English A 6 Grade February 8 - 12

English A 6th Grade February 8 - 12
polymathy – n., learning in many fields; encyclopedic knowledge. She was
conserved a genius among peers. You could ask her anything and she could answer it.
vacate – v., To leave a place that was occupied. “During fire drills, everyone in the
school must vacate the building.”
confidence – n., full trust, faith; belief in the powers, trustworthiness or
reliability of a person or thing. I have full confidence in your abilities. I know you
can do anything!
performance – n., the execution of an action; something accomplished. She gave
a fantastic performance in the school play. She received two standing ovations.
stimulus – n., something that causes something else to happen, develop, or
become more active; something that causes a change or a reaction. The stimulus
was the bell, the reaction was salivation from the dogs.
ballast – n., 2. Any heavy metal carried temporarily or permanently in a vessel
to provide desired draft and stability. The investigation found that the reason the
ship sank was the imbalance of the load. There was no ballast to counteract the weight.
auger – v., to predict; to conjecture from signs or omens. “The data do not auger
well for the future of British farming.”
perforate – v., pierce or make a hole or holes in. She perforated the paper in order to
place it in her binder.
Homework due Friday: Look up each word in the dictionary or
eytmonline.com. If your first search renders a “no origin,” search one more
time on another website before writing “no origin.”
English A 6th Grade February 8 - 12