SGA Minutes- July 29, 2009 5:30pm; CSRB 563 I. Meeting called to order by Rachel Pastorek at 5:30pm a. Schedule sent out for SGA meetings; reminders will be sent out prior to each meeting with time and location. i. Attendance is appreciated, especially interest group presidents ii. Questions, concerns, needs should be brought to meetings for discussion b. Announcements: i. Election for SGA Education Technology Chair will be forthcoming. Sign-ups will begin tonight and will continue in Student Affairs until Monday August 3rd at 5pm. Election will not be done on Omerad program will be used (same as Ascuplapian society) for voting, each student will receive a personal email to vote. This will hopefully lead to high voter turnout. Campaigning can be done via email (qualifications, etc) will be sent out by Rachel. No speeches will be made to classes. ii. TV in Student Lounge is now fixed! II. Reports: a. Ryan Vega – SGA Executive VP i. Family Day – last weekend in March will include Camp Tiger Auction, Family Day, ii. Skits will be a competition between classes, winning class will be awarded a bar tab. iii. Program will be made more interactive for parents – taking BPs, etc. iv. More information to follow. b. Stephanie Bourque – SGA Community VP (& Secretary for Catherine McGee) i. Instructions for SGA Calendar Request 1. 1. Log-on to the SGA Calendar website at: 2. Check the calendar for available dates and times. Only 2 meetings will be scheduled per 1 hour time period. Keep in mind other events going on that day and exam schedules. 3. Fill out the meeting request. An email will be sent to point of contact with either an approval or denial for the request. 4. If approved by SGA, then schedule a room request with facility services at: . They will also send you an email for approval. 5. *Note: Calendar sign-ups are for all group activity events at school (i.e. bake sales, workshops, blood drives, etc). Email me if you have questions or unsure if you need SGA approval for your event. 6. If you need to make changes to your event (time/date) email Catherine McGee directly. Catherine is the only person who has the ability to change approved events. Note that only approved events will be visible on the SGA calendar. ii. Tiger Run will be held Sunday, March 28th at Audubon Park. Information will follow. Anyone interested in helping to plan and organize the event are encouraged to contact Stephanie Bourque- iii. Any interest group/SGA recognized group is eligible to apply for funds raised by past Tiger Runs to be used for service events, etc. A form will be emailed out to apply for these funds. c. Lisa Dang – SGA Social VP i. BTS Party – August 14th ii. Generations Hall Warehouse District with Big Sam Funky Nation at 9pm; tickets will be sold at the door beginning at 8:30pm. Complimentary beverage of choice with prepaid ticket. iii. Tickets will be sold at L1 Orientation Fair and through Danny Eads, L2 President. iv. Food will be provided at all SGA meetings this year! d. Jay Huber – SGA Student Health VP i. Smooth transition to BCBS from United Healthcare has been ongoing this summer. ii. Mrs. Gray is the LSU BCBS representative and will be present at L1 orientation to answer questions. iii. Cards for classes 2010/11/12 cards should have been received by now. 2013 will receive cards after orientation and registration. iv. Student Health Insurance for dependents – not currently factored into budget for student loans. Looking into increasing student loan funds for those with dependents to cover their healthcare insurance costs. v. Potential vision/hearing/dental plan is being explored – BCBS offers this as a supplemental plan. A survey will be sent out to students to gauge the level of interest. vi. Onsite childcare- looking to obtain data to show support/need for childcare. At LSUHSC. Prior to Katrina, Stanislaus had a facility set up but plans dissolved and the site was never opened. vii. Student Health Committee – meets to discuss insurance issues but will likely also explore campus assistance programs that are currently underutilized. e. Jamie O’Neal – SGA Treasurer i. Last Year 2008-2009: Income - $22,628.54; Expenses- $13,959.67 ii. This year 2009-2010: Starting balance - $8,668.87; Current balance - $5,643.59; SGA student fees are forthcoming. III. Technology Issues (Rachel) – a. Student Technology Fee Committee – each student pays into a fund which covers expenses such as FirstConsult subscription, $50 voucher for Step 1 and 2 USMLE world and Kaplan question banks, etc. IV. V. VI. VII. i. Overall, this fund is not well utilized and a procedure has been put into place to get projects approved to use these technology funds. A committee will be set up to approve the use of funds for programs such as Clip Cases (3rd year pediatrics rotation requirement), etc. ii. If you have any ideas or suggestions for technology related ideas or projects, please submit them to Rachel Pastorek. b. Website(s) – i. Both websites currently used by SGA are outdated. ii. Want to create a new SGA website to accommodate needs: calendar, available housing, noteset corrections, etc. This website will be affiliated with the LSUHSC server. LSUHSC servers are now backed up daily at 5pm and the system is currently set up so that a natural disaster should not disrupt service. iii. Meeting tomorrow with Assistant Vice Chancellor of Technology, David Troendle to discuss possibilities for a new website that will be more user friendly. iv. Dental school/LSU Baton Rouge main campus currently uses Mooloo – interface is very user friendly that may be a possibility for LSU medical school. Jason Gray – SGA Intramurals a. Looking to expand intramurals to include soccer, golf tournament, and a Coconut Beach Volleyball tournament. b. Flag Football – plans are currently being made to start the season this fall. Start date is currently set for September 26th (weekend after L1 Block A exams). L4 President – Danny Robinson a. L4s currently doing away rotations, Acting Internships, applying to residency through ERAS, Step 2 b. L4 Graduation Dates: Pre-commencement – May 12th; Commencement – May 13th L3 President – Jimmy White a. L3s are currently one month into their first rotation. b. Shelf exams on Aug 14th for OB/GYN and PSYC. Sept 25th is the end of the first 12 week block. c. Aesculapian reports from Spring 2009 are currently being complied (Michelle Sharp – coordinator). d. Baton Rouge Apartments – thanks to Ryan, Danny, staff in BR including Dr. George Karam for getting the new apartments set up. L3 students are very pleased with the current arrangements at Fountain Head Apartments close to LSU main campus. L2 President – Danny Eads a. Thanks to L3s that came to speak to L2s this past week about second year. b. This Saturday August 1st – White Coat Ceremony at Xavier University. Dr. Angela Johnson is the AAMC award winner; Catherine Simpson Humanism in Medicine award winner will both be speaking. i. After party – Lucy’s in Warehouse District at 8pm-12am (second floor) c. L2 has class website up and running – details about White Coat Ceremony and L1 Orientation are on this site d. L1 Orientation starts next Wednesday at 8:30am. Orientation will be held WednesdayFriday. Monday will be a community service event has been organized through New Orleans Recreation Department in Lower 9th ward to refurbish a playground. VIII. Dr. Delcarpioa. LCME Accreditation – coming up this November for LSUHSC’s reaccreditation. i. Information and LSU Reports will be sent to LCME on August 15th. b. Student Learning Center (6th floor of Lions Building) – now up and running. Will be used next Friday afternoon for the L1 Orientation reception. Reserving rooms in the SLC and APC should be done through Lynn Rauv - c. Spring 2009 – internal auditors ran audit on student interest groups and funds collection. Good report came from this audit and the Vice Chancellor for academic Affairs, Dr. Moerschbaecher responded to the auditor’s recommendations. Bottom line is that it’s important to note that the audit did not find any inappropriate activities. Recommendations – there is currently no organization at LSUHSC institution level that deals with interest groups and their fund collection. Therefore, a Student Affairs committee has been put into place (including Dr. Lopez and Dr. Delcarpio) to address this issue. The Application for Student Organization Request for Recognition is a 2pg form that must be filled out by any committee/group/organization that is student run, regardless of whether you collect funds or not. Applications were handed out in the meeting to be completed and returned to Dr. Delcarpio ASAP. IX. Dr. Lopeza. Protégés – officers have been working over past year to enhance the advising counseling services for students at LSU. Elliot Hardy and others have worked to update the mentor advisor list. Any student who wants to get in touch with a specialist in any given field can access the list and find a mentor in a given field. b. Mentors website – includes a large list of clinicians and basic scientists who have volunteered their time and expertise on a variety of subjects – residency, family planning, etc. This site has been recently updated and is available to students. c. Student Affairs – is working on enhancing the Preceptor experience during the L1 year. A small group session facilitated by clinicians to discuss career choices and planning will follow the L1s week with their Preceptor in January. AAMC resources are also available for career and residency planning. d. Overall goal – to discuss with Dean for more availability and specific advisors for a small group of students. Currently, there are not quite enough mentors for 1-on-1 mentoring but small groups will be able to meet with clinical advisors throughout their four years of medical school. e. Elliot Hardy – has links with advisor lists. Mentor lists are up to date. Also working on compiling residency mentor list which will be good contacts for L4s looking to do away rotations, etc. Protégés will be having a meeting soon. f. ~40 graduates from class of 2009 have agreed to participate in the residency mentor list for students. Office of Alumni Affairs is working with Student Affairs and Protégés to get involved in residency issues and career planning. X. Daniel Johnson – new Hematology/Oncology Interest Group a. President – Daniel Johnson b. Faculty advisor – Dr. Tara Lin c. Will start planning events for year. d. Unanimous approval to incorporate Hematology/Oncology Interest Group into SGA. XI. SLE Committee – Rachel Pastorek a. Voting Members for SLE include: Class Secretaries, Class Community VPs, SGA Community VP b. Three Problems: i. Inconsistent faculty advisor; working on getting a new faculty advisor who works and is available on campus. ii. Lack of link and communication between SLE and SGA; possibility of SGA Community VP serving as a co-chair for SLE. Potential issue is that this person may not be familiar with SLE workings and therefore would potentially work with the L3/L4 secretaries. iii. Structure of point system/project approval – new potential system is still in discussion and details have not yet been established. c. Wenjia Wang – SLE Member and L4 Secretary i. Away Rotations – difficult for L4s to organize away rotations without having a contact person at the away institution. Current L4s will report back on their away rotation experiences, pros/cons, etc. From then on, a database will be kept with information for upcoming L4s to access information about away rotations, etc. ii. SLE – 1. New SLE committee recognizes current problems and are working together to overhaul the SLE system by mid-October. 2. New Changes: a. Current guidelines are vague; will be redefined and made more specific. b. Forms – want all interest group presidents to give project descriptions for each project so that students know which project they participated in and will be accurately able to report the hours earned. c. Project Submission – after each SLE meeting, if your project was denied you will receive a written letter with the reason for the denial and you will be given opportunity to resubmit proposal for review. If the project is denied a second time, you will be able to meet with SLE committee to discuss project and the committee’s decision. d. SLE website – is on LSU server and will be available online soon. The site will include SLE guidelines, approved project list, SLE meeting times, denials, and the ability to access your earned hours 24/7. e. Concern that projects that are not equal receive same credit. Working on establishing a point system to ensure fairness. iii. Submit specific suggestions and constructive criticism along with potential solutions submitted to the SLE committee. Submit suggestions in writing, not in person or by phone. iv. Meeting will be held to decide final changes to SLE which will be emailed out and reviewed. An open forum will follow to discuss proposed changes. v. Open forum is currently scheduled for early October. Plan is to make changes and finalize new guidelines prior to submission of project hours for Fall 2009 semester. vi. Proposed changes will not affect L3/L4 classes. vii. Alisha Lacour – interest groups should email contact information and brief synopsis of currently approved projects XII. Homeless Clinic – Danielle O’Banion a. Spring Petition - 246 signatures were collected and submitted to Dean Nelson. He introduced a connection between Homeless Clinics and LSU Healthcare Network. b. Recent meeting with CEO and CFO of LSU Healthcare Network, a private entity that works with LSU to organize ambulatory clinics. This group is willing to work with us to manage our homeless clinics. They are very enthusiastic about this potential partnership. c. Next step – LSU Healthcare Network will discuss with their lawyers and Danielle and her group will work hard to ensure that the ball keeps rolling. d. Email Danielle with any questions/concerns: XIII. Next SGA Meeting: Tuesday, August 18th at 5:30pm. XIV. Meeting Adjourned at 6:50pm by Rachel Pastorek. In Attendance: Rachel Pastorek – SGA President Ryan Vega- SGA Executive VP Stephanie Bourque – SGA Community VP Jay Huber – Student Health VP Lisa Dang – Social VP Jamie O’Neal – Treasurer Jason Gray – Intramural Chair Aesculapian Society – Michelle Sharp AMA – Lena AlDujaili AMSA – Sarah Granier AOA – Katie Faust APAMSA – Do-Quyen Pham CMDA – Ashley Stanley CORE – Stephanie ElHajj CSA – Carl Giffin DIG – Sarah Granier Edgar Hull – Ana Paunovic EMIG – Roshin Mathew Heme/Onc – Daniel Johnson Homeless Clinic – Danielle O’Banion MPIG – Scott Laura OBIG – Sharhonda Biley OSIG – Ryan Richard PIG – Julie Gallois RIG – Jason Gray Rural Medicine – Sarah Granier SIG – Matthew Giglia SIGNNS – Tyler Moore SIHO – Sarah Dendy, Kevin Bray, Ashley Stanley SMILE – Amanda Messer SNMA – Angela Pressley, Alicia Pressley WIM- Whitney Nichols Jimmy White – L3 President Danny Eads – L2 President Wenjia Wang – L4 Secretary Alisha Lacour – L3 Community VP Elliot Hardy – Proteges, L3 Treasurer Scott Hebert Kevin Gipson Christian Hernandez – L2 Community VP Sophia Mai – L2 Secretary Ross Dunbar Ariana Beck Dr. Delcarpio Dr. Lopez Ms. Bobbie