldwin, Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Olsweski.
Your picture will be taken Wed. morning during homeroom in the lobby. Please listen to announcements to be
called down. Congratulations!
Sports Report:
Come out and support the 7th and 8th grade girls volleyball teams tomorrow night at 5 and 6 in the gym
as they take on Genoa for their last games of the season and having a Volley for a Cure game. Be sure
to wear pink to school tomorrow and to the game! We are having a pink out!
On Saturday, the Heritage Cross Country team ran in a cold and rainy meet at the Midwest Meet of Champions
at Hilliard Bradley. Scoring for the boys, Nganga, Bass, Holloway, Yeager and Braskett. Scoring for the girls
were Shoemaker, Fagan, Lynskey, Dages, and Tombaugh. Running their fastest times of the season were
Nganga, Vu, Bass, Braskett, Sanabria, Dages, Sherrard, Fagan, Tombaugh, Gallagher, and Oyewusi. Come
cheer on your Huskies TONIGHT at Highland Park for their last meet of the season. The meet starts at 5 pm!
Attention all girls interested in playing basketball: Please see Coach Freeman, in room 226 for more information
about a FREE!!!! basketball clinic being offered at Heritage. Also, please make sure you are paying attention to
the announcements in the next few weeks, as there will be several announcements about the upcoming
season. Your coaches can’t wait to get started!
That’s all for today, Huskies! Make it a Terrific Tuesday!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good Morning Huskies! Today is Wednesday, October 7. We are on an “A” schedule today.
Word of the Month: Citizenship
What are ways you can show citizenship at Heritage? Look around the school for the Pink Citizenship Pride
Fliers. October 1-7, we will show good citizenship by giving compliments and saying thank you. This is a good
time to write a note of thanks to a friend, teacher, bus driver, guidance counselor, secretary thanking them for
some kind act, or just letting them know they are valued and appreciated. A great way to demonstrate
Citizenship is to follow all school rules especially at lunch time, in the locker bays and at dismissal. Walk, keep
your voices down and LISTEN to the adults that are giving directions.
Another way to show citizenship is to show your Husky spirit and get involved in an after school activity. Attend
the volleyball game tonight and support the volleyball teams Volley for the Cure, The football team will take on
Blendon at 5:00 at Blendon. Get involved with student council, art club and service club. Listen to
announcements for more information. Don’t expect to see a change if you don’t make the change!
Husky Headlines:
Our first meeting of Photo & Art Club will be right after school in room 235 TOMORROW from 3:00-4:00pm, so
please make sure you have a ride arranged to pick you up promptly at 4:00pm. Please grab a permission form
from outside of room 235 or the office, fill it out, have your parents’ sign it, and bring it to our first meeting on
October 8th with your $15 pay to participate fee.
Speaking of citizenship...Do you like to help others in need and make a difference in your community? How
about spending time with friends while also making an impact on those who need a helping hand? Join Service
Club! Our first meeting will take place next Wednesday, October 14. We will meet every 2 weeks from 2:503:30. A full schedule of meeting dates will be provided at the first meeting. In order to participate, you will need
a ride home after meetings, and they will need to pick you up no later than 3:45 PM. You must turn in your
permission slip and dues by the first meeting next week. Even if you are unsure about Service Club, we
encourage you to come out and see what it is all about! We will be doing all sorts of fun activities to help others,
and we will also ask YOU what you would like to do as well. Join us and make a difference! Please see Mrs.
Amy or Mrs. Marks for a permission slip.
Congratulations to the following students and staff for being recognized for PRIDE student and staff of the
month for September. Your picture will be taken Friday morning during homeroom in the lobby. Please listen to
announcements to be called down. Congratulations!
The Heritage School Skate party will be October 28 from 6-8:30pm at Skate Zone 71. This is a fundraiser for us
and 50% of the proceeds will be returned to Heritage! What an easy way to help us raise money without having
to sell something!!! Admission is $3 and skate rentals are $3 or $4 for rollerblades! Make plans to attend now!!
The Heritage School Store is open during lunch on THURSDAYS!! Stop by and pick up a Heritage t-shirt,
sweatshirt or Husky headband. You can also buy pens, pencils, cinch sacks and car magnets. Remember, stop
by the school store tomorrow at lunch.
Sports Report:
Last night, the cross country finished their season at 3 dogs and a Cat. Scoring for the boys were Holloway,
Nganga, Bass, Braskett, Vu. Running their fastest times of the season for the boys were Holloway, Bass, Vu,
Braskett, Cruz, Weaver, and Haas. In the girls race, Hannah Cripe ruled the ‘ville winning with a time of
12:51. Also scoring for the girls were Shoemaker, Lynskey, Dages and Schmitt. Running their fastest times of
the season were Cripe, Shoemaker, Lynskey, Dages, Sanabria, Schmitt, Sherrard, and Briles. Congratulations
to all the runners on a great season! All runners need to turn in their CLEAN jerseys to Coach Miller in room
112 by FRIDAY, October 9th.
Attention all girls interested in playing basketball: Please see Coach Freeman, in room 226 for more information
about a FREE!!!! basketball clinic being offered at Heritage. Also, please make sure you are paying attention to
the announcements in the next few weeks, as there will be several announcements about the upcoming
season. Your coaches can’t wait to get started!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------Good Morning Huskies! Today is Thursday, October 8. We are on a “B” schedule today.
The word of the month is Citizenship. Citizenship is like teamwork, we all depend on each other to get the job
done whether we are on the football field, volleyball court, working with our group members in math or science
class, on the bus or at lunch. Demonstrate Citizenship by following all school rules especially at lunch time, in
the locker bays and at dismissal. Walk, keep your voices down and LISTEN to the adults that are giving
directions, and be RESPECTFUL. Another way to show citizenship is to show your Husky spirit and get involved
in an after school activity. Listen to announcements for more information, and check out the pink fliers
throughout the school to see how you can show your CItizenship
Husky Headlines:
Our first meeting of Photo & Art Club will be right after school today from 3:00-4:00 pm in the art room
(room 235), so please make sure you have a ride arranged to pick you up promptly at 4:00pm. Please bring
your signed permission form and $15 participation fee with you.
Attention 8th graders, the Washington D.C. informational meeting has been re-scheduled for October 15th at
7 PM in the commons. Again, that is the DC meeting on October 15th at 7 PM in the commons.
Do you love to read? The 8th grade Battle of the Books may be right for you! What is BOB? We read a preset
list of books and then answer questions in a Jeopardy like format. Reading for fun! There will be an
informational meeting during 8th grade SSRs today in the library for those students interested in being a part of
the team this year.
Are you an artist looking for a new challenge? A dancer who has an idea in mind but you aren’t sure how to
make it happen? Maybe a photographer? Or have you been humming the same melody in your head for weeks
but haven’t gotten the notes down on paper? The PTSA Reflections contest may be just what you
need. There are 6 categories for you to choose from: Dance choreography, Music composition, Film production,
photography, literature and the visual arts. You can pick from whichever category inspires you the most and
connects with this year’s theme “Let Your Imagination Fly” If you have any questions or just want more
information, please check out the bulletin board next to the attendance office or ask Mrs. Konik in the media
center. All submissions are due November 11!
A friendly reminder to all newspaper club members: there’s a meeting today after school from 3-3:45 in room
254. Please arrive on time and make sure you have a ride arranged to pick you up promptly at 3:45pm! See you
Do you like to help others in need and make a difference in your community? How about spending time with
friends while also making an impact on those who need a helping hand? Join Service Club! Our first meeting
will take place next Wednesday, October 14. We will meet every 2 weeks from 2:50-3:30. A full schedule of
meeting dates will be provided at the first meeting. In order to participate, you will need a ride home after
meetings, and they will need to pick you up no later than 3:45 PM. You must turn in your permission slip and
dues by the first meeting next week. Even if you are unsure about Service Club, we encourage you to come out
and see what it is all about! We will be doing all sorts of fun activities to help others, and we will also ask YOU
what you would like to do as well. Join us and make a difference! Please see Mrs. Amy or Mrs. Marks for a
permission slip.
Congratulations to the September PRIDE student/staff of the month. You will be called down to the lobby
tomorrow during homeroom to receive your certificates, and have your pictures taken. Congratulations and
thank you!
The Heritage School Skate party will be October 28 from 6-8:30pm at Skate Zone 71. This is a fundraiser for
us and 50% of the proceeds will be returned to Heritage! What an easy way to help us raise money without
having to sell something!!! Admission is $3 and skate rentals are $3 or $4 for rollerblades! Make plans to attend
Don’t forget – the Heritage School Store is open TODAY during your lunch period. Stop by and purchase your
Husky spiritwear!
Sports Report:
Attention all girls interested in playing basketball: Please see Coach Freeman, in room 226 for more
information about a FREE!!!! basketball clinic being offered at Heritage. Also, please make sure you are paying
attention to the announcements in the next few weeks, as there will be several announcements about the
upcoming season. Your coaches can’t wait to get started!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------Good Morning Huskies! Today is Friday, October 9. We are on an “A” schedule today.
Husky Headlines:
The word of the month is Citizenship. Citizenship is like teamwork, we all depend on each other to get a job
done. Demonstrate Citizenship by following all school rules at lunch time, in the locker bays and at
dismissal. Walk, keep your voices down and LISTEN. Most of all be RESPECTFUL. Another way to show
citizenship is to show your Husky spirit and get involved in an after school activity. Listen to announcements for
more information, and check out the pink fliers throughout the school to see how you can show your
CItizenship. Make citizenship your call of duty today.
Are you feeling inspired? Are you ready to “Let Your Imagination Fly”? Then the Reflections competition is just
what you need! Information is on the bulletin board next to the attendance office and also in the
library. Questions? See Mrs. Konik
Do you like to help others in need and make a difference in your community? How about spending time with
friends while also making an impact on those who need a helping hand? Join Service Club! Our first meeting
will take place next Wednesday, October 14. We will meet every 2 weeks from 2:50-3:30. A full schedule of
meeting dates will be provided at the first meeting. In order to participate, you will need a ride home after
meetings, and they will need to pick you up no later than 3:45 PM. You must turn in your permission slip and
dues by the first meeting next week. Even if you are unsure about Service Club, we encourage you to come out
and see what it is all about! We will be doing all sorts of fun activities to help others, and we will also ask YOU
what you would like to do as well. Join us and make a difference! Please see Mrs. Amy or Mrs. Marks for a
permission slip.
The Heritage School Skate party will be October 28 from 6-8:30pm at Skate Zone 71. This is a fundraiser for
us and 50% of the proceeds will be returned to Heritage! What an easy way to help us raise money without
having to sell something!!! Admission is $3 and skate rentals are $3 or $4 for rollerblades! Make plans to attend
Sports Report:
Attention all Cross Country runners. Please turn in your uniforms to coach Miller in room 112!!!
Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls. It’s finally here!! Girls basketball open gyms will begin next week on
Tuesday and Wednesday after school from 3-4:30. Stop by Coach Freeman’s room (room 226) to pick up a
schedule for the rest of October and all forms that need to be completed before tryouts start on MONDAY
OCTOBER 26th. Additionally, please make sure your rides pick you up in the back of the school after all
events. Your coaches are looking forward to seeing you there!
Attention all 7th and 8th grade boys interested in trying out for basketball. Open gyms will be on October 19th
and 20th from 3-4:30. Your forms can be found outside the Athletic Director’s office in the gym or on the
Westerville website.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Good Morning Huskies! Today is Monday, October 12. We are on a “B” schedule today.
The word of the month is Citizenship: This week we will be focusing on donating to WARM. Food items that are
most needed for this month are spaghetti noodles, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables and canned peaches and
shampoo. Donate one of these items, and get some PRIDE points. You can drop your items off first thing in the
morning in the boxes in the lobby. We are also focusing on manners. Saying please, thank you and excuse me
are key to success at school at home,and in the community. Check out the pink Citizenship fliers posted
throughout the school to see what you can do to show your Husky PRIDE!
Husky Headlines:
Attention 8th graders, the Washington D.C. informational meeting has been re-scheduled for October 15th at 7
PM in the commons. Again, that is the DC meeting on October 15th at 7 PM in the commons.
Picture retakes are Wednesday, October 14th. These pictures will replace any previous picture taken. This is
also the last chance for faculty and staff to get their photos taken for staff ID’s
Thursday, October 15 is an Early Release Day. School will let out at 1:45 pm.
Classes will not be held in the Westerville City School District on Friday, October 16, Due to OEA/ NEA Day.
Teachers and staff members will attend professional development workshops and seminars. School will resume
at regular starting time on Monday, October 19.
The Heritage School Skate party will be October 28 from 6-8:30pm at Skate Zone 71. This is a fundraiser for
us and 50% of the proceeds will be returned to Heritage! What an easy way to help us raise money without
having to sell something!!! Admission is $3 and skate rentals are $3 or $4 for rollerblades! Make plans to attend
Sports Report:
Attention all cross country runners. Please make sure you turn your uniform into Coach Miller in room 112!!
Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls. It’s finally here!! Girls basketball open gyms will begin this week and are
on Tuesday and Wednesday after school from 3-4:30. Stop by Coach Freeman’s room (room 226) to pick up a
schedule for the rest of October and all forms that need to be completed before tryouts start on MONDAY
OCTOBER 26th. Additionally, please make sure your rides pick you up in the back of the school after all
events. Your coaches are looking forward to seeing you there!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------Good Morning Huskies! Today is Tuesday, October 13. We are on an “A” schedule today.
The word of the month is Citizenship: This week we are collecting food items for WARM. Needed items include
spaghetti noodles and sauce, canned vegetables and canned peaches. Bring in your donations, leave them in
the box in the lobby, and PRIDE points for quarter 2!
We are also continuing on using our manners at all times with all people. Good manners include being
encouraging. Think about this, when you were very small and learning to walk, everyone around you was very
encouraging. They probably said things like: "Come on! You can do it!" With all that encouragement from others,
learning to walk was much easier. No matter how old we are, whether we are two years old or eighty years old,
we all need encouragement from those around us. We need to be encouraged to be the best we can be. As
you start quarter 2 challenge yourself to be an encourager, it’s all part of being a good citizen, showing good
character and your PRIDE! Make it a great day!
Husky Headlines:
Attention 8th graders, the Washington D.C. informational meeting has been re-scheduled for October 15th at
7 PM in the commons. Again, that is the DC meeting on October 15th at 7 PM in the commons.
Has your imagination been flying? Stop by the library or the bulletin board next to the attendance office to get
information on how you can enter the PTSA Reflections contest. If you love to show your creative side, this is
your chance to shine. Choreography, music composition, writing, visual arts, photography and film production
are all categories for submissions. Let your inner artist loose! All submissions are due November
11. Questions? See Mrs. Konik
8th grade Battle of the books - don’t forget your permission slips are due to Mrs. Konik in the library or Mrs.
Pellington in Room 244 by Thursday. We are looking forward to another great year with great kids and great
Picture retakes are tomorrow, October 14th. These pictures will replace any previous picture taken. This is also
the last chance for faculty and staff to get their photos taken for staff ID’s
There will be NO Photo & Art Club this Thursday or next week due to our early release and SAP
conferences. Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 29th from 3:00 to 4:00.
Thursday, October 15 is an Early Release Day. School will let out at 1:45 pm.
Classes will not be held in the Westerville City School District on Friday, October 16,Due to OEA/ NEA
Day. Teachers and staff members will attend professional development workshops and seminars. School will
resume at regular starting time on Monday, October 19.
Attention all snow lovers! Are you counting down the days until you feel the breeze through your hair as you fly
down the slopes? Only 90 more to go, but who’s counting... MS. GRAY AND MISS HOUSE ARE! Ski Club
information and forms can be found outside of rooms 154 and 245. All forms and payments are due to Miss
House in room 245 by November 6th.
Did you know that the LEAST donated, but MOST NEEDED items for local homeless shelters are pairs of
socks? This week, bring new packages of socks (any size or color) with your name and grade level CLEARLY
marked on the package to the collection bin inside room 235 (Art room). You will be able to earn Pride Points to
include with your Quarter 1 OR Quarter 2 collection to reach those Pride levels--you’ll even get to choose which
quarter to fill in! Let’s collect some socks for the needy, people!
Do you enjoy helping others? Lending a hand to those who need just a little boost? Tomorrow is the first
meeting for the Heritage Service Club. We have lots of great things in mind of how we can make a big impact
in our community. Please stop my Room 156 Mrs. Amy, Room 220 Mrs. Marks or the library to pick up
information sheets. See you Wednesday in the media center from 3-3:30!
Sports Report:
Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls. It’s finally here!! Girls basketball open gyms will begin this week and are
taking place TODAY and TOMORROW after school from 3-4:30. Stop by Coach Freeman’s room (room 226) to
pick up a schedule for the rest of October and all forms that need to be completed before tryouts start on
MONDAY OCTOBER 26th. Additionally, please make sure your rides pick you up in the back of the school after
all events. Your coaches are looking forward to seeing you there!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------Good Morning Huskies! Today is Wednesday, October 14. We are on a “B” schedule today.
The word of the month is Citizenship: Do your share to make Heritage and your community better. Cooperate
with others, get involved with one of the after school groups, stay informed, be a good neighbor, obey rules,
respect authority, protect the environment, and volunteer
This week we are collecting food items for WARM. Needed items include spaghetti noodles and sauce, canned
vegetables and canned peaches. Bring in your donations, leave them in the box in the lobby, and receive
PRIDE points for quarter 2! Everyday counts Huskies, do something better today than you did yesterday.
Husky Headlines:
Next Wednesday is Unity Day! Make it ORANGE and make it end! What are your true colors when it comes to
bullying? If you care about safe and supportive schools and communities make your color ORANGE on Unity
Day. That’s the day everyone can come together—in schools, communities, and online — and send one large
ORANGE message of support, hope, and unity to show that we are united against bullying and united for
kindness, acceptance and inclusion. More to come on how you can get involved, but for now make it your
practice to show kindness today and everyday.
Attention 8th graders, the Washington D.C. informational meeting has been re-scheduled for tomorrow
October 15th at 7 PM in the commons. Again, that is the DC meeting tomorrow night at 7 PM in the
Picture retakes are today. These pictures will replace any previous picture taken. This is also the last chance for
faculty and staff to get their photos taken for staff ID’s. Listen for announcements on who will be released.
There will be NO Photo & Art Club tomorrow or next week due to our early release and SAP
conferences. Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 29th from 3:00 to 4:00.
Thursday, October 15 is an Early Release Day. School will let out at 1:45 pm.
Classes will not be held in the Westerville City School District on Friday, October 16, Due to OEA/ NEA
Day. Teachers and staff members will attend professional development workshops and seminars. School will
resume at regular starting time on Monday, October 19.
Are you low on Pride Points for Quarter 1, or want to get a good start on Quarter 2’s Pride Points? Here’s a
way that you can earn them: This week, bring new packages of socks (any size or color) with your name
and grade level CLEARLY marked on the package to the collection bin inside room 235 (Art room). We will
donate these new socks to local homeless shelters to help people in our community stay warm as the weather
gets colder.
Today is the first meeting of the Service Club. Make sure to bring your permission slip to the meeting in the
Media Center. We will meet from 3-3:30
Attention all ski and board lovers! Only 89 more days to go until you can be sliding down the slopes! Ski Club
information and forms can be found outside of rooms 154 and 245. All forms and payments are due to Miss
House in room 245 by November 6th.
Sports Report:
Attention all cross country runners! Coach Miller is still missing FOUR uniforms! Please turn them in to room
Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls. Our last day of open gyms will be TODAY after school from 3-4:30. If
you still haven’t picked up your forms make sure to stop by Coach Freeman’s room (room 226) to pick them up,
as all forms need to be completed before tryouts start on MONDAY OCTOBER 26th.
Attention all 7th and 8th grade boys interested in trying out for basketball. Open gyms will be on October 19th
and 20th from 3-4:30. Your forms can be found outside the Athletic Director’s office in the gym or on the
Westerville website.
Tonight is the last football game of the 2015 season. The Huskies take on Olentangy Berkshire at home. Game
time is 5:00, the price is $2.00. The cheerleaders are planning a Neon Night, so go home, grab a snack and
your favorite neon outfit and head back to the Jim McCann stadium to cheer the 7th and 8th grade football
teams to victory at 5:00. Make sure to have a ride arranged to pick you up after the games, and save your
game ticket for pride points! Let’s go Huskies!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------Good Morning Huskies! Today is Thursday, October 15. We are on an “A” schedule today.
The word of the month is Citizenship: Do your share to make Heritage and your community better. Thanks to
all of you who have showed your PRIDE by helping donate food items to WARM!
We will continue collecting next week. Needed items include spaghetti noodles and sauce, canned vegetables
and canned peaches. Bring in your donations, leave them in the box in the lobby, and receive PRIDE points for
quarter 2!
Husky Headlines:
Next Wednesday is Unity Day! Make it ORANGE and make it end! What are your true colors when it comes to
bullying? If you care about safe and supportive schools and communities make your color ORANGE on Unity
Day. That’s the day everyone can come together—in schools, communities, and online — and send one large
ORANGE message of support, hope, and unity to show that we are united against bullying and united for
kindness, acceptance and inclusion. More to come on how you can get involved, but for now make it your
practice to show kindness today and everyday. Everyday counts Huskies, do something better today than you
did yesterday.
Don’t forget – the Heritage School Store is open TODAY during your lunch period. Stop by and purchase your
Husky spiritwear!
Attention 8th graders, the Washington D.C. informational meeting has been re-scheduled for tonight at 7 PM
in the commons. Again, that is the DC meeting tonight at 7 PM in the commons.
No Photo & Art Club today, so make sure you leave at 1:45 with the rest of our Huskies!
Today is an Early Release Day. School will let out at 1:45 pm.
There’s a long weekend ahead and there’s no better way to spend your time than to let your imagination fly as
you create wonderful pieces of original dance, photos, writing, art, film or music. Grab information from the
library or the bulletin board near the attendance office today before you leave. Let your creative spirit soar!!!
Invention Convention
Do you have a great idea for a new invention? Do you have an idea that would improve on something already
invented? If so then the Invention Convention Competition is for you! If you would like to participate in the
Heritage 2015 - 2016 Invention Convention Competition, please sign up on the Invention Convention Sheet
located on the door of Room 244. Information will then be sent to you about this year's competition!
8th grade Battle of the Books - don’t forget your permission slips are due to Mrs. Konik in the library or Mrs.
Pellington in Room 244 by today.
Classes will not be held in the Westerville City School District on tomorrow, October 16, Due to OEA/
NEA Day. Teachers and staff members will attend professional development workshops and seminars. School
will resume at regular starting time on Monday, October 19.
Last day to earn your Pride Points for new sock donations! Bring your new packages of socks (any size or
color) with your name and grade level CLEARLY marked on the package to the collection bin inside room 235
(Art room). We will donate these new socks to local homeless shelters to help people in our community stay
warm as the weather gets colder. Big thanks to all who have already donated this week!
Ski Club
Attention all ski and board lovers! Only 88 more days to go until you can be chillin’ on the slopes! Ski Club
information and forms can be found outside of rooms 154 and 245. All forms and payments are due to Miss
House in room 245 by November 6th.
Sports Report:
Girls Basketball
Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball. Please make sure to stop by Coach
Freeman’s room (room 226) to pick up a schedule for the rest of October and all forms that need to be
completed before tryouts start on MONDAY OCTOBER 26th.
Boys Basketball
Attention all 7th and 8th grade boys interested in trying out for basketball. Open gyms will be on October 19th
and 20th from 3-4:30. Your forms can be found outside the Athletic Director’s office in the gym or on the
Westerville website.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------Good Morning Huskies! Today is Friday, October 16.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Good Morning Huskies! Today is Monday, October 19. We are on a “B” schedule
Word of the Month:
The Word of the month is Citizenship. This week we will continue to bring in donations for
WARM. Spaghetti Noodles, sauce, canned peaches and vegetables are the requested
items. Bring in a donation and receive PRIDE points. Wednesday, October 21st, is Unity
Day. Schools and communities around the globe will take a stand against bullying and stand
up for kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Show your support by wearing orange and take
part in the activities during your SSR class today or tomorrow! When we stand together, no
one stands alone!
Husky Headlines:
Washington DC
Any 8th grader who didn’t make it to the Washington D.C. meeting last Thursday evening.
You may pick up the information outside of Mr. Acocks’ room, room 236, in between classes
Book Club
Lunch Bunch Book Club with WPL is this Wednesday. Get a pass from your Language Arts
Invention Convention
Do you have a great idea for a new invention? Do you have an idea that would improve on
something already invented? If so then the Invention Convention Competition is for you! If
you would like to participate in the Heritage 2015 - 2016 Invention Convention Competition,
please sign up on the Invention Convention Sheet located on the door of Room 244.
Information will then be sent to you about this year's competition!
Ski Club
Attention all snow buddies! Only 84 more days to go until you can be shreddin’ the gnar! Ski
Club information and forms can be found outside of rooms 154 and 245. All forms and
payments are due to Miss House in room 245 by November 6th.
Sports Report:
Girls Basketball
Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball. If you haven’t done so
yet, please make sure to stop by Coach Freeman’s room (room 226) to pick up a schedule
for the rest of October and all forms that need to be completed before tryouts start on
Boys Basketball
Attention all 7th and 8th grade boys interested in trying out for basketball. Open gyms will be
today and tomorrow from 3-4:30. Your forms can be found outside the Athletic Director’s
office in the gym or on the Westerville website.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Good Morning Huskies! Today is Tuesday, October 20. We are on an “A” schedule
Word of the Month:
The Word of the month is Citizenship. This week we will continue to bring in donations for
WARM. Spaghetti Noodles, sauce, canned peaches and vegetables are the requested
items. Bring in a donation and receive PRIDE points.
Husky Headlines:
Are you low on Pride Points for Quarter 1, or want to get a good start on Quarter 2’s Pride
Points? Here’s a way that you can earn them: This week, bring new packages of socks
(any size or color) with your name and grade level CLEARLY marked on the package to
the collection bin inside room 235 (Art room). We will donate these new socks to local
homeless shelters to help people in our community stay warm as the weather gets colder.
Tomorrow is Unity Day. Make it ORANGE and make it end! What are your true colors when it
comes to bullying? If you care about safe and supportive schools and communities make
your color ORANGE on Unity Day. Schools and communities around the globe will take a
stand against bullying and stand up for kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Show your
support by wearing ORANGE and take part in the activities during your SSR class today or
tomorrow! When we stand together, no one stands alone!
Washington DC Trip
Any 8th grader who didn’t make it to the Washington D.C. meeting last Thursday evening.
You may pick up the information outside of Mr. Acocks’ room, room 236, in between classes
Ski Club
Attention all snow buddies! Only 83 more days to go until you can be tearin’ it up on the
slopes! Ski Club information and forms can be found outside of rooms 154 and 245. All
forms and payments are due to Miss House in room 245 by November 6th.
Invention Convention
Do you have a great idea for a new invention? Do you have an idea that would improve on
something already invented? If so then the Invention Convention Competition is for you! If
you would like to participate in the Heritage 2015 - 2016 Invention Convention Competition,
please sign up on the Invention Convention Sheet located on the door of Room 244.
Information will then be sent to you about this year's competition!
Service Club Members - Don’t forget to come to the library during your SSR or study hall in
order to help with Unity Day posters and pumpkins.
Lunch Bunch Book Club with WPL is this Wednesday. Get a pass from your Language Arts
Sports Report:
Girls Basketball
Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball. If you haven’t done so
yet, please make sure to stop by Coach Freeman’s room (room 226) to pick up a schedule
for the rest of October and all forms that need to be completed before tryouts start on
Have a terrific Tuesday, Huskies!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Good Morning Huskies! Today is Wednesday, October 21. We are on a “B” schedule today.
Happy Birthday this weekend to Mrs. Pellington!! If you see her today, be sure to wish her a happy
Word of the Month
Citizenship is the word of the month. If you haven’t had a chance to bring a donation in for
WARM, you can bring it when you come back for conferences tonight or tomorrow. Please
leave it in the box in the lobby.
Husky Headlines:
Are you low on Pride Points for Quarter 1, or want to get a good start on Quarter 2’s Pride
Points? Here’s a way that you can earn them: This week, bring new packages of socks
(any size or color) with your name and grade level CLEARLY marked on the package to
the collection bin inside room 235 (Art room). We will donate these new socks to local
homeless shelters to help people in our community stay warm as the weather gets colder.
Today is Unity Day, a day that we will take a stand against bullying and stand up for
kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Please take part in adding your link and promise to the
orange chain that represents Heritage as a bully free school. A reminder to all SSR teachers
to bring your completed chain to lunch today so we can string them together as a reminder
that when we stand together, no one stand alone!
Lunch Bunch Book Club with WPL is TODAY! Please get a ticket from your Language Arts
teacher in order to attend.
Model Girls Group
8th grade girls that participate in the model girls group, please remember to come
straight to the media center after 4th period for our 3rd MODEL girls group!
Ski Club
Attention all snow angels! Only 82 more days to go until we can hit the slopes, but be careful
out there. We don’t want any yard sales. Ski Club information and forms can be found
outside of rooms 154 and 245. All forms and payments are due to Miss House in room 245
by November 6th.
Invention Convention
Do you have a great idea for a new invention? Do you have an idea that would improve on something
already invented? If so then the Invention Convention Competition is for you! If you would like to
participate in the Heritage 2015 - 2016 Invention Convention Competition, please sign up on the
Invention Convention Sheet located on the door of Room 244. Information will then be sent to you
about this year's competition!
SAP conferences are tonight and all day tomorrow! Remember to give yourself about an hour to
complete all of your conferences! We look forward to seeing you!! Conference times are
Wednesday: 4-7:30pm; Thursday 9:30-11, 12-3, and 5-7:30.
The day you have been waiting for has arrived!! Heritage Middle School Drama Club is proud to
announce that our 2016 musical will be Hairspray Jr!! Get ready to sing, dance, move and groove to
an awesome show!! Audition workshops will be held November 9 & 10 after school from 3:005pm in the choir room. We will go over all the details of drama club and the audition process as well
as teach you the music and the dance for your audition! Check out the Drama Club call board by the
main stairs or see Mrs. Sheely for more information!!
Sports Report:
Girls Basketball
Attention all 7th and 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball. Today is the last day you
can pick up forms to make sure they are completed for tryouts on MONDAY!!! Please make
sure you stop by Coach Freeman’s room, if you haven’t yet, to collect the tryout calendar and
all forms you still may need. Your coaches can’t wait to see you Monday at tryouts!
Attention all 7th and 8th grade students interested in wrestling. Conditioning will start on
November 2nd after school. Information will be available from Mr. Katris in room 141 before
or after school. Forms that need to be filled out can be found in room 141 as well. We look
forward to seeing everyone on the mat!
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Today is Thursday, October 22
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
Today is Friday, October 23
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
Good Morning Huskies! Today is Monday, October 26. We are on an “A” schedule today.
Word of the Month:
This is the last week of Citizenship Month: Thanks to all of you who have brought items in for
WARM. We will be delivering all of the items on Thursday, so feel free to bring in any items until
then. Citizenship is taking responsibility for certain classroom and household chores, taking care of
personal belongings, respecting the property of others, following the rules at home, school, and in the
community. Many of you set goals for to achieve success in the classroom during SAP
conferences. This week keep those goals in mind, and do something that your future self will thank
you for. Make yourself and this school this best!
Husky Headlines:
Ski Club
Attention all snow angels! Only 77 more days to go until you can carve it up on the slopes! Ski Club
information and forms can be found outside of rooms 154 and 245. All forms and payments are due
to Miss House in room 245 by November 6th.
Spirit Book Club
Heaven is ready to be discussed! If you are in Spirit book club, we will be meeting in the media center
on Wednesday, October 28th during 5th period. Come and join us for snacks, discussion and a
fantastic time. If you have read or NOT, please join us for some good discussion. Bring your books
to turn in and we will let you know what book we will be reading next! We look forward to seeing you
Future City
Any 7th or 8th grade student interested in learning more about the Future City program should come
to an informational meeting in the Media Center on Tuesday, October 27. Seventh graders please
come at the beginning of 4th period and 8th graders please come at the beginning of 5th period. If this
is your lunch time, please see Mrs. Konik or Mrs. Pellington in the Media Center prior to going to lunch
for a pass.
Sports Report:
Attention all 7th and 8th grade students interested in wrestling. Conditioning will start on
November 2nd after school. Information will be available from Mr. Katris in room 141 before or
after school. Forms that need to be filled out can be found in room 141 as well. We look
forward to seeing everyone on the mat!
Girls Basketball
Attention all 7th and 8th grade GIRLS: Today is the day tryouts start! 7th grade tryouts are from 6 7:30 and 8th grade is from 7- 8:30. Please arrive 5 minutes early to make sure you are ready to go
when tryouts start. ALL forms must be turned in to your coaches by tryouts in order for you to
participate. Not sure which forms you are missing? Stop by Coach Freeman’s room. Your coaches
can’t wait to see you there!
Boys Basketball
Attention 7th and 8th grade BOYS: ALL forms must be turned in to your coaches before tryouts
today. 7th grade tryouts are from 4:30 - 6 and 8th grade tryouts are from 3 - 4:30. See you there!
That’s all for today Huskies!! Have a marvelous Monday!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Good Morning Huskies! Today is Tuesday, October 27. We are on a “B” schedule today.
Husky Headlines:
The Word of the Month
The word of the month is Citizenship. Citizenship is like teamwork, we all depend on each
other to get the job done whether we are on the wrestling mat, basketball court, working with
our group members in math or science class, on the bus or at lunch. Demonstrate
Citizenship by following all school rules especially at lunch time, in the locker bays and at
dismissal. Walk, keep your voices down and LISTEN to the adults that are giving directions,
and be RESPECTFUL. Another way to show citizenship is to show your Husky spirit and get
involved in an after school activity. Listen to announcements for more information, and check
out the pink fliers throughout the school. to see how you can show your CItizenship.
Ski Club
Attention all snow dogs! Only 76 more days to go until you can show off your knarley
skills! Ski Club information and forms can be found outside of rooms 154 and 245. All forms
and payments are due to Miss House in room 245 by November 6th.
Service Club
Don’t forget that Service Club meets this Wednesday at 3 in the media center. A speaker
from Caring and Sharing will be here to talk about our upcoming holiday food drive. Are you
interested in being a part of a great club? It’s not too late to join! Applications are still
available in rooms 156, 220 and in the media center.
Spirit Book Club
Heaven is ready to be discussed! If you are in Spirit book club, we will be meeting in the
media center on Wednesday, October 28th during 5th period. Come and join us for snacks,
discussion and a fantastic time. If you have read or NOT, please join us for some good
discussion. Bring your books to turn in and we will let you know what book we will be reading
next! We look forward to seeing you there.
DC Scholarship Applications
Attention all 8th graders looking to apply for a scholarship to help pay for the DC
trip!!! Please see Mrs. Skuldt in room 214 between classes or after school for an
application. The forms are due back to her by THIS Friday 10/30, with letters of
recommendation from two teachers to be turned in directly from those teachers by Monday
11/2. No late applications will be considered for a scholarship. You must be eligible for free or
reduced lunch in order to apply.
Attention 8th graders!!! Are you interested in engineering or manufacturing? We have a
unique opportunity for you to take a field experience trip to tour Worthington Industries on
November 4th or 5th. Please see Mrs. Williams in the guidance office for an application. The
deadline is Wednesday so you need to do this today if you are interested!!
Sports Report:
Attention all 7th and 8th grade students interested in wrestling. Conditioning will start on
November 2nd after school and run until 4:45 PM. Please have a ride ready to pick you up at
this time. If interested at your lunch time, please fill out the sign-up sheet in room 141. Forms
that need to be filled out can be found in room 141 or outside the athletic directors office.. We
look forward to seeing everyone on the mat!
Attention all 8th grade GIRLS trying out for basketball. Just a reminder: your tryout will run from
7:15-8:45 tonight. Again, 8th GRADE GIRLS, tryouts are from 7:15-8:45 tonight. See you
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Good Morning Huskies! Today is Wednesday, October 28. We are on an “A” schedule
Husky Headlines:
The Word of the Month
The word of the month is Citizenship. Hopefully you have all taken notice of the red white
and blue Veterans Day fliers that are hanging in your classrooms and hallways. Veterans
Day is November 11, and the day dedicated to thanking the men and women that have made
countless sacrifices and served our country. On Wednesday, November 11 we will celebrate
and thank several of our local veterans in a school wide assembly. There are many things
that you can do to participate and show your PRIDE, and citizenship leading up to this
important day. Please consider writing a letter to a Veteran or making a poster showing your
gratitude for their service to us. On Friday you will be asked to be a part of a school wide
Core Values Challenge. Stay tuned Huskies and Staff to see how you can be a part of
something good! And now to tell us a little more about this, our own Mr. Wicks.
Service Club
Service Club meets today at 3:00 in the media center. Make sure that you have rides
Ski Club
Attention all snow dogs! Only 75 more days to get your moves in check, so you don’t look
squirrely out there! This includes all 6th grade students, too! Ski Club information and forms
can be found outside of rooms 154 and 245. All forms and payments are due to Miss House
in room 245 by November 6th.
Photo & Art Club
Meets tomorrow after school from 3:00-4:00pm in room 235. Please make sure you have a
ride arranged to pick you up promptly at 4:00. See you there!
DC Scholarship Applications
Attention all 8th graders looking to apply for a scholarship to help pay for the DC
trip!!! Please see Mrs. Skuldt in room 214 between classes or after school for an
application. The forms are due back to her by THIS Friday 10/30, with letters of
recommendation from two teachers to be turned in directly from those teachers by Monday
11/2. No late applications will be considered for a scholarship. You must be eligible for free or
reduced lunch in order to apply.
Skating Party
SKATE ZONE party is today! Plan to come skate and support your school! This is a
fundraiser. 50% of admissions will go back to our school. The cost for admission is only $3.
$3 for skate rental or $4 roller blades. Activities include roller skating, laser tag, and pizza.
The location is 4900 Evanswood Drive, off of 71. Hope you can come and join your Heritage
Drama Club
Audition Workshops for this year’s school musical will be November 9 & 10 from 3-5 pm in
the choir room. This is where you will learn the music and dance as well as get the
information packet with all of the details about drama club. All 6, 7, & 8th graders are
encouraged to attend!! This is a big show with a big cast and lots of opportunities for all! See
Mrs. Sheely in room 147 or Ms. Marcum in the choir room with any questions!!
Sports Report:
Attention all 7th and 8th grade students interested in wrestling. Conditioning will start on
November 2nd after school and run until 4:45 PM. Please have a ride ready to pick you up at
this time. If interested at your lunch time, please fill out the sign-up sheet in room 141. Forms
that need to be filled out can be found in room 141 or outside the athletic directors office.. We
look forward to seeing everyone on the mat!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
Good Morning Huskies! Today is Thursday, October 29. We are on a “B” schedule today.
Husky Headlines:
The Word of the Month
The word of the month is Citizenship. Yesterday we heard from our own Mr. Wicks, who is a
retired Captain in the Army, tell us about some upcoming activities to help us get ready for
Veterans Day. Veterans Day is a special day set aside to thank all of the men and women
that have served our country protecting us and giving us our freedoms. In all of your classes,
you should have a flier telling you how you can show your citizenship and get involved. You
can honor a Veteran by putting their name on a special brick on our Heritage Wall of
honor. See your social studies teacher for this. You can be a part of a poster making
contest, and you can write a letter to a Veteran thanking them for your service. Several
letters will be chosen to be read at the Veterans Day Assembly November 11. All of the
information and due dates can be found on the fliers. Tomorrow in SSR, we will kick off the
Core Value Challenge. Check out the fliers, ask your teachers for more information and
show your PRIDE and citizenship by getting involved.
PRIDE applications are due to the office TODAY. NO LATE applications will be accepted.
Ski Club
Attention all you crunchy huskies! Only 74 more days until you can help Ms. Gray and Miss
House down the cruiser run at Snow Trails! Ski Club information and forms can be found
outside of rooms 154 and 245. This includes all students, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders! All
forms and payments are due to Miss House in room 245 by November 6th.
Photo & Art Club
Meets TODAY after school from 3:00-4:00pm in room 235. Please make sure you have a
ride arranged to pick you up promptly at 4:00. See you there!
Have you been letting your imagination fly? The PTSA Reflections competition is in full
swing! Are you a photographer or musician? How about an artist or a writer? Now is your
chance to show how fantastic you are! You can find information in the Media Center or on
the bulletin board by the attendance office. All submissions are due November 11.
DC Scholarship Applications
Attention all 8th graders looking to apply for a scholarship to help pay for the DC
trip!!! Please see Mrs. Skuldt in room 214 between classes or after school for an
application. The forms are due back to her by tomorrow, with letters of recommendation from
two teachers to be turned in directly from those teachers by Monday 11/2. No late
applications will be considered for a scholarship. You must be eligible for free or reduced
lunch in order to apply.
Drama Club
Audition Workshops for this year’s school musical will be November 9 & 10 from 3-5 pm in
the choir room. This is where you will learn the music and dance as well as get the
information packet with all of the details about drama club. All 6, 7, & 8th graders are
encouraged to attend!! This is a big show with a big cast and lots of opportunities for all! See
Mrs. Sheely in room 147 or Ms. Marcum in the choir room with any questions!!
Sports Report:
Attention all 7th and 8th grade students interested in wrestling. Conditioning will start on
November 2nd after school and run until 4:45 PM. Please have a ride ready to pick you up at
this time. If interested at your lunch time, please fill out the sign-up sheet in room 141. Forms
that need to be filled out can be found in room 141 or outside the athletic directors office.. We
look forward to seeing everyone on the mat!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Good Morning Huskies! Today is Friday, October 30. We are on an “A” schedule
Happy Birthday to Ms. Miller!! If you see her today, be sure to wish her a happy birthday!!
Husky Headlines:
Word of the Month
The word of the month is Citizenship. Today is SSR your teachers will be presenting a
FLASHBACK FRIDAY activity kicking off our Core Value Challenge. You will need your
PRIDE journals, pencils and attention. After the morning announcements, you will watch a
short video telling you about the Army Core Values Duty, Honor, Integrity, Respect, Courage,
Selfless Service and Loyalty. Listen carefully, because we want you to be a part of our
challenge. After you view the video, choose one of those values that you can live everyday,
at school, at home and in the community. Write about your word in your journal and ways
that you will incorporate your value into your daily life. Your teacher will give you a special
bookmark to remind you of your commitment to bettering yourself and our school. Keep that
bookmark somewhere, as a constant reminder of the challenge and as a way of showing your
PRIDE and citizenship. Good Luck!
Ski Club
Attention all you crunchy grommets! Only 73 more days until we’re shreddin’ the
slopes! Make sure you do a speed check, so no one gets hurt…*cough cough* Miss
House… Ski Club information and forms can be found outside of rooms 154 and 245. This
includes all students, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. All forms and payments are due to Miss
House in room 245 by November 6th.
Yearbook Cover Contest
Calling all artists, if you are interested in designing the cover or having some of your artwork
showcased in the 2015-2016 yearbook listen up! All of the instructions and the application
forms can be found in the front office, the art room, room 235, and the media center. Your
creations are due by Friday, November 13. So pick up a form today, and start creating! Any
questions, see Mrs. Walker or Mrs. Bates.
Drama Club
Audition Workshops for this year’s school musical will be November 9 & 10 from 3-5 pm in
the choir room. This is where you will learn the music and dance as well as get the
information packet with all of the details about drama club. All 6, 7, & 8th graders are
encouraged to attend!! This is a big show with a big cast and lots of opportunities for all! See
Mrs. Sheely in room 147 or Ms. Marcum in the choir room with any questions!!
DC Scholarship Applications
Attention all 8th graders looking to apply for a scholarship to help pay for the DC
trip!!! Please see Mrs. Skuldt in room 214 between classes or after school for an
application. The forms are due back to her by today, with letters of recommendation from two
teachers to be turned in directly from those teachers by Monday 11/2. No late applications
will be considered for a scholarship. You must be eligible for free or reduced lunch in order to
Sports Report:
Attention all 7th and 8th grade students interested in wrestling. Conditioning will start on
November 2nd after school and run until 4:45 PM. Please have a ride ready to pick you up at
this time. If interested at your lunch time, please fill out the sign-up sheet in room 141. Forms
that need to be filled out can be found in room 141 or outside the athletic directors office.. We
look forward to seeing everyone on the mat!