The Witch of Blackbird Pond Vocabulary List – QUIZ FRIDAY Mrs. Chung-Wipff 1. chagrined – (V) (41) a feeling of mental unease caused by failure or disappointment 2. perceptively (Adv) (44) having the power of perceiving; recognize, envision 3. recoiled (v) (52) to shrink back as in fear or repugnance 4. convulsed (v) (54) to cause to shake violently with laughter, anger, pain 5. demurely (adv) (56) characterized by shyness and modesty 6. revolution (n) (61) an overthrow of an established government 7. inexorably (adv) (63) unyielding; unalterable Homework due Friday: Look up each word in the dictionary. Omitting the origin and the original meaning will be counted as incorrect. USE, and/or and use root words! After each origin, write a sentence using the word. Chagrin (root word) – melancholy, from French “melancholy, anxiety, vexation” from old French chagreiner “saddened.” I was rather chagrined after receiving my test back from the teacher, marked with a “D.” The Witch of Blackbird Pond Vocabulary List – QUIZ FRIDAY Mrs. Chung-Wipff